18 years ago
1 year ago
I'm hoping that if I am successful here, in a few seasons or so I will be upgraded to the first team manager which will massively increase my reputation. However for now, I will have to try and get out of this horrible league which could be a pain.
18 years ago
1 year ago
16th July 2016 - Joao Miguel Called Up For The Olympic Squad

Surely there is no way that this guy can be playing in the lowest division of Portuguese football come the start of the season...
Sheriff Skacel
10 years ago
1 year ago
I always like managing the B teams for a bit of a change, occasionally the A team will dump you with an absolute star or two who will more than make up for the rest of the shite in your squad.

Use them as a stepping stone, few solid results and you could land a lower top flight job. I had a spell with Sporting B on FM14 and managed to land with Pacos after a season and a half.
18 years ago
1 year ago
Yeah, that's what I'm hoping. This league will be tough to get out of but I'm looking forward to it.
18 years ago
1 year ago

I definitely think that's achievable. I want promotion...

Well, the A Team have well and truly f*cked me over here.

Two of the three players I had indicated would be key men for me this season have been sent out on loan and there was nothing I could do about it. Absolutely gutted. I was really looking forward to managing these two, especially Miguel. They have sent me a few outcasts, no where near as good as these two but they will have to make do. The season is about to start now... Lets hope none of my players perform too good before they are shipped out on loan.
18 years ago
1 year ago
The transfer window is finally over thank god. The hierarchy have pretty much either loaned out or moved up any player of any real quality. A few players who I had high hopes for have been loaned out to sides in the same division as us which is annoying. At least now I can really settle down with my side without the squad changing every few days.
18 years ago
1 year ago

Idalino was our top goalscorer and has been moved up to the first team squad. I should be gutted but to be honest, I'm quite happy he's been given an opportunity in the first team squad. He has scored 10 goals so far this season and I really hope now he can force his way into the first team.

This club is only a stepping stone for me. I want to improve these players and it would be great to see some of them make it in the first team. We'll just have to wait and see with Idalino but I really hope so. Pedro Silva has also been promoted, he was in the first team squad last season lets hope he can stay there.
18 years ago
1 year ago

There we have it, I have my replacement for Idalino. Now this is definitely not a player who I expect will be staying in the 'B' team for long. My wage budget for this squad is £1.9k a week... this guys wages are going to be £5.75k a week! I never expected to get this guy, I asked the board if they could jump in and sign him and for the first time ever, they did!

Like I said, I don't expect the hierarchy to keep him in the 'B' team for long. However, if we manage to keep him for a few games, you never know what could happen. Such a strange move and he's a player who should rip this league apart but like I said, I'm not expecting him to be here long. I don't want to get too excited about players in this team as I know they'll move on soon if they play well.

Top goalscorer in Brazil to bottom division Portugal.
18 years ago
1 year ago
16th January 2017 - First Phase Completed

Unfortunately for us, we will not be gaining promotion this season. Despite some good performances, we fell ten points short of the top two and will play our last 14 matches in the 'relegation group'. I'm really happy with how we have played so far this season and I do firmly believe that if we could of kept players such as Idalino and Miguel in the side, we would have a chance for promotion. I have already lost two of my starters this transfer window who the hierarchy have sent out on loan, I just hope they don't mess us up too much for this next phase.

It's a shame but I don't think this Braga 'B' side will ever get promoted from this league. Any player who possesses any sort of quality will either get promoted or loaned out so the rhythm of the team is always changing. There is never a consistent starting line up which is a problem. Saying that, I am still really enjoying it here. It's nice not to lose every game like I had been at my last previous clubs. This phase is a lot tighter this season than it was last season. I am only three points off the relegation play off spot so it's definitely not over yet, hope the hierarchy don't make it too hard for us. If I can keep this squad of players we will have no problem staying up... we'll just have to wait and see.
Sheriff Skacel
10 years ago
1 year ago
Adailton used to be class a few FMs back, amazing you've got him. Expecting 15 goals during his 3 game B stint before Braga A steal him.
18 years ago
1 year ago
Ah, Adailton managed two matches with us before moving on. I knew it would happen sooner or later I just didn't know it would of been this soon. So, this transfer window I lost: Carlos Mendes, Breno, Manuel Araujo, Vitor Araujo, Diogo Rodrigues, Edu and Adailton.

