John Palmer - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
18 Dec 2021 00:32:17
@Stoker96, the file you uploaded has not been cut and is the same as the requested pack

After 11.07 only 8 left to be done 

It needs to be in rar or zip formatDo make sure you upload the completed pack rather than the original sources
Also read the comments before doing cuts\requests,since some images are done in the meanwhile and we wrote wich,so feel free to delete them at start,if there are no attachments as .rar in comments 'cuz I've found better sources for some and they might be changed.In this case you've had 53101410 but it's nice you've done it,since it's an improvement.

Excellent job @StaffMan

Thanks yet again @Rowan

@Herthos, I"m not sure what happened but all the cuts had a weird shadow only on the right for some reason. What technique were you using to cut them?
@mons Yes, it is shadow. I'm used to cut whith that in the Gimp program in the "filtered" option, "shadow and light", and "drop shadow". If it does not, I'll forget that for next cut, tell me what do you think about
@mons Yes, it is shadow. I'm used to cut whith that in the Gimp program in the "filtered" option, "shadow and light", and "drop shadow". If it does not, I'll forget that for next cut, tell me what do you think about
Sending you a PM right now in response to the one you sent me. Just give me a bit of time

@Mizta05, try and split this request into smaller groupings. A pack of 10-15 images is more attractive to cutters; nobody's going to take on a pack with over 90 images.
@Mizta05, try and split this request into smaller groupings. A pack of 10-15 images is more attractive to cutters; nobody's going to take on a pack with over 90 images.
I really hope that mixpacks requests will be closed for all requesters,only staff should have this kind of requests.
Sorry, I will upload smaller packs, I have never tried it before. Maybe you should put the limit into the instructions for uploading? Just an idea

@irishresearcher, this is a great labour of love and the sources should be quite easy to cut. But I'm afraid nobody will ever take on a pack with 160 sources. If you want to see these sources added to your game, I have 2 suggestions:
a) make separate mixpacks with smaller amounts, say 10-12, so that at least some of them get cut that way. Realistically speaking, though, it's unlikely they will all get cut
b) take up cutting and give them a go yourself. These kind of sources are ideal for cutting with Vertus Fluid Mask. There are a couple of video tutorials and guides in this thread for it. Once you get the hang of it (and I promise you that with these kind of sources it won't be too long), you should be able to produce decent cuts in 2-3 minutes flat
Cutting a couple a day or around 20 a week would see you work your way through this pack in a couple of months without getting too jaded and burnt out.
I'm the data researcher for Malta and I had a similar collection of images to cut. Once I realised that only a handful were good enough to appeal to other cutters and that they'd stay on the shelf forever otherwise, I resolved to learn how to cut myself and I've since added around 1,000 images (over a period of time, naturally
I do hope you'll give it a go, both so that these sources aren't lost and also so that the Irish complement of megapack cuts gets updated accordingly
If you have any issues on how to improve or perfect your technique when starting out, do post in the thread linked to above so that you can tweak any kinks before you get into the groove
a) make separate mixpacks with smaller amounts, say 10-12, so that at least some of them get cut that way. Realistically speaking, though, it's unlikely they will all get cut
b) take up cutting and give them a go yourself. These kind of sources are ideal for cutting with Vertus Fluid Mask. There are a couple of video tutorials and guides in this thread for it. Once you get the hang of it (and I promise you that with these kind of sources it won't be too long), you should be able to produce decent cuts in 2-3 minutes flat

I'm the data researcher for Malta and I had a similar collection of images to cut. Once I realised that only a handful were good enough to appeal to other cutters and that they'd stay on the shelf forever otherwise, I resolved to learn how to cut myself and I've since added around 1,000 images (over a period of time, naturally

I do hope you'll give it a go, both so that these sources aren't lost and also so that the Irish complement of megapack cuts gets updated accordingly

Mods, can you reject this please and I'll upload separately by team or in batches of 10-15 cheers.
These are some new York players, and some, I consider to be improvements. If you don't think they are improvements, that is fine. 

These are some new York players, and some, I consider to be improvements. If you don't think they are improvements, that is fine.
Sorry, none of these are imrovements. The ones you requested are taken outside which makes the lighting a major problem. Also, the current ones are fairly recent.
However, you have a couple missing here which are perfectly fine and I hope someone cuts them.
Next time you upload, make sure to point out which person that needs to be cut, if a source have more than one face in it.
Here are the ones that needs to be cut:
Out of all these, the below only need cutting as the rest will be included in 11.02:
I have tried to cut a couple of these:
perhaps @Rowan would like to cut the rest of these ?


perhaps @Rowan would like to cut the rest of these ?
33 missing
33 missing
You should make much smaller packs. The likelyhood of someone doing 33 cuts are small. If you instead made 3 packs which consists of 11 source, it's more likely that a cutter would be willing to cut one of those packs.

@mateoz ; again, check if they have been done before posting
Mbayo, Aabou, both the Sarda's have been done
Doore is already requested
Maybe more, don't know all by heart
Mbayo, Aabou, both the Sarda's have been done
Doore is already requested
Maybe more, don't know all by heart
Missing players from Napoli, Liverpool and PSG.
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