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Tommy Hughes
White Flag
Tried that: no impact. Maybe it is a different file after all.
EDIT: Scrap that, they've just started showing again so that didn't work!
Must be a different file, I've looked through everything I can think of and so far nothing has worked.
As you can see in the screenshot below, the static adboards are fine, but the video ad is the first line of the XML (Sky), it took until the 41st minute watching the game on FULL to start recording the second line of the XML in:
That was all whilst having everything in this file set to "FALSE":
Macintosh HD ▸ Users ▸ name ▸ Library ▸ Application Support ▸ Sports Interactive ▸ Football Manager 2019 ▸ Preferences ▸ version 3 ▸ channels ▸ BIDSTACK_CHANNEL.xml
I presume having the internet off on your laptop stops Bidstack being able to communicate with the game to record their adboards in?
Tommy Hughes
Haven't tested it yet, but it should prevent any nonsense from Bidstack marketing department from reaching the game... I hope.
P.S. Do they actually think forcing ads on FM players is an advertising strategy worth the investment?! I don't know what the heck Bidstack is and I'm adamant not to even bother looking it up, because I don't want to - because they're being total wankers and do not deserve my attention or curiosity, far as I'm concerned.
Yeah, okay. Rant over.
Removing bidstack ads please use my download link and follow instructions since me and my brother done this we have not seen any bidstack ads I'm not saying it will work for everyone but so far so good
go to my Documents /AppData folder/Local/Sports Interactive/ Football Manager 2019/ Remove Logs folder and replace it with this one
please note if there is no AppData folder in my documents click on window key click on run and type it in it will then show up remember once game is loaded clear cache and reload skin i have explained everything in this message what to do so please do not be asking stupid questions as i wont answer thank you and happy FM
White Flag
No, this isn't correct, not a bug. Turning off targeted advertising merely does what it says and turns off targeted advertising, leaving you receiving untargeted advertising.
It's no different than the impact cookies make on the adverts you get on a web page..
White Flag
No luck with this I'm afraid, but to be fair I am now getting a few "proper" adboards mixed in with the Bidstack crap.
Still get Bidstack ads.
its worked for me as i said it might not work for everyone it was worth a try
White Flag
This is one of the the packs I've tried, same results with each.
1-) Copy BIDSTACK_CHANNEL.xml into C:\Users\(USERNAME)\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2019\Preferences\version 3\channels
2-) Block FM19.exe in Windows Firewall Here is a video how can you do that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpZPKtFFS0Y
3-) Copy XML file which one you wanna use (Club or NoClub ) to C:\Users\(USERNAME)\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2019\ads
4-) Copy data folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2019
White Flag
Well, I'm delighted to say this works so far - 2 games in and all is well.
,Many thanks for this.
I've tried to replicate this on a Mac, but I can't get it to work.
Sorry never use mac. So no idea about that. I hope you can find a solution for mac.
Its actually working
Hi Tommy, did this work for you?
The only option I've seen guarantee to work so far (for a Mac) is just simply switching the WiFi to "off" on your laptop off.
I've used your blank code to remove the 3-5 loop of the first aboard though, so thanks for that!
Tommy Hughes
Yes, I believe the combination of my firewall solution and the blank adboard code solution provided by aragornx made it work for me again, though I've since only played pre-season games on small stadiums without video ads. But at least the static adboards have been working just like they should. No sight of Bidstack here.
This the reply back from sports interactive when I reported it as a big
Hi @Jeff44,
Jack is taking some well earned holiday, so apologies that he hasn't responded to your message. In regards to your issue, you should have the option in the preferences screen to click yes or no for "Targeted advertising".
My reply back was I have done that and still they come through I've had no reply back again
I also had a reply to this too:
if you look at my attachment its from FM18 and we just ticked the box where i have put a red mark around it and it did stop bidstack ads coming through this time you have to click yes or no and they still come through so it might work for some but its not working for others yet again SI mess things up