Skin White (Final Version) for FM 2017 regular career mode and widescreen (1920x1080).

Compatible with DF11 and Scope faces.

I would like to start by expressing my acknowledgment to all FMfans who keep me motivated to edit the FlutSkin with kind words of support and stimulus.
In spite of my great recognition to all FM Skinners and graphic/addons producers that make our FM experience much more exciting, I would like to express a special thank you to PATRES10, for the tailor-made default kits I included in the skin; to NECJEFF, for the original creation of country locator that I adapted in Flutskin; to JOVOVICH, for the wonderful match intro panels; to SIRWILL and PIKAWA, for the match scoreboards I included in the skin; and, “last but not the least”, to RUNE, who has always shared his ideas with me, was responsible for the most innovative idea to improve FM skins visual – the citypics – and who has been a “compagnon de route” since the beginning of this journey.
All of you are the main source of inspiration that has made possible to improve FlutSkin since the first time (in FM13) I decided to try to edit a skin.

About this update
This version does not include "structural" (or big) changes. It includes, however, several tweaks in different panels, namely in the following:
- News panel: pre-season report team preview, post match analysis, pre-match opponent analysis and team report panel tweaked
- Match preview, Match overview and Match pre-match panel: all the lineups in those panels were tweaked
- Match titlebar score: scoreboard was tweaked
- Flut match scoreboard (tweaked)
- Match introduction: League one, Serie A, K League, Bundesliga included (from Jovovich); Liga NOS included (non official intro, made based on EPL league)
- Board room ( “new” )
- Club overview panel: slightly larger club kits and Last XI tweaked.

I hope you enjoy this version!
See you in FM18!!!

Released: 27 August, 2017

Resolution requirements:

This skin was made to work properly in 1920x1080 (1080p) full screen mode. As a result, some panels won’t work properly in other resolutions (and also in 1920x1080 windowed mode).


In this pack I included a TUTORIAL PDF with instructions regarding the structure of your Graphics folder in order to view the citypics, the kits and the competition logos in player details and in title bar.

You can download the 2D kits for displayed in player overview panel and titlebar HERE or HERE

You also can download the citypics (and much more) in the Backgrounds Superpack made by DAZS8 (with some contribution from myself and other FM Fans), HERE

How to add Flut Skin in FM17

Download and extract the .rar file (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).

Place the "fm2017flutskin" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2017\skins
1. Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
2. Start FM17 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
3. You should see FM 2017 Flut Skin - Final Version as option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
4. Hit the Confirm button.

Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.
15 years ago
1 day ago
Hi Vonreischm: regarding that table (in inbox panel) you want to increase, here is the file (put it in the news_item_panels)

13 years ago
2 hours ago
Hi Vonreischm: regarding that table (in inbox panel) you want to increase, here is the file (put it in the news_item_panels)


Obrigado flut e feliz natal.
15 years ago
1 day ago
Obrigado flut e feliz natal.

frohe weihnachten vonreicshm :-)
12 years ago
1 year ago
Hello Flut,
How do you change the size of the text in the inbox (infos) ?

Thank you
15 years ago
1 day ago
Hi neochrome: you have to change the xml for the panels you want or you can edit (i think..) the default xml named "inbox_body" located in the fonts folder (you have to edit it from the default skin and, after, include that xml in the fonts folder of the skin)
12 years ago
1 year ago
Inbox_body does not exist ??
15 years ago
1 day ago
Inbox_body does not exist ??

I didn't change it. So I didn't put it in the skin. You have to go to the default skin.
12 years ago
1 year ago
I have to do what now?

	<string id="file_name" value="text.xml"/>
	<real id="extra_height" value="4.0"/>
15 years ago
1 day ago
I have to do what now?

	<string id="file_name" value="text.xml"/>
	<real id="extra_height" value="4.0"/>

Sorry. Go to file text.xml (you can find it in the fonts folder of the game) and change the values for:

<real id="font_size_xxsmall" value="6.7" /> <!-- 9px -->
<real id="font_size_xsmall" value="8.1" /> <!-- 11px -->
<real id="font_size_small" value="8.8" /> <!-- 12px -->
<real id="font_size_normal" value="9.7" /> <!-- 13px -->
<real id="font_size_large" value="11.2" /> <!-- 15px -->
<real id="font_size_xlarge" value="13.7" /> <!-- 18px -->
<real id="font_size_xxlarge" value="16.6" /> <!-- 22px -->
15 years ago
1 day ago
Dear FM Fans: As you can see above I released a new version of the skin with many changes. However, I would like to inform you to the fact that in spite of my efforts, unfortunately I couldn’t find the bug responsible for some crashes related to low memory that arise sometimes. Despite that, I am very satisfied with the “final” result of this version and I hope you enjoy it!!!!
Happy New Year for all of you!!!
14 years ago
4 hours ago
The 2.3 skin is your best work to date. Thanks for making the text readable on on the Tactics screen player instructions. The glitch that sometimes freezes the (low memory) occurred again. This time it happened when I was playing SLB and received a message about my affiliate team (Wolves) and I clicked on the hyperlink for their best (Ivan Cavaleiro). I got used to saving after a match so no serious damage done to my season > Really like your work.
18 years ago
7 years ago
Hello Flut !

How put the player picture (with shirt and logo) on the left side ?

15 years ago
1 day ago
Hi Matg: Thanks for all of your support. I think finally I found the problem (was related to the fonts folder). I tested a lot this "new" version and the bug didn't appear....

Hi johann: use THIS
14 years ago
4 hours ago
That is a great way to start 2017 Flut !
Thanks for the perseverance
14 years ago
4 hours ago
Hi Matg: Thanks for all of your support. I think finally I found the problem (was related to the fonts folder). I tested a lot this "new" version and the bug didn't appear....

