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Download the TCM18 Logopack, megapack of more than 25.500 logos of clubs and competitions for Football Manager 2018!
This is the 5th edition of the TCM Megapack for Football Manager.
After more than 1,200,000 downloads for previous versions, we want to offer more! Adopt the brilliant TCM18 Logo megapack for Football Manager 2018 by TCMLogos.com.
25559 Logos : 22159 Clubs + 2817 Competitions + 583 Divers
Africa : 1349 Clubs – 197 Competitions
North America : 1485 Clubs – 231 Compétitions
South America : 2736 Clubs – 208 Compétitions
Asia: 3060 Clubs – 596 Compétitions
Europa : 13220 Clubs – 1318 Compétitions
Oceania : 309 Clubs – 75 Compétitions
+ Confederations, Federations, International Competitions & Flags.
All the details by Nations in the Megapack.
If you have logos to make, two possibilities:
– If there are only a few logos, go to page requests: https://www.tcmlogos.com/requetes-request/
– If there is a lot of logos or if you want to become a contributor, go to contributor page : https://www.tcmlogos.com/tcm18-contributor/
Screenshot TCM18 English in FM18 (click to enlarge) :
Bonus : Adboards banners from our partners showing during games are included in this pack.
Greetings :
Developers :
Contributors :
TCM18 : bdavies26, Broeren, claytonpadula, Cleuber, commander, Diogo Paiva, Julian, Kamil, Lucas, Marcos, Necjeff (DF11 Faces), nxtfuture, Pappeldrache, Pierre-Jean, RBRND, Rivanov, Segmann, Spix22, Tapioca, Theodor, Vince-Taiwan.
Old TCM : AndreaLAZIOultras, ArturM, Borell, cdmafra, Frimimout, JesperBN, Kostas_Panachaiki, MatheusMux, Paul_13, Rein, Renato, Rivanov, Sh@rk, Spartacus23, Stathis, Steinbolt, Theodor.
Partner Website :
Warnings :
This creation (TCM18) is a property of the site TCMLogos.com and is in free use for personal use only. The only authorized download links are the official links available on the site to monitor the downloads statistics. If you wish to integrate our creation into a presentation, your own graphics, for any public use, thanks for asking us the permission.
TCMLogos.com is a non profit website and only wishes to help the Football Manager gamers community. However, some recognition isn’t much asking for a time wasting work. Therefore, thanks for respecting these few rules.
Additional Information :
https://www.tcmlogos.com/ (Website link)
[email protected] (Website email)
https:/www.facebook.com/tcmlogos (Facebook)
https:/twitter.com/tcmlogos (Twitter)
http://steamcommunity.com/groups/tcm-fm (Steam)
Sorry i'm new around here!
Fat Penlon
Tommy Hughes
You could, but you would have to add into the config.xml the ID's of those logos (clubs/competitions etc.) that you have added from TCM Megapack, because there will be no mention of them in the Metallic Logos config.xml since they don't exist in the Metallic pack.
The config-files work as an instruction to the game so it knows what graphics and other elements to load into the game. If there is no mention in them of a club or competition logo, for example, then it wil not appear in the game.
Fat Penlon
I would rather just download TCM if there's enough logos. What nations or level or leagues are not available on metallic compared to TCM? Is it mainly super low tier clubs?
Tommy Hughes
Or... you know what I just tested and it worked? In graphics\logos\ create two folders: "1" and "2". In the folder 1 you can place the logopack that you wish to be loaded primarily in FM18 and folder 2 is where you place the secondary logopack, the logos that should only be used to fill the gaps in the logopack you prefer more.
I did this with "1" being TCMLogos and "2" being my own miscellanious logo collection and it worked like a charm! Even when there are logos for the same teams/competitions/nations etc. in the two main logo folders, it doesn't matter. They do not clash, FM18 simply loads in the ones from the folder that is higher up in the alphabetical order (folder 1 and all subfolders first, then folder 2).
No need to copy anything over something. Just put both the TCM pack and the Metallic pack in the graphics folder. The game "reads" the logos in the order the packs appear in the graphics folder, so make sure the TCM folder has a name that comes before the Metallic pack folder in alphabets/numbers (rename if needed). This way the game will display a TCM logo when there is one, and a Metallic logo when there isn't (as long as a Metallic logo for the ID exists).
Tommy Hughes
Exactly this!
You got the answer first!
And it definitely works - its the way alternative logos can be activated in the DVX pack
Fat Penlon
cheers guys!!
Good morning! After Almost 3 weeks and more than 40000 Downloads, I'm coming to you to improve your favorite logopack even more!
A page dedicated to contributors is available on the website and I thank all participants. On this page is the total list of logos by nations.
On the other hand, in order to process a maximum of requests and logos provided by contributors, I'm looking for "developers".
As developers, you have a knowledge of photoshop and you will have to "clean" the logos provided (remove white, bad contours, etc.) and resize them to the right size. I would advise all tips and tricks as well as a script to make it easier for you.
Don't hesitate to share around you, the more you will be, the more numerous the logos available for the next Christmas update.
If you are interested, send an email here: [email protected]
Thank you!
Here is the number of downloads of the TCM18 reached today, almost 1 months day after the release of FM18.
A big thank you to all, players, contributors and partners!
Uwe Seeler
Just a little feedback on the German logos: ETSV Weiche and Flensburg 08 merged to a new club called SC Flensburg Weiche 08 (id: 91016562), which replaces ETSV Weiche. Their new logo is the following one: C_Weiche_Flensburg_08.svg#/media/File
Would be awesome, if you could integrate those for your next update!
Hi, Thank you for these compliments.
SC Flensburg Weiche 08 has already received a request for the new logo and will therefore be present in the update that will arrive in the coming days. I update others logo too
Download the 18.1 Update for TCM18 Logopack, with more 4.500 logos of clubs, competitions and federations for almost 30000 logos in total !
After more 65000 downloads for TCM18 and more than 1,275,000 downloads with previous versions, we want to offer more with this update.
Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Ireland, Norway, Poland ... 83 Nations with add or update logos.
I do not know how the files are presented in "premium" version on sortitoutsi, but normally, there is no folder "TCM Logos Megapack". You have to copy what's inside (Graphics, etc) in the folder "Football Manager 2018"
luke de'ath
The image i've attached shows the England National flag under Nation Profile but is there a way to change that to the National emblem (three lions)?
It should work if you duplicate the folder that contains the FA logos, and then edit the config in that folder so that the word "logo" near the end of the approriate lines reads "flag" instead.
2 questions. Looks like Juventus still have their older logo? Also, FC Orsha in Belarus seem to have the wrong logo assigned to them. It should be this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FC_Orsha
Hi. Thank you.
For Juventus, it's the good logo.
For Belarus team : "If there are only a few logos, go to page requests: https://www.tcmlogos.com/requetes-request/"
Delete TCM17 megapack.