Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive just under 490,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.
- 490,238
- 2025.04 - Released on 11 Mar 2025

For those FM players who absolutely hate the regen images, this thread includes a number of replacement images. These are split in two: (a) images of non-famous, non footballers (b) composites of MP cuts
From the old forum thread:
* Config File Template
* fmXML - Config file Creator
* fmXML (For Mac)
* FM Graphics Guru
* All regen replacement images in one pack (collected by mons on 26/9/2012)
Individual packs
* Regens1 (made by Rowan)
* Regens2 (made by Rowan)
* Regens3 (made by Rowan)
* Regens4 (made by Rowan)
* Regens5 (made by NiceLad)
* Regens1 (made by jozza800)
* Regens2 (made by jozza800)
* Regens3 (made by jozza800)
* Regens4 (made by jozza800)
* Regens5 (made by jozza800)
* Regens6 (made by jozza800)
* Regens7 (made by jozza800)
* Regens8 - Asians - (made by jozza800)
* Regens9 (made by jozza800)
* Regens10 - staff members - (made by jozza800)
* Frankengens1 - i.e. composites - (made by jozza800)
* Alternative Regens1 (made by blackmetalboom)
* Alternative Regens2 (made by blackmetalboom)
* Alternative Regens3 (made by blackmetalboom)
* Alternative Regens4 - Asians - (made by blackmetalboom)
* Alternative Regens5 (made by blackmetalboom)
* Alternative Regens6 (made by blackmetalboom)
* Alternative Regens7 (made by blackmetalboom)
* Alternative Regens8 (made by blackmetalboom)
* Alternative Regens9 (made by blackmetalboom)
* Alternative Regens10 (made by blackmetalboom)
* Individually posted images (made by blackmetalboom)
Installation Instructions:
1) Unzip the Pack to your desktop or documents.
2) Create a new folder called "Regens" in the following location:
My documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2011/graphics/faces/regens (You may need to also create folders for graphics & faces)
3) Locate the Player or staff member's UID......In-game, go to preferences>display & sound, then select "show unique IDs", untick "use skin cache" & tick "always reload on confirm".
Wait while it sorts itself out, then go to the player or staff member's info and you'll see a long number underneath the name - something like...139456789123....make a note of this number.
4) Navigate your way back to the Pack of Regens you downloaded and choose an image you feel most resembles the player (ie, skin colour, hair colour, etc) Then RENAME your chosen picture as the ID you made a note of (making sure it retains the .png extension)
5) Move this Image into your Regens Folder you created earlier.
6) Open the "config.xml" template file and replace the "CHANGE ME" words with your obtained UID as shown below:
<record from="CHANGE ME" to="graphics/pictures/person/CHANGE ME/portrait"/>
Changed to:
<record from="139456789123" to="graphics/pictures/person/139456789123/portrait"/>
for example.
7) As the number of replaced images grows so will your config file, simply copy that line and replace the UID numbers each time that correspond with your image. Another way of editing the config file is to use a piece of software called fmXML (Listed above) - this automatically gathers the UIDs within your chosen folder and creates the lines above, so as long as all the images are inside the folder and saved as the correct UID it will create a new config file for you. If fmXML doesn't install on your PC, try FM Graphics Guru, if you have a Mac, there is a fmXML version.
8) Go back to your game preferences>Display & Sound, and untick "Show unique IDs" click confirm and hey presto your picture should be there.
We have tried to make a relativity complex process as clear as possible, once you've done it one time, it should be easy to remember, but if you have trouble let us know.
We're waiting for a response from SI about whether a forthcoming update will fix the problem.
Apparently the only reason this worked in previous games was a gap in the code which allowed it to happen, they have since "fixed" this meaning this no longer works!
HOWEVER - they have said if there is sufficient interest in getting it working again they may see what they can do, with this in mind I have added a Poll to the thread on SI HERE and I emplore those of you to vote on it and share it with others that would use it so they can vote too. Let's show SI that there is a valid need here.
Thanks for listening and get voting!
Telegram Sam
The other way round. You can't use cutouts on a regen at this point in time.
The worst thing was they actually found that this could be done and thought it was an error in the code rather than a useful feature that the community were using...doh.
Maybe the next one as the list of angry people on the SI thread is growing lol
Telegram Sam
I have reminded my SI contact to keep checking the thread and asking the gfx coders, but for now it seems we have to just wait.
Sucks as my game save is filling up with 'orrible regens
Thoma Dibaba
Hopefully the more people that register their unhappiness the better the chance of SI fixing it.
Voted mate.
Btw its worked on all FM since the 3d team packs appeared in 08, not sure how they only just picked up on this? 5 versions have past
FM as alway struggled with bugs, maybe this one is not easy to fix and may even effect the ME its self?, i'm looking for excuses here
Thoma Dibaba
Thoma Dibaba
Also if we went down that route we wouldn't have enough regens and images would have to be repeated...
Rowan have they given an ETA on when the next patch is due ?
No timescales regarding the next patch either... remember to add your voice to THIS thread and vote (if you haven't already)
Look what i've found, haha...
Lionel Ronaldo
Unfortunately I'm not much of a cutter, but this would be cool for a replacement...
Don't you think ??
Telegram Sam