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Thank God I took our damage cover!
My ankle healing up, some bad bruising but can slowly put some weight on it.
For the knee, I have no idea, got an MRI on Sunday so hopefully will find out something. I can straighten, put weight on it and bend it to about 90 degrees after that it's not letting me and feels like something stretching. Hoping it's no ligament damage
Fat bastard.............
You aren't supposed to sit on your phone you stupid cunt.
I will be. Still undecided on who I'm voting for yet. Have 4 different elections to vote for on the same day
Probably voting Lib Dem en' all. Because I reckon my MP is a cunt. Made the regional front cover of the Sun though when his son made fun of Jordan's disabled son on twitter though.
Doesn't overly matter though when Labour romp home with 97.6% of the vote though.
Does your knee feel like giving way when you walk or go up stairs??
Sturgeon for President!
Which one?
Naah not really. I can literally put all my weight on it and even half squat but I can't bend it past about 90 degrees and when I do bend it the knee cap feels like something stretching. Fuck knows what it is, hoping it's nothing serious as I'm meant to be going away in June
How long since you had the op? Stiches only just out so cant be long, sounds to be like most likely just swelling as part of the healing process.
Nah I never had an op, that was Kevo. I fucked the knee 3 weeks ago, it was swollen as fuck, they took out some of the blood/fluid with an injection and it's seems to have got better since but still can't bend it too far.
Sorry duck, read the comment without reading who posted, assumed it was Kevo moaning about his injuries again. Would be surprised if its just swelling/trauma. I sprained my ankle not that badly about 4 weeks ago playing football, still get sore at the end of the day, and can feel it pulling if I roll my ankle in slightly.
What do you want to learn that Mickey Mouse language for?
Need it to get into Uni.
Slashman X
Why do you need French to get into uni? Unless you're going to a French uni or are reading French, both of which would be pointless.
No point, Tories win with such a large majority here that even if everyone one that didn't vote last time round all voted Lib Dem (2nd party) they'd still win in the area.
I voted in the AV referendum, I'll vote in the EU ones and basically anything where its not a waste of time to vote but there's no point voting in the general.
I want to study Economics at my local university, as it is arguably the second best business school in the country the admission requirements are fairly high for most programs, but aside from the main economics programs there are also a few programs that skip some of the maths classes in favour of language classes, like German, French or Chinese. My test score isn't high enough to get into the main program or the English language program, but it is high enough for me to get into the French language program, if I can learn the required level of French.
King Luis
King Luis
He's opening another restaurant atm though and still doing it
Who was it?
King Luis
King Luis
Just go and spoil your ballot paper, not voting is utterly pointless in the purest sense