FM24 Data Update
Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!
- Updated 17 Feb 2025
- 104,978 Changes
- 586 Contributors
- FM24.3
You are viewing changes for an older version of Football Manager (Version 16.3) which is no longer supported by our data update.
This page is here as a historical reference only.
Because I downloaded the database change last night, created a new save game and Antero Henrique appears member of the Board, and not Director of Football
but making the same transfer won't work xD
check next build if it works, my internet doesn't allow me to download it
and why are you submitting a transfer that it is already enabled?
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Because I downloaded the database change last night, created a new save game and Antero Henrique appears member of the Board, and not Director of Football
Please, can you correct that? Antero as Director of football, and not a member of the Board? The director of football role is vacant in your update, and Antero at the board is absolutely useless... Thank you
and why are you submitting a transfer that it is already enabled?
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so since FM only allows 1 Director of Football, and Maxwell is helping this man. Antero should be in a higher position than him
Maybe Maxwell can be a Scout or Chief Scout.
then how do you put 2 football diretors since fm doesn't allow it?
Just don't and put only Antero Henrique as he's the Main one. And retire Maxwell or put him as a Scout I don't know, but you can't put the Assistant as the Main D.O.F, Antero Henrique will be useless as a Director.
Antero Henrique is the Director of Football. And Maxwell is Assistant
He's not a Director.
then how do you put 2 football diretors since fm doesn't allow it?
He's not a Director.
![Antero Henrique](
Thank you mate, I've downloaded the latest and the Antero Henrique thing has been fixed.