SS' Kits
We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.
- 2,472
- 2025.06 - Released on 19 Feb 2025

NEW Submission System
A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.
A full set of SS style default kits for Football Manager 2018/19 (and Football Manager Touch 2018/19) - fronts, backs, goalkeeper backs and a resized set of shirt numbers to fit this style (the latter 3 are for the tactics screen and sundry other screens). Also includes re-positioned shirt club badges to fit this style, along with (optional) shirt manufacturers and sponsors.
NOTE - The club badges for the shirt front have NOT been made by me - these are the default badges from the game and I have just re-positioned them to sit in the right place on SS kits, and then added shirt manufacturers logo and sponsor. (There is an alternate set of just the re-positioned badges if you do not want to see the kit manufacturers or sponsors - simply swap them over).
Installation instructions for Windows PC's ONLY
***CARE - the file paths for the installed default kits must be EXACTLY as specified to avoid the SI "effect/texture" appearing over the kits. Even a change as simple as a capital letter instead of a lower case letter will cause SI "effect/texture" to be superimposed over the kit.
1. Place the "Fidney's FM18 SS Default Kits v3.7z" file into the following directory:-
C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018
2. Right click and select "Extract Here"
If/when you see the message saying would you like to replace an existing file select "Yes to All" - this will ONLY over-write files with the same name in the destination. All other files will remain untouched.
CARE - I believe that unzipping files does not work the same way on a Mac.
For Linux and Mac operating systems please ensure that you place the extracted files in the exact same locations as the file path in the archive, but please ensure that you do not delete any other files when doing so.
If you are happy with the kits as shown in my screenshots then skip instruction 3, and go straight to no. 4.
3. If you prefer to have just the club crests showing on the shirts (without manufacturers logo and sponsor) then do the following:
a. Navigate to the folder "Crest Only - by SI"
b. COPY the files named 0 - 13.
c. Navigate back a step to the "logos" folder.
d. PASTE the files there, replacing files 0 - 13 that are in that folder.
4. In your game make sure that you do the following:-
Go into Preferences
Click on "More Interface Settings"
Remove the tick from "Use caching to decrease page loading times"
Click on "Reload Skin"
26/08/19 Updated pack (v4) now available.
NOTE - The club badges for the shirt front have NOT been made by me - these are the default badges from the game and I have just re-positioned them to sit in the right place on SS kits, and then added shirt manufacturers logo and sponsor. (There is an alternate set of just the re-positioned badges if you do not want to see the kit manufacturers or sponsors - simply swap them over).
Installation instructions for Windows PC's ONLY
***CARE - the file paths for the installed default kits must be EXACTLY as specified to avoid the SI "effect/texture" appearing over the kits. Even a change as simple as a capital letter instead of a lower case letter will cause SI "effect/texture" to be superimposed over the kit.
1. Place the "Fidney's FM18 SS Default Kits v3.7z" file into the following directory:-
C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018
2. Right click and select "Extract Here"
If/when you see the message saying would you like to replace an existing file select "Yes to All" - this will ONLY over-write files with the same name in the destination. All other files will remain untouched.
CARE - I believe that unzipping files does not work the same way on a Mac.
For Linux and Mac operating systems please ensure that you place the extracted files in the exact same locations as the file path in the archive, but please ensure that you do not delete any other files when doing so.
If you are happy with the kits as shown in my screenshots then skip instruction 3, and go straight to no. 4.
3. If you prefer to have just the club crests showing on the shirts (without manufacturers logo and sponsor) then do the following:
a. Navigate to the folder "Crest Only - by SI"
b. COPY the files named 0 - 13.
c. Navigate back a step to the "logos" folder.
d. PASTE the files there, replacing files 0 - 13 that are in that folder.
4. In your game make sure that you do the following:-
Go into Preferences
Click on "More Interface Settings"
Remove the tick from "Use caching to decrease page loading times"
Click on "Reload Skin"
26/08/19 Updated pack (v4) now available.
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The eagle eyed brian-q has spotted an error I made with the numbers when I first introduced them to my default pack in February 2015!!
The number "34" is different to all the other numbers. For those who have alrady downloaded by SS'18 default pack v1 here is a replacement "34"
Simply save this over the existing file called 34.png that you will find in the following directory:
C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\graphics\pictures\kits\2d\numbers\default
CARE - There are several files called 34.png in the pack, all in different folders - please make sure that the ONLY one you replace is the one in the above location.
Pack updated to v2 which contains the corrected "34".
