The Viva League League 2013-2014 ( Kuwait ) for Football Manager 2013
Viva League 2013-2014
Has been modified to more than 2,500 within this patch file universally unique and private Kuwaiti League
Which carries the Season Viva League name and the name of FIFA offe contacts FIFA
Modified on most things in the new patch
Add all internal and external transfer all
Add all the players in the loan file
add a transition Hussein Fadel UAE alone بالاعاره
add transitions Aldarien in inside and outside Kuwait
FIFA added periodically by name rather than Premier League
start a league Reserve named the league year
start a new Youth League amendments
start a new junior league with amendments
Added League and private schools in the governorates
start recording only 36 player as the Kuwaiti law
Add matches on Friday and Saturday
added games on Sunday to reserve matches only
adding the Witness newspaper of the Kuwaiti sports news
start a newspaper politics to sports news
start a sports channel Kdsawi
add Viva League logo your
start a new budget for all clubs
Add the budget of the Public Authority for Youth and Sports
added the official sponsor of the budget for some clubs
add the best player Viva League every season
add the best player promising Viva League every season
Added best goalkeeper FIFA League every season
Add the best coach FIFA League all season
Add your best judgment you FIFA League season
add crews clubs to the new season 2013 / 2014
Many which Cetkchwh yourself and have taken me a long time to get this work done
Ali I have sinned or Suhat something in this patch
I hope that there have been any comments added here the subject to be dealt with
Production and the work of Nokia Forum Satellite
Download the patch file to be installed
Then go to this route and paste it : -
Download the zip file
and then open the pressure
carry Alfordl to this context
go to
My Documents
Sports Interactive then
Football Manager 2013
editor data
and then
paste the file inside
1 - Choose Start New Game.
2 - Choose New Creer Game
3 - Then , check the word Change.
4 - Then , check the patch to be activated .
5 - Then , check the flag of the country you want to play periodically ( you can put any counting of patches and Tsttia choose all patches if you like ) .
6 - Select the Start Game
7 - Choose your favorite from the patch as illustration in front of you .
Patch attachments Greetings to all
Viva League 2013-2014
Has been modified to more than 2,500 within this patch file universally unique and private Kuwaiti League
Which carries the Season Viva League name and the name of FIFA offe contacts FIFA
Modified on most things in the new patch
Many which Cetkchwh yourself and have taken me a long time to get this work done
Ali I have sinned or Suhat something in this patch
I hope that there have been any comments added here the subject to be dealt with
Production and the work of Nokia Forum Satellite
Download the patch file to be installed
Then go to this route and paste it : -
Download the zip file
and then open the pressure
carry Alfordl to this context
go to
My Documents
Sports Interactive then
Football Manager 2013
editor data
and then
paste the file inside
1 - Choose Start New Game.
2 - Choose New Creer Game
3 - Then , check the word Change.
4 - Then , check the patch to be activated .
5 - Then , check the flag of the country you want to play periodically ( you can put any counting of patches and Tsttia choose all patches if you like ) .
6 - Select the Start Game
7 - Choose your favorite from the patch as illustration in front of you .
Patch attachments Greetings to all
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Младен Славкоски