FM24 Data Update
Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!
- Updated 16 Feb 2025
- 104,723 Changes
- 585 Contributors
- FM24.3
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This page is here as a historical reference only.
Post in the correct section, thank you.
Sane has yet to move, not officially confirmed by clubs, he has not signed the contracts ... nothing on OFFICIAL club websites.
The entire point of this transfer update is for YOU to submit the transfers for this update ...
P.S. No need for the language.
You're talking about a transfer. Everyone else is confirmed, and it is not done. Really from 5 to 11 you have done one transfer Ibai Gómez TO Alaves? After all, this is pathetic. What's next? James Forrest and Ali Adnan are as free players and still play for their clubs! Forrest plays in the first team, yesterday even with Barcelona as he left. Ali Adnan also plays Udiense, Pele van Aanholt training with Heerenveen still. All the rest is practically confirmed, Gameiro, William Jose, Valsvik etc. we still have to wait, because something you do not like and do not want you to fire GOOGLE?
What? SANE - official manager Schalke say done deal today training seassion.
Valsvik, William Jose, Roberto Soriano, Coke, BEN YEDDER, GAMEIRO, James Forrest (wtf free agent???), Veloso, Ali Adnan TOO Official DONE fucking DEAL
Sane has yet to move, not officially confirmed by clubs, he has not signed the contracts ... nothing on OFFICIAL club websites.
The entire point of this transfer update is for YOU to submit the transfers for this update ...
P.S. No need for the language.
Valsvik, William Jose, Roberto Soriano, Coke, BEN YEDDER, GAMEIRO, James Forrest (wtf free agent???), Veloso, Ali Adnan TOO Official DONE fucking DEAL
GAMEIRO to Atletico
Veloso to Genoa
ALI ADNAN to UDINESE (not free agent)
Stefano Okaka back to Anderlecht - official site Anderlecht!
Coke to Schalke
Pogba to United (official 48 hours)
VALSVIK to Eintracht Braunschweig
Willian Jose to Sociedad - 5 yeras deal
Roberto Soriano to Villarreal
Sane to City
Baba Rahman loan to Schalke
You know what to do ... submit the deal ...
BTW lots of those deals above have NOT BEEN CONFIRMED!
Marcek ... it was enabled ...
GAMEIRO to Atletico
Veloso to Genoa
ALI ADNAN to UDINESE (not free agent)
Stefano Okaka back to Anderlecht - official site Anderlecht!
Coke to Schalke
Pogba to United (official 48 hours)
VALSVIK to Eintracht Braunschweig
Willian Jose to Sociedad - 5 yeras deal
Roberto Soriano to Villarreal
Sane to City
Baba Rahman loan to Schalke
Nor is he appearing in my game. I'm only running the base game, including the official 17.3 winter transfer update, with this update (no other edited files) so I'm not sure why he's not showing up.
Edit: The problem is, he has been deleted from the official 17.3 winter update patch. This now makes me think, is this update just based on the official 17.1.0 version? If so then the official 17.3 update patch will break a lot of transfers included in this update. I really hope that this issue can be addressed.