13 years ago
1 year ago
~~~ never mind ~~~
15 years ago
7 years ago
I've been feeling the same and I'm only 23. I have up and down days. Despite having quite a big family I feel quite alone, none of my friends live in my town so my social life is non-existent. I have to travel up to see them, I always have a nice time and when I travel back home I feel like shit. I broke up with my girlfriend over a year ago and I'm still not over it, I fucked up big time and have so many regrets about it, I wanted to marry her, have kids, we have so much in common. It was long distance, which was hard, but we made it work - and I fucked up. I'm still at home, despite my home is nice, the town isn't - it's boring, I feel like I'm wasting my life doing nothing. I feel stuck. My friends all have nice jobs, live nearer each other, have moved out of home, have partners, yet I'm stuck on my own doing nothing. I have minor depression too so that doesn't help! My life isn't how I wanted it to be either, my girlfriend and I were going to live together after Uni, two days before she changed her mind, a week later we broke up. My life went a different direction to how I want it to.

But despite days like this when I feel shit, I feel optimistic sometimes too. I've learnt to try and not 'plan' my life, of course I have dreams and goals, but not a plan. Because moments in life will come up, and they will change your plan, that's life. I try and live in the here and now, I don't want to look too far ahead nor look back and take each day as it comes. It's hard, but it helps. As K3VO says, learn from your mistakes. Life is what you make it, it's for living not dwelling, keep looking forward.

Post Uni depression.

I'm sure its a thing and I'm sure I'm suffering from it too.

I know what my plan is for next year, I know that I'm doing a masters and I know how I'm paying for it. After that I'm not so sure, but the relentless boringness of real life is already crushing me. I can't stand working a 9 to 5 job, and the thought that after doing my masters that will be what I will do for the next 50 years of my life until I'm deemed too old to compentely be able to grind my way through a shitty job any more and forced to sit around, old and frail waiting to die.

I know that in reality complaining about having what most can be considered a 'good' life is incredibly privileged of me. But its the relentless pointlessness of our modern lives is what's infuriating me, but I really don't see what the point of it all is. Working shitty 9-5s to earn someone else more money than they deserve, to earn enough money to owe a bank a lot more money than that and pop out some children to do the same thing again?

I can't see how my life won't become frustratingly mediocre, living for the 2 days off a week I get and doing Coke in some shitty clubs toilet at two in the morning because its the only thing that makes me feel.
16 years ago
6 years ago
Get a really horrible job. For like a week and then quit.

Seriously haven't minded working my last two jobs, just because my first was that bad.
13 years ago
8 months ago
I honestly think if I was not working for my dad right now I would have quit. Hate some of the co-workers and just not a fan off what I do. Don't help i don't drive at the moment and for pretty much any other job I would need to drive.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
Madonna just got destroyed

13 years ago
8 months ago
So I fell of a scaffold today and fucked my leg and I feel like its karma for laughing at that last night. Going to be a fun festival and cup final this week barely being able to walk
13 years ago
8 years ago
So I fell of a scaffold today and fucked my leg and I feel like its karma for laughing at that last night. Going to be a fun festival and cup final this week barely being able to walk

You a scaffolder? Every scaffolder I've ever met was either a pikey or a cunt.
13 years ago
8 months ago
You a scaffolder? Every scaffolder I've ever met was either a pikey or a cunt.

Do scaffolding and roofing mainly the roofing side for council though. Literally every male for the last few generations in my family has done it
13 years ago
8 years ago
Do scaffolding and roofing mainly the roofing side for council though. Literally every male for the last few generations in my family has done it

Roofers are ok. Know a few of them. One mate whos a roofer scaled some scaffolding on a night out and went and sat on a roof in town for 10 minutes before he got down. Pilled out his tree on a 3/4 storey roof.
