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I would like to ask you what is your opinion on scouting. Does it work for you as it did in previous years? Do you use Chief scout? I played for the club in 1st Ukrainian league, had very good scouts (JCA, JPA, Adaptability 15+) and they couldn't find anybody for months! They scouted France, Spain, Germany, Russia, with or without conditions and nothing. I have no idea why. I resigned and now I am in the Czech Gambrinug Liga (1st div). Im here for 2 months and it looks that I have the same problem.
Am I doing something wrong? It is really game breaking when my scouts can't find any potential player for my team!
Try defining your searches a little less? Initially I set my searches up to find players with minimum 4* potential and as you'd expect it was often we found a player, if you're doing something like that maybe tone it down?
nick cartlidge