13 years ago
8 months ago
I've started putting together my own logos for FM.. Any advice/tips from the more senior makers, i cant make my mind up and keep falling down a rabbit hole of filters and ideas. I made some i really like, then they dont work on 'oddly shaped' badges (like palace etc) but look great on the shield/normal shaped ones... i'm at here so far..


12 years ago
21 hours ago
I have only one comment on logo style. It looks like the drop shadow effect behind the badges is not always at 0% transparency at the edges of the images. Maybe that is what you want, but I think shadows that are cut abruptly like that do not look very neat.

As general advice - if you are going to make a large pack with thousands of logos, its important to try to make the work flow as effortless and organized as possible. If you are working with Photoshop, you should create an action to automatically add your special effect to the logos, and perhaps another action to automatically save the logos in the logopack image sizes into the folders you want them to go to.
13 years ago
8 months ago
I have only one comment on logo style. It looks like the drop shadow effect behind the badges is not always at 0% transparency at the edges of the images. Maybe that is what you want, but I think shadows that are cut abruptly like that do not look very neat.

As general advice - if you are going to make a large pack with thousands of logos, its important to try to make the work flow as effortless and organized as possible. If you are working with Photoshop, you should create an action to automatically add your special effect to the logos, and perhaps another action to automatically save the logos in the logopack image sizes into the folders you want them to go to.

Yeah, i have the action all sorted and the styles fed into it etc. Its an easy plug and play over an existing normal image.

the drop shadow spread i think needs pulling in abit to make sure its always inside the 180x180 at the min as well. Cheers for taking the time
13 years ago
8 months ago
Yeah, i might be getting abit carried away playing with Photoshop lol.

18 years ago
6 years ago
All i would say is carry on until you have the look that you like - that what i did and i've been moderately successful at it

13 years ago
8 months ago
Cheers Kremmen, think ill be keeping it simple..

toss up between these two at the min...


13 years ago
8 months ago
Settled on this...


now to work...
12 years ago
21 hours ago
Looking pretty good.

It seems that there is still some cutting happening with the shadows on the edges of the images though. If you want to avoid it, here is what you could do:

  1. If possible, work on the source logos in size that is considerably larger than the intended logopack logo size.
  2. Add your effect, and notice that characteristics of the needed drop shadow (maybe other styles as well) depend on the size and resolution of the image you are working on (if you require consistency from logo to logo).
  3. Click image -> reveal all to resize the canvas to include all opaque pixels. Click image -> trim to remove all empty space on the canvas.
  4. Rasterize layer styles and merge visible layers (if there are more than one).
  5. Resize the image to the intended logopack logo size using either height or width (which ever is greater). You can also make the logo smaller than the intended end size if you wish there to be some empty space around the badge.
  6. Change canvas size to the logopack logo size.
  7. Ready to save logopack logo...
13 years ago
8 months ago
Cheers ducc, glad i' didnt start the full overhaul yet then.

I presume by cutting you mean the drop shadow looking like it runs past the 180x180 canvas size?

I was using a standard 180x180 logo,
expanding the canvas to 200x200, adding the drop shadow/effects/work etc,
merging down any layers to 1,
then reducing the whole image back to 180x180.

I think i can either reduce the spread of the drop shadows, or expand the initial canvas size up to 205x205 so its fits, as long as it not too small on the resize to 180x180 before saving.

i ll give the above a go, In game you can't tell luckily with my skin but for those who use a "light" version you might. so if i ever wanna upload...

Cheers for the look/time/advice dude
12 years ago
21 hours ago
There are many ways to arrive to similar outcome, but using the reveal all function should guarantee that no abrupt cutting happens (and by cutting I indeed mean that the shadow looks like it should continue past the edge of the image).

Generally its best to work in large sizes and later make the logos smaller. That way any imperfections in the logos - or in the quality of the work that has been done - can often be reduced to something that isn't visible in the end product.

If its possible to have all the logos in the same size and resolution before you add your effect, it should be fairly straight forward to quickly make logos that have consistent looking style with similar shadow widths etc. It sounds like you may be using a "standard" style logopack as a source for the logo images, so it should at least solve the problem of the image size, though not necessarily the one concerning resolution. I guess it just has to be tested how big of a difference the possible variance in resolution between the images actually makes...

If you are using a standard pack as a source and you have an action that does all the magic you want done on the logos, you can use Photoshop batch automation to automatically go through the whole pack. Click file -> automate -> batch.

13 years ago
8 months ago
Cheers Ducc, just seems on the bigger logos i might have to bring the spread shadow in 5px or make the initial expand 5px wider to accomodate.

The full action i'm having issues getting the merge down part work but the restyle is something i do when bored or watching series anyway so the manual way isnt really an issue, im no pressed for time or anything.

Much appreciated.
12 years ago
21 hours ago
If you search the net for the best source logos you can find, their sizes will vary from as big as you can want (vector logo) to the smallest you are willing to use. Quite often famous clubs have large good quality logos available, while less reputable clubs may not have. With the great variety in source logos' sizes, the Photoshop layer styles that include measurements in px will require tinkering from one logo to another.

Merging down might be failing because a layer that cannot be merged down has been selected before the action is being played. If you just want to merge all layers press ctrl + alt + a to select all layers and then press ctrl + e to merge them.
18 years ago
6 years ago
I'd go along with that conclusion too - i tried to make my own as simple to make as possible by automating as much of the process as possible once the logo has been cut...should have called mine LazyLogos
12 years ago
21 hours ago
I'd go along with that conclusion too - i tried to make my own as simple to make as possible by automating as much of the process as possible once the logo has been cut...should have called mine LazyLogos

I guess its as simple as cutting the logos, saving them into a folder with IDs as names and then running them through batch automation coupled with an action that adds the effect and saves the logos in the three sizes you have in your pack?
18 years ago
6 years ago
Yup..alows more drinking time
13 years ago
8 months ago
was looking into adding the wave effect from the HD logo pack some guy is trying to sell.. (fuck him) but i dont think it works too well with the style like already..


12 years ago
21 hours ago
Yup..alows more drinking time


I have my own logo project, but perhaps not as much time for drink or other good hobbies because the effect I chose requires some adjustments on every logo.

was looking into adding the wave effect from the HD logo pack some guy is trying to sell.. (fuck him) but i dont think it works too well with the style like already..



Someone is selling a pack? Where ? I'd like to see if its any good...

The the surface of the logos looks somewhat matte, so sharp edged reflection may not look "correct" on them. I don't know if soft edged reflection would be any better though...

13 years ago
8 months ago

I have my own logo project, but perhaps not as much time for drink or other good hobbies because the effect I chose requires some adjustments on every logo.

Someone is selling a pack? Where ? I'd like to see if its any good...

The the surface of the logos looks somewhat matte, so sharp edged reflection may not look "correct" on them. I don't know if soft edged reflection would be any better though...

ebay as per usual. HDLOGOs i think its under, unless its been reported and taken down as the do (its licensed images after all, regardless of the photoshop done).

Yeah its not a good mix but at least i know its easy to replicate his :lol might just give the filter away.
13 years ago
8 months ago
13 years ago
8 months ago

thats the style i went with, cheers for your help guys.

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