Telegram Sam
16 years ago
1 month ago
18 years ago
6 years ago
Mitt Romney is a tool.
DMT Abuse
12 years ago
8 years ago
He's lost the extremist conservative vote because he's a mormon, he's lost the common vote because he's a moron.
Phoenix Arrow
16 years ago
2 days ago
By Eurostar | Permalink | On 24 September 2012 - 18:25 PM
He's lost the extremist conservative vote because he's a mormon

Has he? Pretty sure they'll vote from him anyway since Obama is apparently a Marxist.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
1 month ago
Romney also believes people should be able to open the windows on aeroplanes.

Did you happen to hear that in the midst of yet another very bad day for Miffed Romney, Egg Romney’s plane had to make an emergency landing? We are not saying they faked it or that it was suspicious at all, we’re just saying we saw Bob Roberts. We for one are very, very happy that Egg Romney is all right, and anybody musing otherwise in the comments will be murdered (from commenting). You know the Rules! Anyhoo, we note this because Miffed Romney was in Los Angeles, hoovering up a little more Koch money or something, when he had the kind of Deep Thought that should make grumpy loser Herman Cain shut up once and for all. Ladies and gentlemen, Miffed Romney is a Man of Ideas!

Romney’s wife, Ann, was in attendance, and the candidate spoke of the concern he had for her when her plane had to make an emergency landing Friday en route to Santa Monica because of an electrical malfunction.

“I appreciate the fact that she is on the ground, safe and sound. And I don’t think she knows just how worried some of us were,” Romney said. “When you have a fire in an aircraft, there’s no place to go, exactly, there’s no — and you can’t find any oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft, because the windows don’t open. I don’t know why they don’t do that. It’s a real problem. So it’s very dangerous. And she was choking and rubbing her eyes. Fortunately, there was enough oxygen for the pilot and copilot to make a safe landing in Denver. But she’s safe and sound.”

We would like to note for just a second that oxygen feeds fire, and maybe if the window had opened Egg Romney’s plane would have asploded! Whatever, we are not a scientist. Maybe the plane wouldn’t have asploded, and all planes should come with windows that open. What on earth could go wrong?
Deleted Account #151676
The court of human rights has finally approved the extradition of terror suspect Abu Hamza.BBC News

About bloody time too.
DMT Abuse
12 years ago
8 years ago
PA- many of the extremists don't vote Republican sometimes. They either abstain or go independent (a nutjob neo-liberal usually).

Btw, if you had to describe your political views, what would it be? I would see myself as a progressive socialist with liberal tendencies.
Phoenix Arrow
16 years ago
2 days ago
Yeah but they're not voting for Obama so the Republican party doesn't give a fuck since two party system.

I'm a Libertarian in that liberty is the most important thing to me in terms of politics. But I'm not one really because... well because it's stupid and would never work in a proper country. Also because most Libertarians are fucking idiots who think the government is taking away your rights if a policeman looks at you funny.
18 years ago
1 month ago
By Eurostar | Permalink | On 24 September 2012 - 20:26 PM
Btw, if you had to describe your political views, what would it be? I would see myself as a progressive socialist with liberal tendencies.

Is that a general question or is it for PA only?
Deleted Account #151676
According to this political quiz I'm left-wing/idealist.
DMT Abuse
12 years ago
8 years ago
By Franck | Permalink | On 24 September 2012 - 20:36 PM
Is that a general question or is it for PA only?

For everyone, was interested as the two other forums I'm on (one music/entertainment related, the other a weather forum, random, I know) are fiercely left-wing and centre-right respectively.
18 years ago
1 month ago
I used to be a pretty strong classical liberal (never fancied the word libertarian, the stupid Americanism that it is) when I was about 15, I never really agreed with the idea of a fully privatized school system but other than that I was pretty sold on the night-watchman state. I have moved quite a lot towards social liberalism since then and today I'd probably describe myself as a market liberal with some social liberal leanings. I'm definitely much further to the right on economical issues than most other posters here.
DMT Abuse
12 years ago
8 years ago
By Rick87 | Permalink | On 24 September 2012 - 20:47 PM
According to this political quiz I'm left-wing/idealist.

Same here- it's a very narrow quiz. Better than the political compass though where all leaders are right-wing authoritarians no matter what and all people that take the quiz are all left-wing liberals.

Socially I'm very left-wing on some issues (drugs, crime) and more centrist on others (education), whilst economically I'm firmly left on pretty much everything.
17 years ago
11 months ago
I'm Utilitarian/Left wing apparently.
16 years ago
7 years ago
I'm a Ron Paul.
Bald Ninja
18 years ago
11 years ago
On economic issues I would be seen as right wing but on social issues I'm probably seen as quite leftist on the basis that liberalism underpins my whole thought.
18 years ago
6 years ago
I'm a solid left-wing liberal I think.
16 years ago
4 years ago
By DB | Permalink | On 25 September 2012 - 15:23 PM
I'm a Ron Paul.

