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Eric Portapotty
Emery would fit in well, he'll be able to handle all the #EmeryOut shite from the fans (Piers) considering the amount of grief he had been given from Valencia fans.
Number 1
Good to see a Newcastle win, although it helped that West Bromwich Albion came for a 0-0 and didn't change that ambition even after Mitrovic's goal. Also, what odds on Tiote getting another goal disallowed for an offside teammate blocking the keeper? Thank Christ it didn't end like it did against Man City 2 years back.
I guess its easier for us to mock given Palace fans seemed adamant they wouldn't go on a repeat on some of the shit runs he managed at St. James' Park, and they're now on a similar run of 8 without a win. Pardew's also now the first PL era manager to lose five in a row with 3 different clubs, and they've sunk from top 6 to bottom half - sort of like what we did in 2013/14, only quicker and shitter. I'd say Palace are better than Norwich, but Villa isn't the worst comparison, although that's more a hallmark of how much Sherwood and Garde have ballsed up.
I think he'd be a good manager if he sorts out these recurring fallibilities.
Based Jorge
Eric Portapotty
Knew he'd fuck us as soon as he came on.
On balance a fair result, we were awful after we scored.
I think everyone said it because he was better than Wijnaldum playing for the same team in the Netherlands last season.
Dunno, I feel a bit sorry for him in a way, its clear he was nowhere near ready for the step up and the fact we went in to the season with him as first choice was ridiculous.
On the other hand, he's a lazy bastard who gives the impression he thinks he's already the tits. He looks more concerned with how he looks than being a good footballer and his glimpses of ability are so few and far in-between it makes you wonder whether he's actually that good a player. I think he should get another season, at least, but he can have no complaints if he's sold in the summer.
Number 1
Is there really a point?
I liked it more before I saw this:
That makes it worse, make it just the lion, that font is not right for the Premier League image. [/graphicdesignerpov]
Number 1
They've said they want to do something like the NFL, in that the Premier League brand is kept alone and they instead have a series of partner sponsors rather a title sponsor like Carling or Barclays have been. So no.
As an app logo it looks excellent but I think it only really works as an app logo. On the shirt sleeves, I agree the font looks shite. Its not as bad as the 2012 Olympics logo was though.
Any word on what kind of sentence he'd be looking at when convicted?
Based Jorge
And Adam Johnson in turbo nonce shocker
Grooming a minor for sex isn't an offence in most of Europe?
Can't groom someone who is over the age of consent.
Oh aye I forgot about the majority of Europe being peadophiles.
Based Jorge
Fucking hell, what's the age of consent in these places, 14?
Frightening to be fair
Cyan is 14, light blue is 15.
That difference of year or two, decided arbitrarily by politicians, is clearly what separates the vicious, morally repugnant child predators from the good, unquestionable citizens.
Adam Johnson's havin' a party. Bring your play doh and your Barbie.
If you're not careful this'll devolve into a nuanced debate on the ethics and morality of consent.
Let's all just stick to calling Adam Johnson a nonce, it's far easier.