16 years ago
11 months ago
started with the very first game on my atari st ,bought all releases including the italian one,upto last year,i did not buy fm2014
18 years ago
22 hours ago
I first started playing CM1998 version til 2001/02 then been playing Football Manager version since I first started playing FM2005.
Phoenix Arrow
16 years ago
1 week ago
CM3 was in the pinnacle, since then they've just added more and more useless which makes your game time longer than it needs to be. Who the fuck has time for training schedules?
Giant Killers was amazing in that it was the easiest management game ever. All the player ratings were basically just a rating out of 100. Buy the cheapest guy with the highest number and win. Anyone would go to any team if you had the money.
Best FM was 2007. Best one in recent years was 2011.
I've owned all of the SI ones except for some of the later CM ones because CM4 was a bit shit.
18 years ago
4 months ago
The first game I purchased and played was Championship Manager 01/02 which was an excellent game and so, so simple as their wasn't any features that clogged the game time although the game nowadays is more realistic so I suppose it's not a bad thing in the end.

Bought CM4 but didn't like it, played it once and then uninstalled it.

Have been playing Football Manager since 2005.
15 years ago
1 year ago
Whilst everyone waits with baited breath for the full release of FM15 in an hours time now, lets take a stroll down memory lane, what was the first CM/FM game you played?

My first was CM2 which I brought from a car bootsale back in 1996;

I dread to think how many hours of my life this series has taken up in the last 18/19 years. Many of the members of this board, even some of the top footballers around now won't have been born when I first installed this bad boy on my old Acorn brand PC running MSDOS on Windows 95.

Yep bought this when it first came out and then I was hooked.

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