Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
18 years ago
3 weeks ago
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Based Jorge
11 years ago
4 years ago
The Platypus
14 years ago
2 years ago
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago

That's a fucking joke that he was allowed play on
Based Jorge
11 years ago
4 years ago
LOOOOOOOOOOL fucking hell big Dave infecting others with his autistic face
16 years ago
2 years ago

That's a fucking joke that he was allowed play on

Clear that he wasn't okay to play on.
The Platypus
14 years ago
2 years ago
16 years ago
6 years ago

Can't believe they use Sports Direct use zero hour contracts like - shocking development. Can't believe no one has mentioned it. David Conn going after a shop he would never shop in anyway. Middle class prick, how about you boycott all your P&G products?
13 years ago
1 year ago

That's a fucking joke that he was allowed play on

See, concussion is a hard one. It's not uncommon to feel out of it completely initially then come good after a few minutes and you're fine. By the time the medical staff would have gotten over to Oscar none of that would have been seen, and Oscar may have felt well enough to continue until HT, which he then would have been reassessed.

Concussion in all sports with physical contact is a tough one.
16 years ago
2 years ago
See, concussion is a hard one. It's not uncommon to feel out of it completely initially then come good after a few minutes and you're fine. By the time the medical staff would have gotten over to Oscar none of that would have been seen, and Oscar may have felt well enough to continue until HT, which he then would have been reassessed.

Concussion in all sports with physical contact is a tough one.

Do what they do in NRL now. Concussion means you can be replaced whilst you're checked by an independent doctor and either cleared to go back on the pitch or not. It really isn't that complicated and given how severe it can be player welfare comes before anything else.
18 years ago
1 year ago
This is football though.

Within a couple weeks teams who have already made 3 subs will have players being 'concussed' so they can bring on some fresh legs/an extra defender/attacker etc.

Drogba will stop rolling about on the ground when he dives and instead pretend to be knocked out.
16 years ago
2 years ago
This is football though.

Within a couple weeks teams who have already made 3 subs will have players being 'concussed' so they can bring on some fresh legs/an extra defender/attacker etc.

Drogba will stop rolling about on the ground when he dives and instead pretend to be knocked out.

This is football though? That makes no difference. An independent doctor will check the player after an incident and say he's not concussed if he's not concussed. Then he'll have to go back on, simple as that. Having no process to follow after an incident like the Oscar one is ridiculous and it's only a matter of time before someone gets seriously hurt because of it.
18 years ago
1 year ago
But how long will that take? a few minutes? 5?

People will pretend to be concussed so that someone else can take there place for 5 minutes. I can guarantee it. Diving and play-acting like this in Football is far worse than any other sport.

Imagine a club has made 3 subs and someone is concussed, whether actually or pretending, and the person who takes there place scores the winning goal. The doctor then decides the player who went off can't continue and the person who took there place also has to come off as the club have made 3 subs already.

And more importantly, how would that be reflected in my Fantasy Football team?
16 years ago
2 years ago
But how long will that take? a few minutes? 5?

People will pretend to be concussed so that someone else can take there place for 5 minutes. I can guarantee it. Diving and play-acting like this in Football is far worse than any other sport.

Imagine a club has made 3 subs and someone is concussed, whether actually or pretending, and the person who takes there place scores the winning goal. The doctor then decides the player who went off can't continue and the person who took there place also has to come off as the club have made 3 subs already.

And more importantly, how would that be reflected in my Fantasy Football team?

Well from what I've read about it and understand it doesn't take that long. They look at a replay or two and then they check the player. Some things in the NRL are non-negotiable. For example if a player loses consciousness, has a seizure or falls to the ground without taking protective action he's not allowed to return for the game.

The entire point of having a concussion replacement is to stop players being risked. The replacement player would be like a 4th sub, either temporary if the player checked for concussion can return or permanently if the player checked isn't allowed to return to the field of play. You can't leave it up to a club or player to decide if their player is okay to continue. Oscar shouldn't have been allowed to continue after that collision and this type of rule/procedure would ensure that happened.

