This file will let you reduce the number of injuries that occur in FM2016 from anywhere from 5% to 50%. Perfect for anyone who thinks there are too many injuries by default in Football Manager 2016
Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2016/Editor Data
Which file you choose is up to you, they are all named relative to how much they decrease the number of injuries in the game. So if you want injuries reduced only slightly install the “reduced by 5%” file, but if you want more, you might try the file that reduces injuries by 15% or 20%. It’s totally up to you.
Once you’ve moved the file to the Editor Data folder load up FM16 and start a new career.
This will NOT be compatible with a saved game.
Alternatively you can move all the files into the “Editor Data” folder and when starting a new game select “custom” next to "Editor Data Files" and use the tick boxes to select how much you want injuries reduced by.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure you only ever have one of the injury files enabled at a time. Having more than one may adversely effect your game and it will be unclear how much injuries are reduced by.
Installation Instructions
To install this file first download it using the link on this page and then choose just just ONE of the the files named "sortitoutsi.net Injuries Reduced by X%.fmf" and move it to:Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2016/Editor Data
Which file you choose is up to you, they are all named relative to how much they decrease the number of injuries in the game. So if you want injuries reduced only slightly install the “reduced by 5%” file, but if you want more, you might try the file that reduces injuries by 15% or 20%. It’s totally up to you.
Once you’ve moved the file to the Editor Data folder load up FM16 and start a new career.
This will NOT be compatible with a saved game.
Alternatively you can move all the files into the “Editor Data” folder and when starting a new game select “custom” next to "Editor Data Files" and use the tick boxes to select how much you want injuries reduced by.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure you only ever have one of the injury files enabled at a time. Having more than one may adversely effect your game and it will be unclear how much injuries are reduced by.
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Ipswich Knights
I agree
This file is for anyone that feels differently. Kindly SI give us the chance to change all this stuff ourselves, this file just makes it even easier.
Tyrion Lannister
author? he's the master! ha ha. he doesn't speak much, but when he does we listen.
Tyrion Lannister
This is a very valuable tool to help balance injuries if needed, good work.
each injury within the game has a probability of occurring. The probability for each injury has been reduced by a certain percentage between 5 and 50% (you can choose depending on which file you install).
So if you choose the 10% file, every single injury type will have 10% less chance of occurring, so the probability of ANY injury occurring is also reduced by 10%.
And thanks a lot!