Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive over 480,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.
- 489,095
- 2025.03 - Released on 11 Feb 2025

From now on, it will only be possible to make missing image or improvement image requests on that page, as well as teampack requests. We believe this will help make it easier for new users to make requests, as well as making it easier for requesters to locate and select images to cut. It will now be possible to automatically sort requests by category (missing, improvement or teampack) and/or by status (completed, being made, rejected, waiting) and/or by requester. We believe this will make for a much more orderly system.
You can watch a YouTube video preview here of the new system.
This forum will nevertheless remain active with the guide to cutting thread, facepacks release thread, technical support thread, home thread etc., as well as a new dedicated thread to assist users having questions or difficulties with their requests.
We only ask to give the new format a chance; don't give up on it just because it's a change from the previous system. In the long run, we firmly believe this will help us improve the cutout megapack - and we are more than happy to take on board feedback to tweak and/or insert new features to improve it.
Jogo Bonito
I used to find sources and right click, go on to properties, and then copy and paste the image to your link. It would appear that I would now need to download the source image and save on my system, in order to then browse and load it? I would prefer not to have to download every pic just to do this, is there another way?
Also, most of the source images I found were jpg but the new page says they must be png? I guess that is why we need to be saving them, so we convert them to png before making the request?
Thanks in advance of your reply.
The reason behind the first is that it removes the possibility that the hosting site removes the image for whatever reason before they have been cut.
As for the second, I'm not exactly sure why so I've asked Rob for clarification. In the meantime, you can use this tool to convert jpeg's to png's...
@Jogo Bonito , it's just the description which says png, you should be able to submit a jpg request
Jogo Bonito
Is there still a limit of requests?
What should be the ID of such a pack?
Is there a way i can make a comment or advise on a team/pack request or individual player request?
Anyway, really like the new system =D
Especially now when you've made a bunch of those requests with sources 150x150...
I can actually block submissions where the image is smaller. I'll add that to my todo list
1. It's a very good step, the system is really easy and helpful both for requesters as for cutters
2. There should be option to back out of making the cut out, to change it's status back from 'Being made' to 'Waiting"
3. After setting the filter f.e. "Missing" and clicking on another page filter resets to default
I'm really a fan of this system, good work!
My only question though - is there a limit of requests per person or the users can "flood" the request board?
I'll look to add an option where you can just paste an image.
That was just a typo, you can still upload all other forms of images and i've removed the reference to PNG now. If you spot another please let me know
Also, if cutters want to post a cut which was not requested, then I am suggesting either of two options for now:
* either the cutter requests the finished cut, then assigns themselves as making it, then marks it as complete; or
* the cutter collects a bunch of his cuts together and uploads it as a mixpack in the facepack release thread
We are looking for a more practical solution, but the above will do for now.
Recent requests from the old threads will be collected in the coming days and posted as mixpack requests or individual requests in order that cutters can give them a go if they want to. You can of course yourself re-request any old sources you had.
Re limits, I intentionally did not specify an arbitrary limit of requests for individual image requests as I hope we can all be sensible enough not to overdo it, especially the more regular users. I also think that if you find 5 missing sources today and 3 next week, there's nothing wrong with requesting them at the same time, as long as they're of good enough quality. I just don't want people to be posting a dozen images at the same time and then a dozen the next day, and spamming the request system. If you find a hoard of images, they can be collected as a teampack request
I'm not sure re the ID, can you not upload it without typing in the team ID, or does the system stop you from doing so? Let me know so we can amend it accordingly.
There should be a comment button in each request page, and you should be able to comment on an individual request directly
Just done it myself here, but I'm not sure if it's just a moderator-only function
Thanks for the kind words, we hope it'll be easier to use for new and old users alike
That's somewhat intentional, if people find it preferable I will save the previous state. I'd appreciate user feedback on this issue
1. Happy to hear that
2. When that happens, perhaps you can @ me in the comment section and I'd change the status for you myself
3. Rob's already replied
Over time there will be more than 2 pages of "Missing" requests and to navigate through them all to find something you have time or abilities to cut may be problematic so I'd say the filter should not return to it's default. Also, it would make it harder to reach the requests which would be at the last page.
Thanks for your answer. The system requires me to type an ID. So i can not upload a mixpack
@Rob , but I believe he's already working on an alternative method to upload non-team related mixpacks
Please bear with us while we tweak the system to make it better, quicker and simpler
Keep the feedback coming
Are you getting one every single time you create a request?
Here is my current todo list:
Mate sometimes those images can be used,we had many of them on old forum,but mostly as missing 'cuz those was the best available sources.Problem is that almost all of those from this user could be found from much bigger and better resolution.There should be an option for mods to change source image of request so we could add those better sources as we could on old forum.
Is it better to reject a request and add a new request or to edit a request? It could get confusing editing a request, the fact that the original request was bad is lost and it just looks like the requester made a good request.
Or maybe a better option is, within a moderator panel, you can upload a better image and it automatically rejects the old one and creates a new request with the better image but the old details (fm_id, name etc). That way it's clear that the original request was bad/rejected and there's a new request, but it's just as easy as editing the old request as you've asked for.
Hey Rob,
I get one everytime i upload a request
For me the second option is the better one, but I don't know what BajaHater thinks...
I like it; it gives staff the possibility to add a new source while at the same informing the original requester that there was an issue with their request
You can now paste a link to an image instead!
2 and 3 are both now live
There is now a seperate mixpack option
Mixpack request page doesn't work
Fixed now