Hi johann: use THIS

Excellent...I am glad to have been able to help
13 years ago
2 hours ago
hi flut and thanks for updating your skin.
now i found an issue at turkish names. have a look at the player profile picture and the name of the player. there is a "?" instad of the "s".
15 years ago
1 day ago
hi flut and thanks for updating your skin.
now i found an issue at turkish names. have a look at the player profile picture and the name of the player. there is a "?" instad of the "s".

Hi vonreichsm: Thanks. In the next release I will change the font in order to support turkish language.
13 years ago
2 hours ago
Hi vonreichsm: Thanks. In the next release I will change the font in order to support turkish language.

ok flut. thank you very much.
14 years ago
4 hours ago
Since the update the skin is working perfectly ! Thanks again
15 years ago
1 day ago
Since the update the skin is working perfectly ! Thanks again

Hi matg: I also thank you for your help!!! cheers.
16 years ago
2 years ago
Great job!

One question; I'd like to have the attribute analyser/analyzer instead of the shirt with number and name next to the picture of the player. How can I do this? I know there was a way to do this in FM16 but I forgot how. Thanks in advance!
17 years ago
1 month ago
Thanks for this amanzing skin...

I'have a question: Why the square of the shirt is BLACK in the tattics screen and WHITE during of the match?

15 years ago
1 day ago
Hi Titlos: in fact this happens because the codes for each one of that panels are different (and one of them put the squares black and the other the squares whit; I don't know why because I have no access of the specific code who manage the colour of the kits).
9 years ago
1 month ago
Hi Flut,

How can I change the colour of the attributes so that I don't have to have orange, red and green, as I like excellent attributes in blue as it makes them stand out.

Thanks for the skin

15 years ago
1 day ago
Hi Flut,

How can I change the colour of the attributes so that I don't have to have orange, red and green, as I like excellent attributes in blue as it makes them stand out.

Thanks for the skin

Hi loshea: thanks :-)


Thanks :-)
Regarding your question, go to the settings xml (fm17flutskin settings.xml) search for the following code and change the values. After that exit the game and reload it.

<!-- background attribute box colours Flut 17 v1 -->
<colour name="unknown attribute background" red="110" green="228" blue="228"/>
<colour name="low attribute background" red="246" green="42" blue="42"/>
<colour name="normal attribute background" red="255" green="156" blue="0"/>
<colour name="good attribute background" red="15" green="158" blue="15" />
<colour name="excellent attribute background" red="28" green="207" blue="28" />

Rodrigo Alonso
8 years ago
3 months ago
Ótima pele de jogo Flut. Parabéns pelo empenho e dedicação proporcionada aos fãs deste jogo viciante. Gostaria muito que utilizasse sua boa vontade para a resolução mais baixa como 1366x788, muito utilizada para notbooks, pois a tendência agora [e esta.
15 years ago
1 day ago
Ótima pele de jogo Flut. Parabéns pelo empenho e dedicação proporcionada aos fãs deste jogo viciante. Gostaria muito que utilizasse sua boa vontade para a resolução mais baixa como 1366x788, muito utilizada para notbooks, pois a tendência agora [e esta.

Olá Rodrigo: obrigado pelo feedback. Quanto à resolução, não penso editar a skin para qualquer outra resolução pois o trabalho que dá não justifica os downloads (fiz isso para o FM14 ou 15 - não me recordo já - e os downloads não compensaram o trabalho). Sorry :-(
Rodrigo Alonso
8 years ago
3 months ago
Olá Rodrigo: obrigado pelo feedback. Quanto à resolução, não penso editar a skin para qualquer outra resolução pois o trabalho que dá não justifica os downloads (fiz isso para o FM14 ou 15 - não me recordo já - e os downloads não compensaram o trabalho). Sorry :-(

Entendo perfeitamente amigo. Pensa um pouquinho no assunto!!! Eu por exemplo em 2015 usava pc-torre, hoje já utilizo o note e acredito que a tendência será esta e devido a isto terá mais downloads, além de hoje em dia ter site como este direcionado para este tipo de jogo. Digo isto porque seu skin é o melhor e parabéns mais uma vez pelo trabalho
17 years ago
2 years ago
Flut, preciso de sua ajuda mais uma vez, estou usando a skin assim como usei para o 2016, porém tem alguns problemas, eu estou jogando na resolução 1600x900 com o zoom em 85% , praticamente tudo esta perfeito so tem um detalhe que ocorre, veja abaixo na figura:

Lembro que voce me ajudou a solucionar isto no skin para FM 2016 espero que possa fazer novamente este ano, tanto para a versao clara quanto para a escura, desde já agradeço. Sem a sua Skin o FM é muito pobre.

15 years ago
1 day ago
Entendo perfeitamente amigo. Pensa um pouquinho no assunto!!! Eu por exemplo em 2015 usava pc-torre, hoje já utilizo o note e acredito que a tendência será esta e devido a isto terá mais downloads, além de hoje em dia ter site como este direcionado para este tipo de jogo. Digo isto porque seu skin é o melhor e parabéns mais uma vez pelo trabalho

Hi Rodrigo Alonso: Obrigado, mais uma vez pelas suas palavras de apoio. Quanto à resolução de screen, com pena minha, não irei mesmo editar a skin para outra resolução pois, como disse, a edição da skin (das duas versões da skin) já me ocupa a maior parte do tempo livre de que disponho (não que esteja a reclamar disso pois faço-o com prazer, somente como um hobby) e o ajustamento para uma outra resolução requer muito trabalho adicional. Um abraço!

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