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As many of you have probably seen over the last couple weeks this challenge has really taken off, [Shedender] and I originally tried this challenge back on FM2015 and the year before that if I remember correctly, but 2015 being our best attempt to date. These previous attempts can be seen here: Dans 2015 World Journey and Shedenders 2015 World Journey. This year we discussed returning to the challenge as neither had a very successful time on the forum for FM2016, personally I just didn't have time to play it properly.
** The challenge itself is simple, simple but
impossiblenearly impossible, as the title states, you've got to conquer the whole world, this isn't for the faint hearted.Its down to you to travel to every single country that is playable on the default database and win every single trophy that is going in the leagues, playoff wins and automatic promotions from finishing second etc will count as a ticked off trophy, we're not that mean!
You can start in any country you wish
You should start unemployed
Must start with Sunday League Reputation
Must start with no coaching qualifications.
Submit screenshots on this page to count towards the trophy count.
You must enjoy it!
@Dan 14 trophies/10 seasons Dans Journey Around the World
@Jamie3 6
7 trophies/6 seasons
@Shedender 3 trophies/4 seasons On A Quest To Be The Best
@tongey 1 trophy/2 seasons
@Parker26 0 Trophys/1 Season
Shush Parker.
And @Dan can you update my trophy count by looking ayy thread, cheers, I think I'm currently on three trophies in four seasons but I might be wrong.
Edit: I had a minute so was able to check my thread and update the leaderboard.
Also, does everyone simulate games, because I don't seem to be getting through it as quick as you guys
think thats 7 trophies in 6 seasons now