Skin Dark (Final Version) for FM 2017 regular career mode and widescreen (1920x1080).

Compatible with DF11 and Scope faces.

I would like to start by expressing my acknowledgment to all FMfans who keep me motivated to edit the FlutSkin with kind words of support and stimulus.
In spite of my great recognition to all FM Skinners and graphic/addons producers that make our FM experience much more exciting, I would like to express a special thank you to PATRES10, for the tailor-made default kits I included in the skin; to NECJEFF, for the original creation of country locator that I adapted in Flutskin; to JOVOVICH, for the wonderful match intro panels; to SIRWILL and PIKAWA, for the match scoreboards I included in the skin; and, “last but not the least”, to RUNE, who has always shared his ideas with me, was responsible for the most innovative idea to improve FM skins visual – the citypics – and who has been a “compagnon de route” since the beginning of this journey.
All of you are the main source of inspiration that has made possible to improve FlutSkin since the first time (in FM13) I decided to try to edit a skin.

About this update
This version does not include "structural" (or big) changes. It includes, however, several tweaks in different panels, namely in the following:
- News panel: pre-season report team preview, post match analysis, pre-match opponent analysis and team report panel tweaked
- Match preview, Match overview and Match pre-match panel: all the lineups in those panels were tweaked
- Match titlebar score: scoreboard was tweaked
- Flut match scoreboard (tweaked)
- Match introduction: League one, Serie A, K League, Bundesliga included (from Jovovich); Liga NOS included (non official intro, made based on EPL league)
- Board room ( “new” )
- Club overview panel: slightly larger club kits and Last XI tweaked.

I hope you enjoy this version!
See you in FM18!!!

Released: 27 August, 2017

Resolution requirements:

This skin was made to work properly in 1920x1080 (1080p) full screen mode. As a result, some panels won’t work properly in other resolutions (and also in 1920x1080 windowed mode).


In this pack I included a TUTORIAL PDF with instructions regarding the structure of your Graphics folder in order to view the citypics, the kits and the competition logos in player details and in title bar.

You can download the 2D kits for displayed in player overview panel and titlebar HERE or HERE

You also can download the citypics (and much more) in the Backgrounds Superpack made by DAZS8 (with some contribution from myself and other FM Fans), HERE

How to add Flut Skin in FM17

Download and extract the .rar file (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).

Place the "fm2017flutskin" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2017\skins

  1. Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
  2. Start FM17 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
  3. You should see FM 2017 Flut Skin - Dark - Final Version as option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
  4. Hit the Confirm button.
Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.
15 years ago
18 hours ago
flut I need your help
I remade some in your perfect skin but I have an issue
The result in the boxes when I see an result the numbers are white
Can u point to where I go wrong?
cheers -

btw can u make the scoreboard selector so I have Epl first?

Hi: you can edit that panel in
1. competition fixtures item detailed panel.xml (located in competition folder, inside the panels folder)
2. graphics\boxes\custom\result\standard\paper.xml
2. graphics\boxes\custom\result\aggregate\paper.xml

For epl as default:

you just have to go to scoreboard.xml (located in panels/scoreboard_selector), open it and change the code:

<container id="1scb" hidn="false">

<container id="1scb" hidn="true">


<container id="8scb" hidn="true">

<container id="8scb" hidn="false">
18 years ago
10 hours ago
So nice worked
Thanks Flut
13 years ago
1 hour ago
Hi flut,
sorry. One question more for your brillant skin: Look at the picture. The playes i can have after the next match is a little bit left, isn´t it? I can´t read it very well. And the second one is, the weather right next "Allianz Arena" "Winds...". Do you know how i could increase this to read the whole word?

Thanks again.
13 years ago
1 hour ago
Thanks. I´ve found it in the "team upcoming..." panel:

But one question: How could i "6. -7." more to the right?
15 years ago
18 hours ago
Thanks. I´ve found it in the "team upcoming..." panel:

But one question: How could i "6. -7." more to the right?

Hi vonreichsm:
Go to team upcoming fixture badges manager home.xml and search for the code:

<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="fill" layout="-1" offset="0" gap="0" />
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" layout_children="true" inset="0"/>

<widget class="text" id="comp" auto_size="vertical" style="bold" colour="white" multiline="false" alignment="left, can_scale" size="10"/>

Increase the value of inset (I put in red)
13 years ago
1 hour ago
Hi vonreichsm:
Go to team upcoming fixture badges manager home.xml and search for the code:

<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="fill" layout="-1" offset="0" gap="0" />
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" layout_children="true" inset="0"/>

<widget class="text" id="comp" auto_size="vertical" style="bold" colour="white" multiline="false" alignment="left, can_scale" size="10"/>

Increase the value of inset (I put in red)

Thanks flut, but this is for "2.Bundesliga". do you know which line i must change for the "6. -7."?
11 years ago
5 months ago
The new views for formations? I can't find that
15 years ago
18 hours ago
Thanks flut, but this is for "2.Bundesliga". do you know which line i must change for the "6. -7."?

Go to team upcoming fixture info manager home.xml

Search for

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="306"/>

and increase the value of the inset
15 years ago
18 hours ago
The new views for formations? I can't find that


In this version in the prematch lineups panel you can change the information of your team in the pitch (as in the tactics overview) with the top left buttons (in the pitch): display the rating, the role/position or the familiarity.
11 years ago
5 months ago

In this version in the prematch lineups panel you can change the information of your team in the pitch (as in the tactics overview) with the top left buttons (in the pitch): display the rating, the role/position or the familiarity.

