Ivi López - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack



16 years ago
8 hours ago
rejected why???
14 years ago
5 days ago
Wtf is wrong with you,if you had post him in Sevilla Atl. mixpack,and I've found better source and re-post full pack again,there's no need to ask for him anymore,what you have to do is to be patient and wait,or start cuttin'.
16 years ago
8 hours ago
BajaHater excuse to be rude, this forum is made for people to be civil and not arrogant.

I registered on this forum for 8 years, you 6 years ago, never treated anyone badly and it was the first time I was insulted.

just I want to help this magnificent forum and you will not be you who'll stop

thank you
18 years ago
3 hours ago
@zeus1976 , if the image is already included in a teampack request, then there is really no need to re-request it separately. I appreciate your enthusiasm to keep improving the megapack, and it is one that we all share, but we can't have a free-for-all with people requesting images that are already requested elsewhere. Do consider learning how to cut, though. It's not as hard as you think it is and it'll make it much easier for you to contribute to the megapack

@BajaHater , please remember to give a reason when rejecting requests. It may seem obvious to you when you do so, but it's not always clear to others
16 years ago
8 hours ago
Mons I appreciate your words, I will try to be more accurate in order.

answering your question but I really want to help this forum and I am available to learn how to make cut-out

how can I do it?
18 years ago
3 hours ago
Mons I appreciate your words, I will try to be more accurate in order.

answering your question but I really want to help this forum and I am available to learn how to make cut-out

how can I do it?

Have a look at this thread.

There's some good resources, suggestions for programs to use, video tutorials for various techniques etc. And if you start cutting and have some problems, then you can always ask for help there
14 years ago
5 days ago

In past 6 years do you know how many cuts did I done?How many sources did I find? And I'm not doing only that,also I'm working on ss kits and logos...I don't have anything personal against you,let's make that clear at start.Half of your crap sources requests wouldn't even be done without me,I've done them,or at least I've found better source wich helped you and cutter to get that cut-out.I want to improve megapack also,but should I post all my teampacks as individual requests? just around 1000 of them...You need to be patient and wait like everybody else,on old forum you've done re-requesting million of times,even we had a rule about not doing that.Here you have million requests,so there are two options,slow down with requesting,WAIT,after some of them are done,then make new or simply make teampack\mixpack request.
18 years ago
3 hours ago
9 years ago
6 years ago

Very nice, I ask, why is still not the player's face?
18 years ago
3 hours ago
Very nice, I ask, why is still not the player's face?

Quite simply, because nobody has cut it yet, sadly...
18 years ago
3 hours ago
A much better source than previous requests of the same years, so I'll keep this one open
9 years ago
6 years ago
Quite simply, because nobody has cut it yet, sadly...

I request is very nice photo, please look request.
18 years ago
3 hours ago
I request is very nice photo, please look request.

Commented on it already
14 years ago
5 days ago
Don't re-request especially with such a poor source!
9 years ago
6 years ago
Don't re-request especially with such a poor source!

14 years ago
5 days ago

You've already made this request few days ago,and at least from better source,so be kind,patient and wait like everybody else.
9 years ago
6 years ago
You've already made this request few days ago,and at least from better source,so be kind,patient and wait like everybody else.

This is better photo. Cut this. i talk only mons, not you. Elo
14 years ago
5 days ago
This is better photo. Cut this. i talk only mons, not you. Elo

If this is better photo then you are blind.I don't care what do you personally want,or who do you talk or not to,I just want the best for community and Megapack.With this attitude your not gonna get anything from here.
18 years ago
3 hours ago
This is better photo. Cut this. i talk only mons, not you. Elo

I am sick of you coming in here (and elsewhere on these forums) once every while and thinking you can decide what we do and how we do it like you own this place. If you want to be a part of the community and your opinions to be respected, then please engage with others in a more civil and constructive way. Please understand that people on these forums are not here for you to do what you like and when, but rather here to serve the community.

And I don't care that English is not your first language. It's neither mine's nor @BajaHater's nor loads of other people's and we are perfectly capable of getting our message across. If you cannot understand exactly what is being said, or are unsure of getting your message through, then please use Google Translate or the many other similar tools available online in this day and age.

Thanks, and please take this advice on board on how to behave on this forum
14 years ago
5 days ago
9 years ago
6 years ago

AND? Maybe someone finally cut and add to Facepack? Because somehow hard for me to believe that the most important player on the other team Sevilla no pictures
18 years ago
3 hours ago
AND? Maybe someone finally cut and add to Facepack? Because somehow hard for me to believe that the most important player on the other team Sevilla no pictures

Will you please stop bumping your requests?

There's nothing wrong with the sources provided; it's just that, for the time being, no cutter has decided to take this on. Cutters are free to choose what requests they cut. You are also free to attempt to cut this yourself, but please let our cutters work in peace without hassling them. I tend to find that trying to do so means they are much less likely to cut your requests, at times...
9 years ago
6 years ago
Will you please stop bumping your requests?

There's nothing wrong with the sources provided; it's just that, for the time being, no cutter has decided to take this on. Cutters are free to choose what requests they cut. You are also free to attempt to cut this yourself, but please let our cutters work in peace without hassling them. I tend to find that trying to do so means they are much less likely to cut your requests, at times...

How to add this game? Request completed.
18 years ago
3 hours ago
How to add this game? Request completed.

The image will be added to the next update pack. In the meantime, you can use the steps outlined in this thread to add it to your megapack.