13 years ago
9 months ago
Transformed the Buffalo Sabres from a joke into contenders in two seasons on EHM.

I fucking love that it's back. SI better make a full version!

I really need to get my windows computer so I can play this
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
Just started playing Valiant Hearts this weekend, absolutely brilliant game, helps that its based on a subject that really interests me but the puzzles and the presentation is so good, wish Ubisoft focused more on games like this rather than the cookie cutter crap they usually churn out every year
13 years ago
9 months ago
Just started playing Valiant Hearts this weekend, absolutely brilliant game, helps that its based on a subject that really interests me but the puzzles and the presentation is so good, wish Ubisoft focused more on games like this rather than the cookie cutter crap they usually churn out every year

Thats pretty weird I have had this game for a while now and started playing it this morning
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
Thats pretty weird I have had this game for a while now and started playing it this morning

I had no idea it was all set around WW1, normally not my type of game but its great, puzzles are just hard enough and even though i knew most of the facts already its great reading through them all, adding to my list of places to visit though which is something i do not have time for
13 years ago
9 months ago
I had no idea it was all set around WW1, normally not my type of game but its great, puzzles are just hard enough and even though i knew most of the facts already its great reading through them all, adding to my list of places to visit though which is something i do not have time for

I had a slight what the idea of the game was as I see a small bit about it at I think it was E3 one year. Was not going to get it until I see it on sale that I got it but really enjoying it
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
Yeah i didn't even realise it came out last June, thank god for PS+ otherwise id have missed it completely, the soundtrack is so good as well been listening to it on Spotify most of the evening
13 years ago
9 months ago
Completed Walking Dead season two and within a second of choosing my ending I regret it
The Platypus
14 years ago
2 years ago
Which one did you choose?
13 years ago
9 months ago
Will spoiler it just in case.

I didn't shoot Kenny but left him when we arrived at the safe place
The Platypus
14 years ago
2 years ago
Will spoiler it just in case.

I didn't shoot Kenny but left him when we arrived at the safe place

I shot him. I liked the man a lot, but he was a pretty loose cannon.
13 years ago
9 months ago
I shot him. I liked the man a lot, but he was a pretty loose cannon.

I was so close too shooting him. I sided with him a lot this season because I liked him in season 1. His sacrifice at Wellington in my ending was just so emotional :L

Really disappointed with Mikes ending as I really liked him
15 years ago
4 months ago
Will spoiler it just in case.

I didn't shoot Kenny but left him when we arrived at the safe place

I did the same. I liked the girl, but I trusted Kenny more, despite as Bobber said him being a loose cannon. Preferred Season 2 to the first, less fannying around looking for stuff.
13 years ago
9 months ago
I did the same. I liked the girl, but I trusted Kenny more, despite as Bobber said him being a loose cannon. Preferred Season 2 to the first, less fannying around looking for stuff.

Yeah I really enjoyed season 2. The one annoying thing I found is they kept playing Clem being small needing a small person then they all look at her. She basically has to do everything. I was hoping to see more from the people in 400 days then just the one sentence with a exception of Bonnie who was the one I hated most from it
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Found some old Xbox/PS2 games earlier. Loaded up LMA Manager 2004, I forgot how awesome that game is! I ended up playing a couple of hours on an old save I had going in Scotland. The manager changes on it are a bit weird, like Louis van Gaal managing Waterford United and David Batty at some random team in Serie B, although some of the player transfers were even stranger.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
Building a stadium in LMA was always my favourite thing ever for some reason
18 years ago
3 months ago
They need to bring LMA Manager 2015 tbf
16 years ago
4 years ago
I hated LMA. Since when did managers have input into the stadium at that stage of the game?
18 years ago
3 months ago
That's why it was good, though.
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Building a stadium in LMA was always my favourite thing ever for some reason

I used to get one huge stand behind each goal, like the Millennium Stadium stands and then build the two smallest stands on the game in the other two spaces.

The only thing I didn't like about LMA was that you could only play for 20 seasons if I remeber correctly.
13 years ago
9 months ago
Anyone played the Wolf Among Us Telltale game and if its as good as the Walking Dead ones?
18 years ago
3 hours ago

Can not wait for this now!! Looks like a Skyrim GTA mash of greatness
16 years ago
4 years ago
Ordered a PS4 with my phone contract last week so should be coming soon. Realized I won't play much of the 360 after that (damn had it almost 9 years!) so thought I'll just finish off games I never got round to. Good titles like LA Noire and Red Dead just left to rot
13 years ago
9 months ago
Ordered a PS4 with my phone contract last week so should be coming soon. Realized I won't play much of the 360 after that (damn had it almost 9 years!) so thought I'll just finish off games I never got round to. Good titles like LA Noire and Red Dead just left to rot

Because I have so many games to get through I'm not allowing myself to buy a game unless I complete one I already own
16 years ago
6 years ago
Yeah I have sort of done the same. Bought a PS4 but trying to replay through all the 360 games I missed. Barely play on either tbh.

Helped by that there seems to be no 'essential' PS4 games that I'm interested in released yet. FIFA16 will probably be my next purchase.
13 years ago
9 months ago
The game I most want at the moment is Borderlands Handsome Collection, because I missed both on last gen. With it being offline I would play theres no rush to get it.
16 years ago
4 years ago
I only really play Fifa regularly and GTA sometimes so all the other games just never get played. Going through LA Noire atm, damn that was a good game
16 years ago
2 years ago
I've only really ever used my xbox 360 and xbox one to play FIFA which is probably quite sad. Never got into other games really, although I did play EA Sports UFC for about a week at one stage and got really into it. Think I'll game more when I get back to working, in between that and going the gym!!
13 years ago
2 months ago
Project cars fourth release date is now confirmed as 8th May
16 years ago
6 years ago
I've only really ever used my xbox 360 and xbox one to play FIFA which is probably quite sad. Never got into other games really, although I did play EA Sports UFC for about a week at one stage and got really into it. Think I'll game more when I get back to working, in between that and going the gym!!

This. Glad my FIFA15 disc broke.

Sort of miss the days of anticipating new game releases, and reading reviews and previews.
18 years ago
4 years ago
Project Cars release date(s) is now set to May 7th (EU), May 8th (UK), May 12th (US). Let's see if it they'll actually release it this time around. Can't wait to get my hands on a proper racing game for PS4.

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