Bristol Roman
9 years ago
1 year ago
You'll have to forgive me for being a bit thick, but I have a problem. I wanted to download the logo pack and, at the same time, re-joined as a Premium member. I hit download and then had dozens of pop up boxes telling me that my anti-virus had detected something amiss. Unfortunately, I can't recall what they said but it was something to do with Applications a x64bit (I think). The downloads are nowhere to be seen. I've been playing the game since it was launched in November and this is the first time I've tried to add anything to it. If it helps, the Sports Interactive folder is in my C drive, but I save the game to a USB stick. Thanks for any help that anyone can offer, but please don't get too technical.
18 years ago
1 hour ago
Hey @Bristol Blue, sorry your post is a little vague so it's hard to know exactly where it went? Did the file complete downloading and then you tried to open it? Or did the anti virus pop up as soon as you hit download?

You can check the downloads section of your browser to find where it was, I don't know what browser you're using but it will usually be under the options bar in the top right and then "downloads" (at least on firefox and chrome on mac).

If it's not in their your antivirus may have moved it to a secure area, you'd have to look at your anti virus for this, I don't know enough about each individual anti virus to help unfortunately.

Bristol Roman
9 years ago
1 year ago
Hi Rob.

Thanks for the reply. I'll try to explain further; I'm no PC whizkid, but I manage most tasks. The download didn't even start as far as I could see and the anti-virus popped up immediately. Several times. I've looked at my downloads folder and there's nothing there. I've checked the downloads section in the browser (Google Chrome) and it's not in there either.

I've opened the anti-virus (Kaspersky) and no sign of it in there either. There were no threats or anything else that would be a problem.

I was hoping that I could have downloaded the logos, a facepack and kits so that the entire game is more authentic, but I'm a bit wary of going any further right now.

Since I made contact last night, I have moved the entire Sports Interactive folder to a 32GB USB stick, so that my laptop doesn't get clogged up with all that I want to add to the game. I guess this is OK?

I hope all this helps.

Bristol Roman
9 years ago
1 year ago
Hey Rob, it's me again, sorry.

I've tried another download to see if I got the same results. I didn't, but it's still not right. I'm busy right now, but I'll try to give you the latest scenario as soon as possible.

Thanks for your understanding.

Bristol Blue
18 years ago
1 hour ago
Okay i'll try and help when you reply again.

I can assure there are no viruses from any of the files coming from our site
Bristol Roman
9 years ago
1 year ago
Good morning/afternoon/ evening (It's one of those in Oz, I'm sure)

OK, here goes. I decided to have another go to see if I got the same outcome. I downloaded the cut out facepack and it appeared to download OK. However, it would only extract to "Downloads" and it took about 3 hours (I realise it is a big file).

I then tried to move it from Downloads to the USB stick (G Drive), but it refused as the file was too big. This could not be the case as the USB had around 24GB of free space. I then found a "sortitoutsi" folder separate to the rar file in Downloads. The rar file contained 181 files, but the sortitoutsi folder had over 400,000! I thought I'd try to move the rar contents to FM2018 using the instructions on your site. Having done that, I could not see any changes within the game. I then decided to move the sortitoutsi folder contents to the G drive. Again this took about 3 or 4 hours.

There was obviously something amiss, so I deleted the whole thing from the G drive and Downloads. Another 3 hours. I wish to add at this stage I did not sit staring at the screen all day. I just let it get on with the job.

So, I'm now back at square one. I'm going away in a couple of days and won't be back until the middle of next week but, if I have the time, I'll try again with a kit pack; that way, I'll be able to see changes as the kits will appear in the Premier League.

The only other info I can give you is that I started saving the game to the G drive rather than to the Cloud while the Sports Interactive folder was held in the C drive/Documents. I then moved the Sports Interactive folder to the G drive. I don't know if that has caused a problem. Many of the folders within the Sports Interactive folder are, and always have been empty, including the graphics one. Has that caused a problem, I wonder?

