Skin Dark (Final Version) for FM 2017 regular career mode and widescreen (1920x1080).
Compatible with DF11 and Scope faces.
I would like to start by expressing my acknowledgment to all FMfans who keep me motivated to edit the FlutSkin with kind words of support and stimulus.
In spite of my great recognition to all FM Skinners and graphic/addons producers that make our FM experience much more exciting, I would like to express a special thank you to PATRES10, for the tailor-made default kits I included in the skin; to NECJEFF, for the original creation of country locator that I adapted in Flutskin; to JOVOVICH, for the wonderful match intro panels; to SIRWILL and PIKAWA, for the match scoreboards I included in the skin; and, “last but not the least”, to RUNE, who has always shared his ideas with me, was responsible for the most innovative idea to improve FM skins visual – the citypics – and who has been a “compagnon de route” since the beginning of this journey.
All of you are the main source of inspiration that has made possible to improve FlutSkin since the first time (in FM13) I decided to try to edit a skin.
About this update
This version does not include "structural" (or big) changes. It includes, however, several tweaks in different panels, namely in the following:
- News panel: pre-season report team preview, post match analysis, pre-match opponent analysis and team report panel tweaked
- Match preview, Match overview and Match pre-match panel: all the lineups in those panels were tweaked
- Match titlebar score: scoreboard was tweaked
- Flut match scoreboard (tweaked)
- Match introduction: League one, Serie A, K League, Bundesliga included (from Jovovich); Liga NOS included (non official intro, made based on EPL league)
- Board room ( “new” )
- Club overview panel: slightly larger club kits and Last XI tweaked.
I hope you enjoy this version!
See you in FM18!!!
Released: 27 August, 2017
You can download the 2D kits for displayed in player overview panel and titlebar HERE or HERE
You also can download the citypics (and much more) in the Backgrounds Superpack made by DAZS8 (with some contribution from myself and other FM Fans), HERE
How to add Flut Skin in FM17
Download and extract the .rar file (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).
Place the "fm2017flutskin" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2017\skins
Compatible with DF11 and Scope faces.
I would like to start by expressing my acknowledgment to all FMfans who keep me motivated to edit the FlutSkin with kind words of support and stimulus.
In spite of my great recognition to all FM Skinners and graphic/addons producers that make our FM experience much more exciting, I would like to express a special thank you to PATRES10, for the tailor-made default kits I included in the skin; to NECJEFF, for the original creation of country locator that I adapted in Flutskin; to JOVOVICH, for the wonderful match intro panels; to SIRWILL and PIKAWA, for the match scoreboards I included in the skin; and, “last but not the least”, to RUNE, who has always shared his ideas with me, was responsible for the most innovative idea to improve FM skins visual – the citypics – and who has been a “compagnon de route” since the beginning of this journey.
All of you are the main source of inspiration that has made possible to improve FlutSkin since the first time (in FM13) I decided to try to edit a skin.
About this update
This version does not include "structural" (or big) changes. It includes, however, several tweaks in different panels, namely in the following:
- News panel: pre-season report team preview, post match analysis, pre-match opponent analysis and team report panel tweaked
- Match preview, Match overview and Match pre-match panel: all the lineups in those panels were tweaked
- Match titlebar score: scoreboard was tweaked
- Flut match scoreboard (tweaked)
- Match introduction: League one, Serie A, K League, Bundesliga included (from Jovovich); Liga NOS included (non official intro, made based on EPL league)
- Board room ( “new” )
- Club overview panel: slightly larger club kits and Last XI tweaked.
I hope you enjoy this version!
See you in FM18!!!
Released: 27 August, 2017
Resolution requirements:
This skin was made to work properly in 1920x1080 (1080p) full screen mode. As a result, some panels won’t work properly in other resolutions (and also in 1920x1080 windowed mode).IMPORTANT NOTES:
In this pack I included a TUTORIAL PDF with instructions regarding the structure of your Graphics folder in order to view the citypics, the kits and the competition logos in player details and in title bar.You can download the 2D kits for displayed in player overview panel and titlebar HERE or HERE
You also can download the citypics (and much more) in the Backgrounds Superpack made by DAZS8 (with some contribution from myself and other FM Fans), HERE
How to add Flut Skin in FM17
Download and extract the .rar file (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).
Place the "fm2017flutskin" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2017\skins
- Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
- Start FM17 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
- You should see FM 2017 Flut Skin - Dark - Final Version as option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
- Hit the Confirm button.