18 years ago
2 months ago
Anyways... feeling a bit shit lately. I'm turning 25 this year and at the moment my life isn't quite what I'd thought it would be like growing up. I still live with my parents, should have finished my bachelor's degree one year ago - won't finish it until the end of 2015 minimum. Looking back it was a hasty and not a very wise move to begin on that program. I still haven't got around to take the driver's license, got £25.000 in student debt and about a month ago I fucked up with this girl I really thought I was going to marry one day. Oh, and I didn't mention that I haven't saved up a penny for me to get a loan from the bank to buy a place for myself one day (which will put me in even more debt too).

Life's a bitch, eh? Compared to all those billions living in poverty, hunger and any other struggles I'm not affected by as I'm living in one best countries in the world in terms of standard of living, I probably shouldn't complain... but in my situation in my environment it damn sucks.

Could be worse mate, you could be me!
13 years ago
8 months ago
Roofers are ok. Know a few of them. One mate whos a roofer scaled some scaffolding on a night out and went and sat on a roof in town for 10 minutes before he got down. Pilled out his tree on a 3/4 storey roof.

Tbh with you I cant really disagree about the scaffolders thing. Majority of the others I have met on other firms have been dicks
13 years ago
8 months ago
Seems Leonard Nimoy has died. Such a shame RIP
16 years ago
4 years ago
Does anyone have the link to the archive of old games that you can play online, someone posted it a while back with the Championship Manager on it but it also had like Prince of Persia etc
18 years ago
2 months ago
Does anyone have the link to the archive of old games that you can play online, someone posted it a while back with the Championship Manager on it but it also had like Prince of Persia etc

The post with the link is still on the first page.

The Internet Archive Software Library.
18 years ago
2 months ago
I can't sleep. Feel tired and my eyes are ready to punch out but I just can't fall asleep, even in a quiet dark room.

Couldn't last night either, was awake until 7 in the morning before I finally fell asleep.
16 years ago
4 years ago
The post with the link is still on the first page.

The Internet Archive Software Library.


Managed to get my phone nicked on a night out again /o\
12 years ago
4 years ago

Managed to get my phone nicked on a night out again /o\

Did you call the police?

18 years ago
2 years ago
I can't sleep. Feel tired and my eyes are ready to punch out but I just can't fall asleep, even in a quiet dark room.

Couldn't last night either, was awake until 7 in the morning before I finally fell asleep.

Typically I can sleep very well on weekdays when I have to wake up at 6. On Friday and Saturday night when I can get up whenever I choose to I sleep terribly.
18 years ago
2 years ago
Post Uni depression.

I'm sure its a thing and I'm sure I'm suffering from it too.

I know what my plan is for next year, I know that I'm doing a masters and I know how I'm paying for it. After that I'm not so sure, but the relentless boringness of real life is already crushing me. I can't stand working a 9 to 5 job, and the thought that after doing my masters that will be what I will do for the next 50 years of my life until I'm deemed too old to compentely be able to grind my way through a shitty job any more and forced to sit around, old and frail waiting to die.

I know that in reality complaining about having what most can be considered a 'good' life is incredibly privileged of me. But its the relentless pointlessness of our modern lives is what's infuriating me, but I really don't see what the point of it all is. Working shitty 9-5s to earn someone else more money than they deserve, to earn enough money to owe a bank a lot more money than that and pop out some children to do the same thing again?

I can't see how my life won't become frustratingly mediocre, living for the 2 days off a week I get and doing Coke in some shitty clubs toilet at two in the morning because its the only thing that makes me feel.

I think it is a bit of that too. When I look back on it, Uni was a privilege. I was learning something I enjoyed, saw my friends every week and I didn't have to deal with the responsibilities I have now as a proper adult. And I got a student loan to blow every few months.

Despite being sad about Uni ending, I had the move in with my girlfriend to look forward to - the next chapter of my life. After that fucked up I was lost for about eight months.

