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1 - Maybe they should have run their club better then?
2 - Maybe they should have done?
Love it when you reply to anything i say (which is more than anyone else ever does for some reason), always a nice little sarcastic remark in there somewhere yet at the same time pathetic too.
Yes, but thats kind of beside the point. You could sell players, and often did, who were worth a lot of money which you then could replace with players that cost a lot of money. Even when Everton sold players (for example, Rooney, Lescott, and Rodwell) they were still in debt. Countering Everton fans complaining about not having any money to spend by going 'NET SPEND OMG' just misses the point of the business side of football.
By the same token, there's clubs who turnover less money than Everton who will scoff at Everton fans saying they had no money to spend because they couldn't afford even the few million on transfers that Everton could. All the while all 3 clubs would be operating at a close to break even net spend.
Theres a fallacy in saying (and for the sake of argument I'm assuming Accrington Stanley's net spend is close to £0), 'I don't understand why Accrington Stanley fans complain about not having any money to spend, our net spend is the same as theirs over the past 15 years'. Then see how the fact that you, as a bigger club, with a bigger income base, paying higher wages, are (although the margins are finer) able to spend more money on a better class of recruits than Everton whilst maintaining a similar net spend to them.
Neither comment was sarcastic by the way, designed to get a rise out of you sure, but you normally oblige and I was bored and wanted to talk about football, so there you go.
Unsure where they've pulled 28m from though
Some mugs paid £28m for some other Belgian chap with stupid hair.
Bought McCarthey for 14m or something? Kone for 7m?
I'm not entirely sure, but we've sold quite a few players over the years without really reinvesting it in the squad. Plus the increased revenue from the TV deals could of helped. But I'm not complaining, It's about time
Would love to know what the Mirrors agenda with Everton is tho.
I thoroughly enjoy making them look like bad snidey pricks.
They got an extra £33m from TV money last year: http://www.sportingintelligence.com/2014/05/14/where-the-money-went-liverpool-top-premier-league-prize-cash-in-2013-14-140501/
Arsenal have and continue to spend a lot more on wages than Everton, something that correlates much more with winning than high transfer spending does.
Appears it's come down to Lukaku not being given guarantee on being first choice. Like last season, he's opted to not stay and fight for a spot and thus sold.
Disappointed he didn't at least attempt to stick around and fight for a place, even if it was only until Jan. He would more or less would have been second choice as it is. Good luck to him though.
Curious to see if we'll bring in another striker now, not overly convinced with simply Costa, Torres and Drogba being our three options.
Eric Portapotty
Slashman X
I'm gonna guess there's some add-ons etc included in that. Usually is for young players.
Did they fly to Liverpool or London?
Haven't got a clue, I'll be at the Match on Saturday for Osmans Testimonial so I'll give you my opinion on him if he plays.
Tbf - I'd rather we focussed on signing a striker. We're desperate.
Guess he wanted to stay in London...
Facundo Ferreyra is set to sign on loan at Newcastle.
Slashman X
They have 12 Brazilian players. I imagine all of them would want out if the situation over there doesn't get sorted out. Apparently Bernard has already said he is willing to leave if it gets worse.