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Instead of actually writing up each season or each month like I would usually (which i find, actually puts me off my career and then I lose interest and eventually it disappears of the edge of the map), I have decided to just post up randomly where I am up to in my save.
The target for me is to win every trophy from every league on the original database whilst having as much fun as I can.
Countries Managed In
Australia: 2/2 *Completed*
Hong Kong: 3/3 *Completed
India: 4/4 *Completed
Indonesia: 4/5
Asian Trophies: 1/3
North America
Mexico 1/3
United States of America: 1/2
So here is the proof of me winning them and also the team that I was at when I won the trophy:
United States of America:
Hong Kong:
Canbo Senior Challenge Cup
Hong Kong FA Cup
Durand Cup
Federation Cup
Super Cup
Djarum Indonesia Super League
Piala Indonesia
Super Piala Indonesia
Asian Trophies
I'll post my manager stats and club history as soon as I can and also will update you after a few more seasons and hopefully more trophy wins
So the year is 2031 and I'm still going, although interest has wained over the last few seasons, but I will dig deep and I'll love the career again soon enough. I've had huge success in most leagues where I have managed and I have a few more ticked off throughout the globe. You can see these below.
Countries Managed In
Australia: 2/2 *Completed*
Hong Kong: 3/3 *Completed
India: 4/4 *Completed
Indonesia: 5/5 *Completed
China: 5/5 *Completed
Singapore: 3/3 *Completed
Malaysia: 5/5 *Completed
Asian Trophies: 2/3
North America
Mexico: 1/3
United States of America: 3/3 *Completed
England: 4/12
World Trophies: 1/1 *Completed
The proof of winning are below: only the competitions that I have won since the last update will be posted here
United States of America
Supporters Shield
Open Cup
Premier League
(not sure why I couldn't get the picture like the others but hey ho)
Chinese FA Cup
Super Cup
Super League
All Star Game
Jia League
Singapore League Cup
Singapore League
Singapore Cup
Piala Sultan Haji Ahmed Shah
Piala FA Cup
Era Piala Malaysia
Astro Super League
Astro Premier League
Asian Competitions
AFC Champions League
League Two (Playoffs) (I'm counting this as a trophy win)
League One (Playoffs)
Johnstone Paint Trophy
Conference South
World Competitions
Club World Cup Championship
Here are my manager stats as well for my whole career.