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Everything is done as it should be exactly as you say, and when entering the main menu games, before choosing (later also) fires up a window like in the picture, this is an obvious mistake update because nothing bury folders etc. outside the update I still have a league of "claaseen", or something like that, I do not remember the name, and as always, all beautifully played just after the renovation of a present time is that of a mistake. Also mess in the XML file.
Ok chill, no need to post it in every thread possible. Relevant person has been notified.
Cymro I wrote it because it was completely a zero response, wrote only MONS, and now you. A written message. Believe it or not I'm cool with that, I asked on several forums and a group on Facebook and a lot of people have a similar problem. The file simply does not work to them ...
My comment referred to you posting the same message in four threads, this, Engvall, Balotelli and Peres.
We can see the problem and are doing our best to correct it.
So thanks for letting us know.
I do not want to sound rude, but is there a chance to repair it today? Because as of now on the forum, in addition to the words of your mate that nothing happens ...
Should be fixed for the next build. So it was being worked on.
To be fair people have lives outside of the forum, and I'll be honest patience is needed as we do our best to get this to work and be efficient as possoble.
I understand, I have a private life, a job, his fiancee. Thanks for the quick response, I hope that everything will be ok
Ufuk Sancılı
Joao Diniz
I have the same problem with the player danilo to solve?
I will reiterate the message.
Delete ALL old Live Update Files.
Copy across all new files inside the zip and the files inside the folder in the zip.
Ensure you are playing with update 16.3 Winter Update version.
Other update files might cause conflict, only additional files recommended is the real name fix file.
Start a new game.
There is no issue with England and Spain not being available to be loaded up. If this is the case you have done something wrong, it is not the updates fault. Follow the instructions in the FAQs or what has been suggested above.
Gavin O Gorman
I have found an error though. Currently you have Dodo contracted to Sampdoria and transferring to Inter Milan in 2016. In reality, he is contracted to Inter and on a two-year loan with Sampdoria, with an obligation to buy. Evidence.
if they have to buy it, whats the difference? xD
AFAIK it was lifted, it's deactivated in the database, however, in the actual game files themselves it is set to be active so that will require you to into the game database itself and look for the LNC or EDT files.
In the update, you have him transferring from Sampdoria to Inter, but in reality he is transferring from Inter to Sampdoria, the complete opposite.
that was fixed already
Gavin O Gorman
I used the fm editor to change it but the sortitout database update overrides that change. Im not sure what you mean by LNC or EDT files?
Are you playing with the Winter database, the Susie Update only works with the latest official game database.
If you are, delete all files and reinstall the update in the your editor data folder to make sure you are not using any conflicting files.
but the stadium has a build date set as 2016 also in the stadium move section it is set as december 2015 with no new stadium details entered
unable to find him in your DB search filter his ID 19192108
cancel searched using unique ID see your current DB is correct the fault was/is with SI who had him set up as a future transfer to valencia even though that was never agreed he is as per your DB at right club/clubs owned by braga loaned to benfica
he is correct in my game
delete all files inside Editor data and download our update again
Update: 2nd Problem is with Spain in Nations list. It can't be selected because Segunda Division has more teams (21) than the game (?) can handle. But, the problem is fixed, if I deselect the Club updates in the editor data folder.