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Espanyol H,A,T
Lithuania Home and away
Port Vale H / A
Any chance of Exeter Home please?
It's good that you asked, I made it long time ago but forgot to post it :-P
Amazing thanks so much.
Exeter away or third 3dmade please? Thought I had but they were on 2017 templates. Didn't come up on a search either.
New third kits in League One, Sunderland and Southend
How many left in L2 mate?
5 teams plus few individual away and third kits
Thanks mate. Couple of hours then?!!!!! lol 😂
Couple of weeks :-P Just in time for FM 19 beta
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Nice! Are u planing to do whole La Liga pack?
Andrea S.S. LAZIO
@jroberts Logo is changed
Any chance of Exeter Home please?
It's good that you asked, I made it long time ago but forgot to post it :-P
Amazing thanks so much.
Exeter away or third 3dmade please? Thought I had but they were on 2017 templates. Didn't come up on a search either.
Those are low priority because they're same as last year, and are in game anyway made by SI.
I will do them eventually for the pack
@jroberts Logo is changed
No it hasn't
@jroberts Logo is changed
No it hasn't, this is the kit mine is based on which is what was used in the Nations Cup
Diósgyőri VTK
MOL Vidi
Hajdučki sin
Mick the Miller
How many left in L2 mate?
5 teams plus few individual away and third kits
Mick the Miller
Thanks mate. Couple of hours then?!!!!! lol 😂
Couple of weeks :-P
Just in time for FM 19 beta
Mick the Miller
Appreciate it!