I see what you mean about the 'boringness' of it all. When I look it I think 'what's the point?' but I do try to shake things up every now and then, make it a bit more exciting. It is hard though as every now and then I think how boring a 9-5 job is, and worry that I'll be stuck with this for the rest of my life.

I do miss Uni and I wish I could do it all again. But I wouldn't want to go back now without my friends, I wouldn't enjoy it as much, never. I can't relive how I felt when I was 19-21, it wouldn't feel the same, it's gone. In general with my life, I wish I could go back to the beginning of my relationship and do that again without making the mistakes I made. But then, I think if I didn't go through what I did I wouldn't have learnt the things I know now.

Life is a bitch, sadly. "It's up to us the make the best of all the things that come our way."
16 years ago
2 years ago
Ronda Rousey won in 14 seconds earlier today.
16 years ago
2 years ago
Ireland beating England 12-3 at the moment in the Six Nations.

Be a huge win if they could grind it out.
16 years ago
2 years ago

19-3 now after the successful conversion. Should be game over!!
13 years ago
8 months ago
My jaw has been in pieces all day and last night. Literally turned all around Wembley
15 years ago
7 years ago
I think it is a bit of that too. When I look back on it, Uni was a privilege. I was learning something I enjoyed, saw my friends every week and I didn't have to deal with the responsibilities I have now as a proper adult. And I got a student loan to blow every few months.

Despite being sad about Uni ending, I had the move in with my girlfriend to look forward to - the next chapter of my life. After that fucked up I was lost for about eight months.

I see what you mean about the 'boringness' of it all. When I look it I think 'what's the point?' but I do try to shake things up every now and then, make it a bit more exciting. It is hard though as every now and then I think how boring a 9-5 job is, and worry that I'll be stuck with this for the rest of my life.

I do miss Uni and I wish I could do it all again. But I wouldn't want to go back now without my friends, I wouldn't enjoy it as much, never. I can't relive how I felt when I was 19-21, it wouldn't feel the same, it's gone. In general with my life, I wish I could go back to the beginning of my relationship and do that again without making the mistakes I made. But then, I think if I didn't go through what I did I wouldn't have learnt the things I know now.

Life is a bitch, sadly. "It's up to us the make the best of all the things that come our way."


I broke up with my girlfriend about a month before I went to Uni, we ended up getting back together in my second year only to break up again, for definite, about a year later for pretty much identical reasons as we did the first time.

The point is that, as cliched as it sounds, break ups tend to happen for a reason. There's no point pining over what might have been because even if you had the ability go back to the start and had the chance not to make the 'mistakes' you made first time, thats no guarantee that things would have worked out differently.

I was fortuitous enough to have pretty much the perfect break up the second time round, I met a girl who was perfectly happy to be nothing more than a rebound and then when I was ready I met someone who I've been with since that's pretty much perfect for me.

We were introduced through friends I'd had since first year, and I wished for a long while that we'd been introduced back then, but in hindsight I'm glad that I wasn't, I was a different person three years ago, I went out 4 nights a week and wasn't looking for anything remotely serious.

What I'm trying, and probably failing, to get at is that this relationship crap sorta works itself out in my experience. If you let her go, put the stuff that didn't go right in that relationship behind you, and allow yourself to move on you can open yourself up to the opportunities to meet new people and new possibilities, especially if you can accept that it didn't work out for a reason.
18 years ago
4 months ago

19-3 now after the successful conversion. Should be game over!!

Was a great win for Ireland.
16 years ago
2 years ago
Was a great win for Ireland.

Gives us a shot at the grand slam now.

Should beat Scotland which is our final game so next up against Wales is massive.
13 years ago
8 months ago
I love whenever England plays Ireland in anything because about 95% of the people I know get frustrated that I support Ireland because I was born in England
16 years ago
4 years ago
You plastic paddy
13 years ago
8 months ago
to be fair pretty much all my family is Irish. Only my Granddads family on my Dads side that is not
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
Also Ireland are just better at everything

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