Ipswich Knights
10 years ago
5 years ago
It keeps eeach pres season suggesting I should for certain players who have been at my club for 10 years however I don't know how? when I go to set up a pres season match I only see the option of friendly, cup, tour etc nothing about choosing a player to honour in a match? Does anyone know how to do it?
18 years ago
4 months ago
When you're arranging a friendly you should have five rows . . .

Use For Testimonial
Match Rules

You should be able to click on the 'Use For Testimonial' and select whatever player you want, providing he's been at your club for 10+ seasons.
Ipswich Knights
10 years ago
5 years ago
I dont have that option which sucks as I just got an emial that say7s I can for 4 players/
Ipswich Knights
10 years ago
5 years ago
where its not there??

Ipswich Knights
10 years ago
5 years ago
So i hit arrange friendly and goes into this screen and nothing??

no option to tick any testiminal box or nothing?

please explain

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