I didn't have you down as a racist.
18 years ago
4 months ago
By Obtuse | Permalink | On 25 September 2012 - 16:39 PM
I didn't have you down as a racist.

He's from Australia.
DMT Abuse
12 years ago
8 years ago
By duckeggmoon | Permalink | On 25 September 2012 - 16:41 PM
He's from Australia.
16 years ago
7 years ago
By duckeggmoon | Permalink | On 25 September 2012 - 16:41 PM
He's from Australia.

I know your just being you but I really don't understand this stereotype at all. Sure, there was the Cronulla riots which was a disgrace but other then that we are a nation that prides itself on its multiculturalism. There is always going to be racist dickheads in every country.

Oh and please don't eve bother mentioning the supposed problem we apparently have with Indians here.
18 years ago
6 years ago
16 years ago
7 years ago
By Ehmo | Permalink | On 25 September 2012 - 17:33 PM

First of all I know your probably going to refer to the case were the Indians car got set on fire. That was actually all a set up for insurance money. When this was found out the story went away really quickly.

Secondly a lot of the Indians that would come to uni here would go to Melbourne. Our biggest city and arguably best. But like any major city after dark and in the wrong areas there is trouble. A lot of the Indians will also work shift work at many of the fast food chains until late at night and then require public transport home which is were a lot of the attacks have occurred were you could of been anybody and a bunch of tools would have come after you.

There was a really good documentary on the issue. Ill try go dig it up.
Phoenix Arrow
16 years ago
2 days ago
What about the situation with the Aboriginals?
16 years ago
7 years ago
By Phoenix Arrow | Permalink | On 25 September 2012 - 17:45 PM
What about the situation with the Aboriginals?

That is a HUGE social issue that dates itself all the way back to the first fleeters. I know you have been to Aus but that is a really hard one to explain if you haven't lived in Australia for a long period of time.
Phoenix Arrow
16 years ago
2 days ago
By DB | Permalink | On 25 September 2012 - 17:48 PM
That is a HUGE social issue that dates itself all the way back to the first fleeters. I know you have been to Aus but that is a really hard one to explain if you haven't lived in Australia for a long period of time.

You do?
I only went to Adelaide and Sydney where it's not really a problem. So I don't have a clue what it's actually like, but I've only ever heard negative things and... I mean there must be something in Australian society that's causing them to act like that. Either something keeps them down (ie discrimination and a general negative view that has built up over the years) or they do it by choice which there would have to be a reason for.

I'm not having a go or anything, I just don't really understand it and I'd like to.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
1 month ago
Piers Morgan interviewed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the other night. I haven't watched it through yet but it looks to be pretty interesting, especially the bit where Morgan asks him what he thinks about Robin van Persie.

16 years ago
7 years ago
By Phoenix Arrow | Permalink | On 25 September 2012 - 23:54 PM
You do?
I only went to Adelaide and Sydney where it's not really a problem. So I don't have a clue what it's actually like, but I've only ever heard negative things and... I mean there must be something in Australian society that's causing them to act like that. Either something keeps them down (ie discrimination and a general negative view that has built up over the years) or they do it by choice which there would have to be a reason for.

I'm not having a go or anything, I just don't really understand it and I'd like to.

You have mentioned it before.

In all honestly they do it to themselves. As long as you have Aborigine in you, you get paid to attended high school, free tertiary education, housing grants and A LOT of other social benefits. Mining companies have to pump billions into Aboriginal communities and have to have a certain percentage of Aboriginal workers which they find difficult to fill because there either unskilled or will just walk off after a few weeks and not come back.

A large portion have serious problems with alcohol, drugs and violence and it is extremely frustrating to see billions of benefits spent on these. This then creates a vicious circle were the kids that are subjected to violence and drugs take this up and pass it on.

The majority of the animosity is created because they get all these benefits and do nothing productive with it, hardly work and have a massive problem with violence. They also like to throw the term white cunt around as well.
18 years ago
1 month ago
By DB | Permalink | On 26 September 2012 - 12:26 PM
You have mentioned it before.

In all honestly they do it to themselves. As long as you have Aborigine in you, you get paid to attended high school, free tertiary education, housing grants and A LOT of other social benefits. Mining companies have to pump billions into Aboriginal communities and have to have a certain percentage of Aboriginal workers which they find difficult to fill because there either unskilled or will just walk off after a few weeks and not come back.

A large portion have serious problems with alcohol, drugs and violence and it is extremely frustrating to see billions of benefits spent on these. This then creates a vicious circle were the kids that are subjected to violence and drugs take this up and pass it on.

The majority of the animosity is created because they get all these benefits and do nothing productive with it, hardly work and have a massive problem with violence. They also like to throw the term white cunt around as well.

You don't think any of their struggles might have something to do with them having had their way of life eradicated, their land confiscated and their families split by a hostile force from the outside determined to either "civilize" or eradicate them?

It's nice that the Australian government has admitted and apologised its past wrong-doings and are trying to mend the damage they caused, but that does not mean that the damage is undone.
16 years ago
7 years ago
Mit Romneys tax plan explained

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