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We used to pay someone to "manage" our server because I knew nothing about how any of it worked. Now I still don't know that much but i've learnt enough to build and manage a server myself from scratch. This means nothing to any of you, but it is exciting for me because i'm a massive nerd
Feedback on any errors and general site speed/performance very much appreciated
Hardware is all SSD with Intel Xeon E5-2650L processors
Also shoutout to some great apps that help alot
Sounds reasonable, yeah
i.e. I know naff all of what that's supposed to mean
Don't know if this is a problem related to your new server, or something that's happened at my end, but when I download kit-packs the name is wrong and the extension (.zip) is missing.
For example when I download the 2016/17 English Premier kits, named "Premier League 1617 by ArchaonDaniels.zip" I actually download a file called "Premier". If I add .zip to the name it works fine, so it is the same file.
This only happens when using Firefox AND when downloading from Sortitoutsi. Using Firefox to download kitpacks from FM-View works absolutely fine, and if I download from Sortitoutsi using Chrome, again it works fine. I just get the problem using Firefox and only on Sortitoutsi.
Noticed this issue yesterday - when clicking on a download link a message box popped up saying somethig like I was tring to download a "octlet" (or somat like that, sorry should have noted it down) and asking if I wanted to download or open it. Slecting download worked, but I received the file called "Premier" and had to add the extension. Today I don't get the pop-up box and the file downloads straight away, but it is still miss-named and does not have the extension.
I've never had this problem before, and over the years I've downloaded thousands of packs. As it has only ever happened on your site and since you changed servers then I'm guessing it's somehing at your end (though why it would only effecy Firefox is beyond me!).
If so that may be it.
I've fixed this now.
Apparently it's an issue in Firefox that people have been complaining about since October 2003
Thanks for fixing the issue.
Really surprised that this has been an issue since 2003.
Anyway, thanks once again for looking into this so quickly and fixing it.
FM Base
Can confirm, server is magnificent.