13 years ago
1 hour ago
Go to team upcoming fixture info manager home.xml

Search for

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="306"/>

and increase the value of the inset

Thanks. It works fine.
13 years ago
1 hour ago
Thanks for version 2.8 flut. Nice like ever. One question:

How could i increase the width of the league table at the right side so that i can read the whole team name?
15 years ago
18 hours ago
Thanks for version 2.8 flut. Nice like ever. One question:

How could i increase the width of the league table at the right side so that i can read the whole team name?

Hi vonreichsm: thanks.
Regarding your question:

1. open the competition news panel.xml
2. Search for

<container class="bordered_box" id="sid2" appearance="" minimum_width="340" priority="3">

3. Increase the value 340

13 years ago
1 hour ago
Thanks again. It works fine for me.
15 years ago
1 day ago
Brilliant update again Flut.Can you tell me how to remove the weather information at the end of the scoreboards .Thanks
Is it possible to have the Europa league scoreboard as the default.
15 years ago
18 hours ago
Brilliant update again Flut.Can you tell me how to remove the weather information at the end of the scoreboards .Thanks
Is it possible to have the Europa league scoreboard as the default.

Hi and thanks

1. You can remove the weather information in the xmls (there are one for ecah one of the scoreboards) named match title bar score XXX (xxx is the different names you will find)

2. In order to include the Liga Europa scoreboard as the default you just have to go to scoreboard.xml (located in panels/scoreboard_selector), open it and change the code:

<container id="1scb" hidn="false">

<container id="1scb" hidn="true">


<container id="7scb" hidn="true">

<container id="7scb" hidn="false">

15 years ago
18 hours ago
Version 2.8 updated with the amazing add on from JOVOVICH
13 years ago
1 hour ago
Version 2.8 updated with the amazing add on from JOVOVICH

Thanks flut for the update.

I change every time something on your skin for me, because of my resolution of 2560*1440. And it took a few minutes or hours. Could you please tell me which files i have to copy that i can play with the amazing update without changing everything again for me? thanks a lot flut for support.

edit: i think i´ve found it: copy from panel/match the panels: lineup intro epl stadium, match preview lineups panelflut, match preview lineups panel, lineup intro epl and lineup ontro laliga? Is it right?
and from graphic/boxes/custom/match/intro. That all, isn´t it?
15 years ago
18 hours ago
Thanks flut for the update.

I change every time something on your skin for me, because of my resolution of 2560*1440. And it took a few minutes or hours. Could you please tell me which files i have to copy that i can play with the amazing update without changing everything again for me? thanks a lot flut for support.

edit: i think i´ve found it: copy from panel/match the panels: lineup intro epl stadium, match preview lineups panelflut, match preview lineups panel, lineup intro epl and lineup ontro laliga? Is it right?
and from graphic/boxes/custom/match/intro. That all, isn´t it?

Hi vonreichsm: yes, you are absolutely right. All those files.

18 years ago
10 hours ago
I salute you mr.F
Still the best skin
I looooove it
12 years ago
1 year ago
Hello Flut,

Is it possible to have the true stats from 0 to 200 in PA and CA please.
18 years ago
10 hours ago
Flut need your help again
How can I edit the news so I can get My own news?
I make the config and added the picture in the news folder in the boxes folder, but not showing.Im missing something for sure
15 years ago
18 hours ago
Hello Flut,

Is it possible to have the true stats from 0 to 200 in PA and CA please.

Hi: I don't remember if it is possible. Sorry.
15 years ago
18 hours ago
Flut need your help again
How can I edit the news so I can get My own news?
I make the config and added the picture in the news folder in the boxes folder, but not showing.Im missing something for sure

Hi kfnielsen: thanks
Regarding your question I think will be better you just use your new "news file" using a name already in use, because there are a lot of code to insert in order to add a new. You can change the name in the tab (in ordfer to match with your new) in competition mews panel.xml.
How should you do it?
1. Imagine you want to change "abola" for "sweden"
2. Put the name sweden in your png
3. Change the name of the config abola for sweden
4. Search for abola in competition mews panel.xml

<container class="bordered_box" appearance="boxes/news/abola" >

5. change by

<container class="bordered_box" appearance="boxes/news/sweden" >

6. reload the game
7 done

18 years ago
10 hours ago
Well Again u solved my issue
Worked all the way even with the coding
Big thanks Flut
10 years ago
2 months ago
Hi Flut,

thank you very much for your stunning skins. You are always helpful, when there is a problem.
I really hope you are doing your perfect work with the next FM 2018 again.
For now...thank you so much .
Greetings from Germany!
18 years ago
11 months ago
Great skin! Thanks.
13 years ago
1 hour ago
Hi flut,

i saw that jovovich did an update for the intro italian and france and the next one will be germany. Could you have a look if i have only to copy the match folder in the panels folder and the graphics folder? I didn´t know if you do some changes. If yes, it could be wrong to copy the files from jovovich and it will be crashes.
Could you have a look? Thanks for regarding.
12 years ago
1 year ago
Hi: I don't remember if it is possible. Sorry.

On the skin of clinched it is like this more there are the Attributes boxes.
15 years ago
18 hours ago
Hi Kingofpain and Toffee: thanks for your support

Hi vonreichsm:
in fact I did some changes. Thus I think will be better for you to use THIS . Is a pack with the files you need in order to display the match intro already included, the new for Ligue1 and for Seriea, from Jovovich and also from LigaNos and Bundesliga. These two, although not be the "official" could be of your interest untill Jovovich release it (in fact I did it based on that one of Premier League from Jovovich).

Hi neochrome: this values in that way (from 0 to 200) only can be displayed if you have the in game editor.

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