Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
Its funny last year everyone bitched when Batista won cause they wanted Reigns to and now Reigns has won everyone bitches.

Eh no, they just wanted "not Batista" to win last year and it was just those 2 left. Remember the boo's when it got to the final 4/5? They even did the same this year by chanting for fuckin' Rusev to win instead of Reigns when it got down to it

Triple Threat match was amazing, Rumble was shite.

Getting rid of Bryan so easy, Kane+Big Show eliminating everyone for Reigns, including all the crowd favourites way too easily, then the whole Rusev thing. Pure shite.

Loved the crowd, they were well into every single bit of every single match. They knew eliminating Bryan was gonna get loads of boo's so they did it early in the hope they died out by the end. Even The Rock couldn't save the boo's, well deserved too
16 years ago
4 years ago
Eh no, they just wanted "not Batista" to win last year and it was just those 2 left. Remember the boo's when it got to the final 4/5? They even did the same this year by chanting for fuckin' Rusev to win instead of Reigns when it got down to it

Triple Threat match was amazing, Rumble was shite.

Getting rid of Bryan so easy, Kane+Big Show eliminating everyone for Reigns, including all the crowd favourites way too easily, then the whole Rusev thing. Pure shite.

Loved the crowd, they were well into every single bit of every single match. They knew eliminating Bryan was gonna get loads of boo's so they did it early in the hope they died out by the end. Even The Rock couldn't save the boo's, well deserved too

This, the thriple threat was actually pretty good, but the Rumble just sucked. Glad I didn't stay up
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
There wasn't even any "stories" within the Rumble. They could've done way better with Miz/Mizdow, the Wyatt's. Bryan etc. But everyone was just eliminated and that was it. Once the final 4 had Kane and Big Show it was obvious what was happening. Disappointed there was no Diamond Cutter and RKO show-down
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Only good bits for me from the rumble match were Bubba Ray Dudleys return and Bray Wyatt. The rest was average at best. Was probably the most predictable rumble for some time.
18 years ago
4 months ago
There wasn't even any "stories" within the Rumble. They could've done way better with Miz/Mizdow, the Wyatt's. Bryan etc. But everyone was just eliminated and that was it. Once the final 4 had Kane and Big Show it was obvious what was happening. Disappointed there was no Diamond Cutter and RKO show-down

That's because WWE are too fucking stupid and don't 'work' with common sense.
13 years ago
9 months ago
I honestly loved Ryder returning
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
I honestly loved Ryder returning

I love how Wyatt fucked up and did his "open invitation" for Ryder instead of Bryan You can even see the ref trying to give him the mic again before Bryan comes out. But yeah, the crowd were loving Ryder too
12 years ago
9 years ago
Poor Rocky :_____

And this was awesome...

16 years ago
4 years ago
There wasn't even any "stories" within the Rumble. They could've done way better with Miz/Mizdow, the Wyatt's. Bryan etc. But everyone was just eliminated and that was it. Once the final 4 had Kane and Big Show it was obvious what was happening. Disappointed there was no Diamond Cutter and RKO show-down

Yeah the Wyatt family bit was actually looking to be decent when it had all three in the ring then they just killed it an eliminated the two. The Boogyman and Wyatt bit was half decent but also got killed off quickly, then Bryan getting eliminated was another shit one. Some shit entrants too, when it was down to last two you knew it was only Ziggler and Big Show left, would have probably done better to go with the Ziggler cliche and put him in at number 1 and get him to hang in there till like last 5 or something. Was hoping Orton would show up too. Shit Rumble.

Triple Threat was pretty decent though, but if it was Cena in Lesnars place there would be such butt hurt. Basically saved him from having a long match, despite the fact he hardly wrestles anyway. Was some good combos in there plus the change in momentum throughout. Rollins flip was unreal
18 years ago
9 minutes ago
The rumble was awful, very slow paced, also Curtis Axel never got eliminated. Rollins phoenix splash was awesome
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
One thing i have noticed from having the Network the past week is while there was alot of good during the attitude era there was also a hell of a lot of crap, think people tend to forget all the rubbish that was happening back then while just remembering the good stuff.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
One thing i have noticed from having the Network the past week is while there was alot of good during the attitude era there was also a hell of a lot of crap, think people tend to forget all the rubbish that was happening back then while just remembering the good stuff.

Obviously, that's how nostalgia works. But some of the PPV's in them days are just incredible, like every match is a top match. I mainly miss all the backstage segments
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
I used to love the tag team matches between the Dudleys, Hardys and Edge & Christian. Usually involved many tables, ladders and chairs.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
Oh, and the commentary. King and JR were just perfect. Miles better than the "Buy the Network//Download the app" shite these days. They got really into the stories
16 years ago
2 years ago
The attitude era was unreal because they were all working for their jobs/futures!!

Doubt we'll ever see anything like it again!!
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
Just seen Del Rio is wrestling at a promotion in Portsmouth in May, might go along
15 years ago
1 month ago
My favourite memory from that era is the introduction of Kane. It was so badass and the mystery of who/what he was was pretty great and he was just destroying everything. Instantly became one of my favourite characters. Its painful to look at him now. I miss the Big Red Machine
18 years ago
4 months ago
Anyone else been having buffering issues on the Network lately? Quite annoying.
16 years ago
4 years ago
Mine doesn't seem to want ot load on Chrome but works on Firefox
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
Mine doesn't seem to want ot load on Chrome but works on Firefox

I had the same problem, worked fine once i'd restarted Chrome though
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
Don't think I've ever used the Network on a browser PS3/4 apps are perfect
18 years ago
1 month ago
Horrendous buffering issues using the xbox one.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
Seth Rollins in a bit of trouble
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Seth Rollins in a bit of trouble

Looks like he'll be needing J & J Security for real now!
13 years ago
9 months ago
Just signed up for Network and wanted to know what some of the most watch shows where. Hardly caught anything in 90s and early 2000s so any recommendations
16 years ago
6 years ago
Wrestlemania X7 (2001) is considered pretty much the pinnacle. Early 2001 is pretty great in terms of a mix of great workers like Benoit, Jericho etc., floating around as well as top main event guys.

But really depends on what you like.
16 years ago
4 years ago
Any news on Orton?
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Just signed up for Network and wanted to know what some of the most watch shows where. Hardly caught anything in 90s and early 2000s so any recommendations

What Shola said really. Royal Rumble 2001 was pretty good and anything from around 1999-2001 that involved the Hardys, Dudleys and Edge & Christian is worth a watch.
16 years ago
4 years ago
Actually a good ppv, Cena vs Rusev was a decent match as was Bryan vs Reigns (although I had to skip the start to get to work on time /o\) . The two Wrestlemania matches from this should be good too
18 years ago
4 months ago
Just signed up for Network and wanted to know what some of the most watch shows where. Hardly caught anything in 90s and early 2000s so any recommendations

Just watch all the PPV's between 2000 and 2002. You shan't be disappointed, or at least, I hope not.

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