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Also in the topic of crashes I have random crashes of the game when pressing Continue, and when entering background selector for the second time (first time works just fine, but if I immediately try to enter the game crashes to the desktop). My OS is Win X 64-bit.
Thank for all the good work, hope You will be able to get to the bottom of the problem
2. How we add stadium pictures?
3. How do I get the kit to display on player profile like in your pics?
Flut: deleted the file as above and reloaded the skin and it still crashed. No problem with the bland FM skin...look forward to the update.
David Regan
I have tried to delete the pre match file as well, to no help. Still gets the crash. I have been able to go on vacation and get by the match, but that's no fun.
Thanks for all of your hard work, much appreciated.
I haven't got a single crash myself yet. Probably most of you, if not all, have done it but make sure you clear the cache before applying the updated/new skin.
Just a little reminder for those who didn't do it or don't know.
It crashes at my side as well.
Otherwise there would've been a crash at my end as well, as it would be the something within the skin itself.
Now, having said that; i don't know anything about skinning so i hope someone, who definitely knows, will correct me.
But i do find it odd that quite a few are experiencing crashes and some don't.
Read ALL of the following BEFORE doing anything, should you try the suggestions below.
People have probably tried the following as well, but i would try to clear the skins folder for skins, then do the following:
Untick "use caching...". Tick reload skin. Select a vanilla skin. Confim. Exit game. Put only Flut Skin inside the skins folder (or re-download again to be sure you've got the latest). Restart game. Choose the Flut Skin under Preferences. Untick Reload Skin. Tick "Use caching..."
I would also try to empty the Panels folder if there is one. Could potentially be a problem with a custom .xml file in the Panels folder.
Another thing would be to delete the Preferences and Cache folder under AppData (use Windows search function and write %AppData%).
Should be under AppData --> Local --> Sports Interactive --> Football Manager 2017. That will remove your custom views and Preferences settings though. So try doing that as a last resort.
There's also an .skc file there, inside the "Caches" folder which should be named "fm2017flutskindark.skc". I have no idea what that file does but could be worth trying to delete only that file as well.
Just make sure your game isn't running when deleting files from there.
That's all i can think of. Not saying it will work, but could be worth a try. Another solution is to wait until an updated version of the skin comes along.
I found that it appears to be random as i played quite a few games and then it just crashed, i loaded fm skin and got by that game and then reverted to flut and its been fine since that (touch wood).
then you can add the skin
great skin once again
I have been playing in 1920x1080 windowed but I removed the TV & Logo selectors with now no crashes
The game's memory usage skyrocketed and just *poof*
The only difference at my end now was that this was a brand new save that i had just started up again.
The other save, where i had no problems, was a save started in Beta.
Beta save = fine
Release 17.1.1 = not fine.
David Regan
I seem to be getting a similar result right now. I went so far as to redownload all my graphics, download the skin fresh, delete and reinstall FM in case it was an issue with my PC. I started a fresh save game with this current FM version and I got a crash very quickly when my memory usage went sky high and crashed my PC. I loaded a save game I started when the beta was released, and so far have not encountered an issue.
For this current save game, I have gone back to the SIDark skin and have encountered no issues with memory usage.
spyrskal: sorry but I didn't find a manuscript font type with greek language. Thus, the problem with the greek language in the player overview signature still remains. If you want you can go to the custom folder and open the following xml: player profile details df11 and scope, player profile details1 and player profile details2. Search for the code font="fonts/signature" and change for font="fonts/capitals_bold". If the size is too big, reduce the value size="13".
nikolaosaek: you can find the city pictures HERE
kingrobbo: sorry but I not intend to do a version for windowed mode (but you can play in windowed mode without borders)
Dinis Lopes
Hi blindhorizon86 : thanks. could you please put a screenshot with the problem?
Hi Flut. Here is the screenshot. Thanks
In fact I think I forgot to change the xml in use. In the following path skin/panels/generic, you will find a xml with the name "sidebar menu table_". This is the right xml. Rename it for "sidebar menu table" and overwrite the other one. That's it (reload the game). Let me know if is everything okay.
Did it and now it works fine. Thank you!
first thank you for the new skin from you. i´m testing your dark version 2.0 and look at the picture, i can´t read the whole name under the picture (cut out). Could you please tell me what i have to do? Thanks.
Hi matg: thanks for all of your support!!!!
Changed to the 2.0 White Skin and the text changes to the teams second colour and so becomes readable again.
How do can we change the text for the dark skin?