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Some would argue this is an incredibly straight forward challenge. Your aim is to simply unlock the six national hero achievements on Steam, to do this you must guide a team from the bottom division of Brazil, England, France, Italy, Scotland and Spain, all the way to the top tier. In theory looking out to be the hero at the end of the night ...
You can use any reputation you like (although real heroes use Sunday League of course!) and begin with any club in the bottom division of these countries, if you want to make things even more challenging you could adopt a nationalist approach and only sign players from the country you are currently working in.
Good luck and remember the lads at Foo Fighter are looking for that hero! Will it be you?
P.S - As the French CFA isn't playable from the start you have two options, either leave it as the game will still give you the achievement for taking a club from the National division to Ligue1, or if you are a masochist you can enable play in the CFA by being relegated into it, as a short-cut you could holiday to the final day of season and take control of a side about to be relegated from the National which will allow you to go down without being sacked as the board won't judge you on that seasons performance.
Ipswich Knights
Ipswich Knights
Whatever suits you really, works either way.
Ipswich Knights