Finally for FM17. Enjoy it!

you need download Base Skin to C:\Users\[name]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2017\skins then clear cache, reload skin.
Download -
Many thanks to M.Murray for this.
Enjoy it.

you need download Base Skin to C:\Users\[name]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2017\skins then clear cache, reload skin.
Download -
Many thanks to M.Murray for this.
Enjoy it.

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Tommy Hughes
I installed this mod on top of Base Dark FM17 skin, replicated the match screen setup as shown above and the kits did show up exactly as they should. Good stuff!
However I was wondering if the kits could be also made visible In the basic match view that opens in default for example when I click on the result of a played match in any schedule, news item or other such spot? For me, they currently only show up when I set the screen exactly as shown on your screencap above.
With the basic match view I mean that there's always a smaller version of the Overview "box" or area of information on the match screen that shows the referee name, attendance, teams, scoreline etc. than in the screencap (Zlin v West Ham) above. Usually that smaller version of Overview is showing on the left of the screen while various statistics, ratings, possession %, the report etc. are showing on the right.
Currently the kits will not show up next to the scoreline and team names in the smaller version of the Overview box and I'm wondering whether they should? (Although the kits would probably have to be set to scale down in size in order to fit in with the smaller view.)
I rarely use the specific split screen match view setup illustrated above so it seems I might not get to enjoy seeing the home&away kits after all. It would be tré cool if the kits could also be seen in the smaller Overview box. My question is: Could this be achieved someway?
ill try them as test on busy at the moment, will do soon
but its different between FM17 and FM18/19 tho.....but you don't need them for FM19......
here FM19...look good really. (another link Fm19 Mod - )