If it helps, I've attached a screenshot of the G drive contents. I can supply further if you need anything.

I'm sorry to take up so much of your time.

Many thanks
18 years ago
3 hours ago
@Bristol Blue Graphics need to go in Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 2018.

If you want to put them elsewhere on your hard disk or on a removable device (pen drive or external hard drive), you will need to change your user data folder by following these steps, otherwise the game just can't "see" them. Once you do that step, do make sure that any graphics you want to use are extracted with winrar or a similar program. If they're still in rar format, the game can't read them either.

Once the graphics are in place and the Steam details have been changed, your in-game preferences should look like in the below screenshot:

If you have followed all these steps correctly, then you should see the graphics in your save-game. If not, do post in here with screenshots of the contents of your graphics folder so I can see what's wrong.
Bristol Roman
9 years ago
1 year ago
Hi Mons

Thanks so much for this. I'll give it a go and hope it goes OK
Bristol Roman
9 years ago
1 year ago
Hi Mons

OK, I've done all that and the Preferences/Interface screen is exactly as your screen shot. I've re-checked the launch options path and it is definitely set to --user_data_location="G:\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018"

I'll run the game tomorrow and see how it goes.

Thanks again for your guidance

18 years ago
3 hours ago
Hi Mons

OK, I've done all that and the Preferences/Interface screen is exactly as your screen shot. I've re-checked the launch options path and it is definitely set to --user_data_location="G:\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018"

I'll run the game tomorrow and see how it goes.

Thanks again for your guidance

Screenshots of that section would be create.

Can I suggest you @ me or quote this post when replying as I'll get a push notification which may enable me to get back to you quicker
Bristol Roman
9 years ago
1 year ago
Hi @monsi9958 (I hope that's right!)

I've run the game again and the Sports Interactive file saved correctly to the G drive. However, the graphics folder is empty; maybe I need to download one of the packs to put stuff in it?

Anyway, I've attached screenshots of what I think you may need. I'm beginning to wonder if, at 73, I'm too old for this lark, but I love the game when Mrs Bristol Blue and I are having "me time".


14 years ago
9 hours ago
And i thought i was one of the oldest here at 38

I think the reason you couldn't move the whole rar file is because its over 4GB in size (you'd need to change the USB drive from FAT32 to NTFS) but if you are just trying to move the folders it shouldn't be a problem which I you have tried anyway so everything I've just said doesn't really matter. Though looking at the screenshot of your graphics folder it does appear to be empty which would explain why nothing is showing

Have you tried downloading a tactic/skin to see if they will load up in the game? Also are saved games saving into the 'games' folder ok?
18 years ago
3 hours ago
Hi @monsi9958 (I hope that's right!)

I've run the game again and the Sports Interactive file saved correctly to the G drive. However, the graphics folder is empty; maybe I need to download one of the packs to put stuff in it?

Anyway, I've attached screenshots of what I think you may need. I'm beginning to wonder if, at 73, I'm too old for this lark, but I love the game when Mrs Bristol Blue and I are having "me time".


Close enough but poor monsi9958 got tagged instead of me

I've got a way of hopefully helping you out; check your private messages
Bristol Roman
9 years ago
1 year ago
I'm pleased to say that the graphics issue has been resolved, but all the credit must go to @mons

The amount of time he spent sorting what turned out to be quite a complex problem was over and above what I would have expected. So, this is a public "thank you"

18 years ago
3 hours ago
I'm pleased to say that the graphics issue has been resolved, but all the credit must go to @mons

The amount of time he spent sorting what turned out to be quite a complex problem was over and above what I would have expected. So, this is a public "thank you"

You're welcome - happy to have helped. It was a somewhat unusual mix of separate issues, but I'm glad we got to the bottom of it and the user is (hopefully) now able to enjoy his modded-up version of FM

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