If you have English language installation of Windws and the English Language installation of FM2018 then the file paths must be exactly as I stated (even having a folder called "Kits" instead of "kits" will cause the overlay/effects not to work properly). But for a foreign language installation of Windows, FM (or both) then - and I am guessing here - as long as the file paths you have match the Czech langage paths in your installation / game then they should still work.
The file paths are not my decision - they are dictated by how the game installs. For my English language installation of Windows and FM2018 the paths to the relevant folders are:
C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\graphics\pictures\kits\2d\outfield\front\default
C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\graphics\pictures\kits\2d\outfield\back\default
C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\graphics\pictures\kits\2d\numbers\default
C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\graphics\pictures\kits\2d\goalkeeper\back
The part in red is the default save game / content folder set up by FM2018 when it installs. The part of the file path in blue mirrors the file path to those same SI equivalent folder that you see if you use the Resource Archiver to extract the file graphics.fmf archive (which you can find (in English) in the following location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Football Manager 2018\data\game
I suggest that as long as the file paths you use match how the above appear in your Czech installation then they should still work OK, but it is not something I can test.
Hope this helps, and I'd be grateful if you could let me know whether or not you can get them working and if my theory is correct.
thank you for the answer and your help. I will try this soon when i have the time and i will let you know. BTW what i should be looking for to know if its not working or if its ok? What will happen with the kits if its not working?
BTW i want to use the SS kits for certain leagues but i would like to have your default SS kits as a base in the game so even those teams that doesnt have custom kits, will have the default kits in SS style. So should i first install your default kits and then the specific ones for certain leagues? thanks again
Sorry for delay in replying, not had much free time for a few days.
My default kits installed in correct location and working:
My default kits installed in not quite the right location:
Not the overlay/texture is too big for the kit - this is because the game is using the SI overlay/texture instead of mine (and before you say it, I know that the SI effect looks better than mine, but my PhotoShop skills are not up to matching it
And here are my kit backs, goalkeeper backs and numbers working OK:
And here is where they are not:
Notice the numbers are too wide for the shirt backs. You can't really see anything wrong with the overlay/texture on the outfield shirts, but you can clearly see on the goalkeeper shirt that the SI overlay/texture is being used as the arms are in a slightly different position - elbows out - compared to mine.
Sorry, not sure whar you mean.
I've just check the download and it's working fine.
Have you managed to get these OK now?
thank you
I can upload them to my MEGA account this evening, but I am a little confused with the problem to be honest.
These were uploaded directly to this site and according to the link they are hosted at (like all the kit packs), not at
the problem is simple: the domain is obscured in Italy and probably in other countries ... this is why I can not download the file
Uh.. im in Italy and i can dowload the kits without a problem. Maybe you should change your dns settings and use opendns or google ones.
Hi mate - I understand what you were saying, but I was confused because the download is hosted at NOT
However, for anyone who has problems, I have now uploaded to my MEGA account. Link below and also in the OP.
Thank you Fidney, great work, you're a great one!
Do these kits work alongside the other league packages or do they replace the images for everything.
I want to have the SS kits that were made specifically for clubs still, I just want these to replace the kits at clubs that don't have a league kit pack.
Tommy Hughes
I wonder if it could somehow be done...
These kits display in cases where you don't have SS kits available. If you do have an SS kit for a particular team, it'll take over instead of this one
You'll have to ask @Fidney to be sure, but I doubt it
Hi mate.
Great idea but unfortunately there's no way to get actual logos to show on the default kits.
The only way to see the real logo (and sponsor) is if you have the relevant SS style kit for your team.
Hi Mate,
Using these should have no effect whatsoever on any changes you make in the pre-game editor.
When you use the editor you are telling the game what kit style and colours to use, and those are applied to the default kits. When you use this pack, it is just an alternate set of default kits - the styles in this pack 100% match the styles in SI's default kits.
For example, if you use the pregame editor to change a team's kits to style number 3 - with this pack you will see the SS version of kit style 3, without this pack you'll see SI version of style 3.
noticed the same problem..... outfield front is missing a shirt nr. 56 ...... back and goalkeeper has a nr. 56 shirt but no config line in the config ......
Thanks @A11_Smithy & @brian-q, good spot - obviously need to fire my QC team!!
I have added the missing kit syle 56 graphics, corrected the configs and updated the downloads to v3.
Kits 26 & 27 both match the SI defaults, so I will not be changing those:
SI Default Kits on the left, SS Default Kits on on the right.
I do note that they were the other way round in FM17
The default kits this year are identical to last, and there are no additional designs added this year.
@Fidney, when using these files there's a bit of overlay on the kits. Any idea what could be causing this? Whether it's something my end or if it's something which needs to be tweaked in this download?