All first team starters apart from Edu who just returned from a loan spell. I worry for this sides future, we still aren't safe and we have just lost 7 starting eleven players, not including Idalino and Pedro Silva who left a month or so ago.
Sheriff Skacel
10 years ago
1 year ago
How big is the Braga first team? Are they actually using these players or stockpiling?

If you look at the Portuguese B teams in real life they are a mix of Portuguese talent and young foreigners that the A team have signing to develop / get accustomed to Portuguese football. Seems like the A teams don't pull their weight in FM in this regard
18 years ago
1 year ago
Adailton used to be class a few FMs back, amazing you've got him. Expecting 15 goals during his 3 game B stint before Braga A steal him.

He managed 2 matches and 1 goal. Damn look at that 7.40 rating, I miss him already.
18 years ago
1 year ago
How big is the Braga first team? Are they actually using these players or stockpiling?

If you look at the Portuguese B teams in real life they are a mix of Portuguese talent and young foreigners that the A team have signing to develop / get accustomed to Portuguese football. Seems like the A teams don't pull their weight in FM in this regard

39 first team players. Idalino hasn't even played for them yet and he was my star striker. It's annoying because a lot of the players I just mentioned have been loaned out to players in the same league as me and there's nothing I can do about it.
18 years ago
1 year ago
I only have 3 defenders in my squads thanks to the 'A' team. I have a right back and 2 centre backs and I play with 3 centre backs. F*cked it.
18 years ago
1 year ago
This lad will be next one who will either be moved up to the A team or loaned out.

He now has 9 goals in 16 appearances. Good stats for a target man, got a heap of potential as well.
18 years ago
1 year ago

Never thought this would happen at the start of this career.
18 years ago
1 year ago

This is getting ridiculous now. Really hope this guy plays for them, waste of a talent if not. I now have no holding midfielders now.
18 years ago
1 year ago
23rd March - Seven Games To Go

Four wins out of the last seven matches despite all the problems we've been having off the field is quite good. We'll probably lose a few players from now until the end of the season but I'm confident we will manage to stay up. I am going to have to change the tactic now as we have no CDM which is annoying. Might just play a CM there though because I like this tactic.
18 years ago
1 year ago

Adailton tearing it up for the first team. He's managed four goals and five assists in seven games which is a brilliant return. Idalino still hasn't played for them. Hope Rogerio gets a few games for them before the end of the season but I'm not sure if they will. They are currently sitting 2nd in the Premier League which is pleasing, just annoying how they steal all my players!
18 years ago
1 year ago
I still haven't had any coaching courses so my stats are still crap. It's a shame because the board say that agree that I need some badges but they can't afford it. F*ck the board.
18 years ago
1 year ago
Also, f*ck Arthur Papas. Who is Arthur Papas?
18 years ago
1 year ago

Signed a new 1-year deal. Let's just see how it goes... don't want to make any predictions with this board.
18 years ago
1 year ago
Pfft, what do they know?
18 years ago
1 year ago
I miss this guy

He's ripping the top division to shreds.
18 years ago
1 year ago
21st May 2017 - Well, that was scary

After what I was thinking was quite a good season, we completely lost our way and it wasn't until the last match where we guaranteed our survival. I think it's pretty obvious that we're lacking in defence but playing with this formation, we're also going to lose goals. My attack have been pretty good this season but I'm predicting the first team will be snapping up a few of my players soon.

I've got a few signings in the pipe line but then again, I don't know if I'll be signing them for me, the 'A' team or just to be loaned out. Lets just see how this pre season goes. The 'A' team managed to finish 2nd in the league just behind Porto which means Champions League football for a few of my lads hopefully.
18 years ago
1 year ago

The board/first team manager has placed pretty much my whole squad on the transfer list/loan list. It could be a long Summer.
18 years ago
1 year ago

My stats are forever going to be sh*t under this board.
18 years ago
1 year ago
This lad will be next one who will either be moved up to the A team or loaned out.

He now has 9 goals in 16 appearances. Good stats for a target man, got a heap of potential as well.

It's just happened. Hopefully they will play him next season. I'm expecting a lot of changes before the new season starts.
18 years ago
1 year ago

I've moved the from 'H' group to the 'G' group, not a clue why but it looks harder which is worrying. As you can see, we now have to face Porto's B Team who will obviously be good. We have a much larger wage budget than last season which was moved from £2k a week to £9k a week. Due to this, the board are wanting promotion which means I need to get top 2 in the first phase to keep my job.

Lets hope they don't steal all my f*cking players then...

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