It's probably not the 100% fool proof perfect option, but it's much better then what's currently in place.

EDIT: Even if you scrapped the replacement rule/4th sub it'd still be better for a independent doctor employed by the FA or Premier League to decide whether the player can or can't continue so clubs aren't making the decision themselves. Oscar could have been taken off there and then and substituted, but they waited until half time.
18 years ago
3 weeks ago
People cheat too much in football for that to work properly.
18 years ago
3 weeks ago

Can't believe they use Sports Direct use zero hour contracts like - shocking development. Can't believe no one has mentioned it. David Conn going after a shop he would never shop in anyway. Middle class prick, how about you boycott all your P&G products?

Shouldn't the correct response to zero hour contracts continually being brought up be a good thing until they disappear? Before you mention it - I know places like McDonalds, Wetherspoons and Tesco use them too - it doesn't make them right.

Incredibly exploitive - especially if the sacking for sick notes going in is true.
16 years ago
6 years ago
Depends on your political beliefs I guess. If so then vote Labour.

I'm against them - but it's naive to expect a business to not use something that is totally legal. And I'm strongly against the hypocrisy - 99% of people outraged over this wouldn't boycott a product they liked/needed over the use of zero hour contracts.

fwiw - P&G sack people for not being available for overtime.
18 years ago
3 weeks ago
Depends on your political beliefs I guess. If so then vote Labour.

I'm against them - but it's naive to expect a business to not use something that is totally legal. And I'm strongly against the hypocrisy - 99% of people outraged over this wouldn't boycott a product they liked/needed over the use of zero hour contracts.

fwiw - P&G sack people for not being available for overtime.

Oh I agree, I disagree with them but I don't think companies shouldn't use them while they're legal - that's for the government to sort out.

I don't boycott Sports Direct because of the zero hour contracts - it's just a shithole that only really caters to sportspeople (who would have their stuff paid for usually anyway) or chavs.
16 years ago
6 years ago
I boycott SportsDirect I want to see them workers with no employment rights sacked.
Number 1
17 years ago
1 year ago
I'm impressed Shola went for David Conn, despite him not presenting, being involved in or even Tweeting about the damn programme.

I thought the Dispatches episode would cover the dodgy methods used when SportsDirect put USC into faux-administration in January to get out of paying roughly £14million of debts to clothing companies and suppliers, as well as sacking people there and then. The zero-hour thing and fake discounts is practically part of their business model by this point and I think its fairly common knowledge both are, even if the sacking for sick notes is a troubling arrangement.

I avoid buying there not because of some high-and-mighty stand but because my taste in clothing means I don't need to, even if I have purchased at USC more recently. But such blindness to business practices is normal in the retail consumer market. Hell, its been common knowledge for at least 20 years that virtually every high street clothing retailer (including SD) makes their apparel in sweatshops in Asia, but people don't boycott them.

It has been fairly typical of recent shenanigans that so far, the biggest refution of the programme came through As if we're really just part of that particular empire.
Based Jorge
11 years ago
4 years ago
SportsDirect is growing though, Skepta and the UK grime scene are popularising it massively; as is the garage scene with DJ EZ.
18 years ago
5 months ago
SportsDirect is growing though, Skepta and the UK grime scene are popularising it massively; as is the garage scene with DJ EZ.

Absolutely and this is a massive concern due to the huge influence of the grime scene.
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
SportsDirect is growing though, Skepta and the UK grime scene are popularising it massively; as is the garage scene with DJ EZ.

Literally no idea what any of that means.
Based Jorge
11 years ago
4 years ago
Absolutely and this is a massive concern due to the huge influence of the grime scene.

Can't tell whether you're being sarcastic tbh
14 years ago
13 hours ago
Don't ever mock DJ EZ.
14 years ago
13 hours ago
Just realised Hull are beating Liverpool 1-0.
18 years ago
5 months ago
Don't ever mock DJ EZ.

It's a pretty crap name tbh.
16 years ago
6 years ago
Just realised Hull v Man Utd, Sunderland v Chelsea and Newcastle v a team in claret & blue on the final day.


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