8 years ago
2 weeks ago
If I remember rightly, Personal Assistants / Press Officers / Club Spokespersons have been in the game previously.

However, with the updated skin in FM17, the face picture of each staff member now appears above a news piece in your inbox.

Therefore, my question is, can we add a face picture to these generic staff members, considering they don't have accessible profiles? Do they have unique ID's?

For instance, 'Amelie Roberts' is my PA in my Man Utd save, but she has a default black silhouette where a staff picture would normally go. Assuming this staff member is a generic character and not a real person, could a picture be assigned to that staff member later on like with normal face pack add-ons?

I find female regens having a blank silhouette in the game, as annoying as not being able to upload your own manager photo this year. Would be a welcomed graphical addition if we could images to this area which has been neglected by SI.

Thanks for any help.
15 years ago
3 years ago
agree. the black Silhouette looks so out of place. Assume you tried to find your PA in the editor and could not
15 years ago
2 hours ago
Would love if anyone could shine a light on this.
16 years ago
2 weeks ago
Sounds like something @mons and the face pack making crew would know!

At a guess, you probably can. However, it'd be on a game by game basis. You'd have to open the save game in the editor and find their UIDs and assign a pre-made picture like you do for facepacks. Don't take that for gospel, though!
15 years ago
43 minutes ago
1.find the id number of your female staff member and add that number to the faces config/xml file
2.find a pic you wish to use for this staff member and add into the faces pack

As an alternative to this you could always just add an actual pic as the default face instead of the dark silhouette (as I have done)

Oh and by the can now have your own Manager pic in game.
See here....Your text to link here...
18 years ago
45 minutes ago
Sounds like something @mons and the face pack making crew would know!

At a guess, you probably can. However, it'd be on a game by game basis. You'd have to open the save game in the editor and find their UIDs and assign a pre-made picture like you do for facepacks. Don't take that for gospel, though!

Like @DazS8 says, it should be relatively straight-forward if you find their UID. However, I don't use save-game editors and I would suspect that finding their UID is not possible as save-game editors would focus more on players and staff members.
15 years ago
2 hours ago
Like @DazS8 says, it should be relatively straight-forward if you find their UID. However, I don't use save-game editors and I would suspect that finding their UID is not possible as save-game editors would focus more on players and staff members.

I don't have an in-game editor (don't use them) to check if you can find them. Does anybody have the capability to check?
12 years ago
3 years ago
no amelie roberts in fm editor. At least for me xD
18 years ago
45 minutes ago
@Vawkes & @jWaSiMhE & @DazS8, not sure if either of you started this thread on the official forums, but in it michaeltmurray (who is a mod and the forum's long-term skinning guru) indicated that it is extremely unlikely for something like this to be possible...
15 years ago
2 hours ago
@Vawkes & @jWaSiMhE & @DazS8, not sure if either of you started this thread on the official forums, but in it michaeltmurray (who is a mod and the forum's long-term skinning guru) indicated that it is extremely unlikely for something like this to be possible...

It is a shame if is true we can't.

See also here. This would arguably be better (at least for the bigger clubs).
15 years ago
1 month ago
[quote name='DazS8' user_id='152691' id='388034' timestamp='1500769533']
1.find the id number of your female staff member and add that number to the faces config/xml file
2.find a pic you wish to use for this staff member and add into the faces pack

As an alternative to this you could always just add an actual pic as the default face instead of the dark silhouette (as I have done)

How do i do this?
15 years ago
43 minutes ago
[quote name='DazS8' user_id='152691' id='388034' timestamp='1500769533']
1.find the id number of your female staff member and add that number to the faces config/xml file
2.find a pic you wish to use for this staff member and add into the faces pack

As an alternative to this you could always just add an actual pic as the default face instead of the dark silhouette (as I have done)

How do i do this?

Here are the default pics (most skins have them included already)

Put either into your skins graphics/pictures folder
C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2017\graphics\pictures
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
1.find the id number of your female staff member and add that number to the faces config/xml file
2.find a pic you wish to use for this staff member and add into the faces pack

As an alternative to this you could always just add an actual pic as the default face instead of the dark silhouette (as I have done)

Oh and by the can now have your own Manager pic in game.
See here....Your text to link here...

Is there an update on this to fix the latest update?
8 years ago
2 weeks ago
Glad to see that other people are eager to have this added to the game.

By the looks of the latest FM feature video released on YouTube, female staff still have black silhouette faces, which is pretty ridiculous. Hopefully they may have made it easier for us to attain the UIDs, but I imagine that will be unlikely too.

Have many people managed to replace the female default silhouette image with their own picture? I imagine this picture would then represent every generated female in the game though?
8 years ago
2 weeks ago
Here are the default pics (most skins have them included already)

Put either into your skins graphics/pictures folder
C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2017\graphics\pictures

Has anyone been able to see if this is possible in FM18 yet?

Either to find the UID of a generated female staff member or to replace the dark silhouette image of a female generated staff member (i.e. press officer)?
8 years ago
2 weeks ago
Here are the default pics (most skins have them included already)

Put either into your skins graphics/pictures folder
C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2017\graphics\pictures

Has anyone been able to see if this is possible in FM18 yet?

Either to find the UID of a generated female staff member or to replace the dark silhouette image of a female generated staff member (i.e. press officer)?
7 years ago
1 year ago

whats about fm 2022 staff faces?

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