Standard Logos Megapack

Football Manager Logos in the Standard style

  • 134,273
  • 2022.01 - Released on 31 Jan 2022
Standard Logos Megapack

Installation Instructions

Step 1) Where to put Football Manager Graphics

Once you've downloaded a Football Manager Graphic Pack and extracted it you should be left with a single folder on your computer. You're going to need to move that folder into a special location where Football Manager can find it.


Apple: Where to put the FM Graphic Packs on Mac

You will need to copy the folder to this location:


/Users/<yourname>/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2022/graphics


You may find it difficult to find this exact location, to make it easier, use the following instructions:


a) Open Finder

b) Click “Go” from the menubar and select “Go to Folder” (alternatively press Shift+CMD+G)

c) Copy in the following: ~/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/

d) Open the “Football Manager 2022” folder

e) Open the “graphics” folder (or created it if it doesn't exist)

f) Move the downloaded files into the ”graphics" folder


Windows: Where to put the FM Graphic Packs on Windows

Simply move the folder to the following location:


Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2022/graphics


What if I don't have a graphics folder?

If you don't have a “graphics” folder simply create it 🙂


What if the downloaded files ends with .zip, .rar, .7z

If you have a file that ends in .zip, .rar or .7z then you'll need to extract the files before installing them. These files are called “archives” and are a way to compress a folder into a single file for downloading but you'll need to open them and get the folder that's in them before installing. DO NOT put these files in your graphics folder, it won't work.


Extract the files first and then put the extracted files into your graphics folder. If you're not sure how to extract them, look at these guides for windows or for mac.


What if the downloaded files are in parts e.g. “part01.rar”, “part02.rar” etc

If you have downloaded a pack in multiple parts ending in “part01.rar”, “part02.rar” etc then you do not have to extract them all individually. Just extract “part01.rar” and the rest should all be extracted automatically.


Step 2) How to refresh graphics in Football Manager

Unfortunately even though you have the folder in the right place Football Manager won't automatically pick up the new files. You're going to have to go in and tell Football Manager to reload your graphics.


Simply follow these instructions:


a) Open Football Manager

b) Click Preferences on the start screen (or if you're already in a game FM Logo > Preferences)

c) Click the “Advanced” tab

d) On the right hand side select “interface”

e) Scroll down the Skin Heading

f) Uncheck “Use caching to decrease page loading times”

g) Tick “Reload skin when confirming changes to preferences”

h) Click “Reload Skin”

And now your graphics should be appearing.


You should go back into the preferences and follow the same steps but this time tick “Use caching to decrease page loading times”, this will help with the long term performance of the game, but needed to be unticked to install these graphics.

15 years ago
2 years ago
14 years ago
2 months ago
there is no link to italian logos

by the way, you are great. thanks
luis fernando rogel ma
12 years ago
6 years ago
18 years ago
11 months ago
there is no link to italian logos

by the way, you are great. thanks

SI changed most IDs for Italy a year back (or something like that) and I think Schweigi said that he hasn't done Italy yet since he'll have to re-do all logos there first.
14 years ago
2 days ago
Mate,here is my project for FM15,all logos are done and sorted with FM15 database for Serbia
18 years ago
9 hours ago
Mate,here is my project for FM15,all logos are done and sorted with FM15 database for Serbia

Thanks a lot, I'll use them for my future FM2015-Logopacks.
14 years ago
2 days ago
Mate at last minute 5 more teams from Serbia are added to official fm15 database,so I've done them and here is the pack again.Glad to hear that,thank you!
gai jin
14 years ago
5 months ago
Is there a standard logo of Germany without stars?

15 years ago
2 months ago
No competition logos?
18 years ago
9 hours ago
I've started to update some European countries (Andorra, Austria, Cyprus, Czech Rep., Denmark, England, Germany, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden). Others should follow.
Download-links in first post.
18 years ago
9 hours ago
Next update with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Finland, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Hungary, Iceland, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia and Switzerland.
14 years ago
21 hours ago
This is great. Those are my favorite logos.
Thank you so much schweigi!
15 years ago
2 months ago
Are there any competition logos?
18 years ago
9 hours ago
Are there any competition logos?

No, sorry there aren't. I have a collection of Standard competition logos but they aren't up to date. I've always tried to update them after finishing the club logos, but i couldn't find the time for it yet.
Ipswich Knights
10 years ago
5 years ago
where i s france?
15 years ago
2 months ago
No, sorry there aren't. I have a collection of Standard competition logos but they aren't up to date. I've always tried to update them after finishing the club logos, but i couldn't find the time for it yet.

But they will come?
18 years ago
9 hours ago

I hope so, but nevertheless i've finished the next updates: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia, Bulgaria, France, Georgia, Greece (by paul_13) and Moldova.
17 years ago
1 day ago
Great to see these logos being updated for FM15
Ipswich Knights
10 years ago
5 years ago
where is italy?
18 years ago
9 hours ago

Italy will be the last European country i release. There are hundreds or thousands of club changes, ID changes and logo changes every year. It would take me weeks or months to collect all the missing logos and make them, so i'll probably release an Italy "light" version.
Ipswich Knights
10 years ago
5 years ago
Ipswich Knights
10 years ago
5 years ago
the everton logo is the old one
18 years ago
9 hours ago
the everton logo is the old one

No, this is the actual logo, that's in the pack:
14 years ago
2 days ago
Biggest and most latest\updated Serbian logo pack in standard style...
14 years ago
21 hours ago
Any chance on Asia/Oceania logos? Nice work.
Ipswich Knights
10 years ago
5 years ago
great packs mate
18 years ago
9 hours ago
Belgium, Croatia, Romania and Serbia updated.
Ipswich Knights
10 years ago
5 years ago
can I use Italy last yar for this year or too many changes?
18 years ago
9 hours ago
can I use Italy last yar for this year or too many changes?

You can use all old packs, but there was no Italy-pack last year.

New updates: Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

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