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My custom attribute colours never stay after closing and re-opening game - any way to stop this?
I use the Steklo skin, so I assume there is a file I could edit to do this?
The Match Engine still seems a little off - I concede too many goals from tight angles, too many from opposing strikers running through without my defenders following, and a few little issues like that.
Team talks - If I start as a Sunday League Footballer, my team talks have little to no reaction - I would assume that is because as a "unrecognised" manager, the players don't respect my opinion... I may be looking a little too much into it though.
Whenever I close FM, Windows says an unexpected error has occurred - Anyone else get this?
There seem to be too many goals in both my games, and AI games... I very rarely see a 0-0 score!
Team/player inconsistency - One game I will destroy a great team, the next I will draw or lose to a minnow - I know this can happen in real life, but ALL THE TIME!? - again, could be down to team talks, but I'm not convinced.
There may be a few others, but these are the only things I can think of for now.