Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive just under 490,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.

  • 490,238
  • 2025.04 - Released on 11 Mar 2025
Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

18 years ago
6 hours ago
By Rowan | Permalink | On 18 January 2013 - 15:27 PM
Erm, probably more to the point is SI provided a perfectly good image of him in the game....I would guess that he'll be included after the Clean Up Squad is finished.

Too late 2013/29086005_zps85d25dfa.png
17 years ago
1 week ago
Player Name: Colin Omogbehin (guy in the middle)
Player ID: 28019857
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 28019857

Have replaced image with bigger version found by Side Splitting Pass

Cut by BajaHater - thanks!
Garry Wallace
18 years ago
2 weeks ago
By Rowan | Permalink | On 18 January 2013 - 14:27 PM
Erm, probably more to the point is SI provided a perfectly good image of him in the game....I would guess that he'll be included after the Clean Up Squad is finished.

My apologies. I have always deleted faces provided by the game, as I thought they were included in the megapack. Sorry, and thanks bakizp for the cut. You are a life saver. I hate having players in my team with silhouettes!
17 years ago
2 months ago
By gazizgr8 | Permalink | On 18 January 2013 - 15:54 PM
My apologies. I have always deleted faces provided by the game, as I thought they were included in the megapack. Sorry, and thanks bakizp for the cut. You are a life saver. I hate having players in my team with silhouettes!

Not a problem, that is usually the case. You don't need to delete them though as the Megapack supersedes any in-game images, so as we clean up SI's images they are added to the MP and will gradually replace the ones in-game. However it takes time as, despite our complaining about the quality, they do get through a fair number....
12 years ago
9 years ago
By O | Permalink | On 18 January 2013 - 10:17 AM
Here ya go!

Thank you O'Leary's Trainee
Side Splitting Pass
15 years ago
3 years ago
By gazizgr8 | Permalink | On 18 January 2013 - 13:57 PM
Player Name: Will Hughes
Player ID: 29086005
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 29086005

Here's the cleaned-up SI cut. He should have been in the last update but got left out (my fault not Mons ).
14 years ago
1 year ago
Player Name: Ben Mclaughlin
Player ID: 52059943
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 52059943
16 years ago
41 minutes ago
By El-chambo | Permalink | On 18 January 2013 - 20:36 PM
Player Name: Ben Mclaughlin
Player ID: 52059943
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 52059943

He is not missing. Was cut from the same source even.
Side Splitting Pass
15 years ago
3 years ago
By tv_capper | Permalink | On 18 January 2013 - 15:26 PM
Player Name: Colin Omogbehin (guy in the middle)
Player ID: 28019857
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 28019857

Bigger version of the pic.
17 years ago
9 months ago
Player Name: Alessio Cragno
Player ID: 43092903
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 43092903
18 years ago
37 minutes ago
By O | Permalink | On 18 January 2013 - 11:17 AM
Here ya go!

Great cut

Sorry to appear too grumpy, but could you use another image-hosting site please? It's happened to me twice already that when I right-click save your images, they somehow get saved as jpgs instead of pngs for whatever reason. When I open them in a separate tab, they're fine - but something like that might easily pass me by if I'm busy or multi-tasking.
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
By mons | Permalink | On 19 January 2013 - 08:46 AM
Sorry to appear too grumpy, but could you use another image-hosting site please? It's happened to me twice already that when I right-click save your images, they somehow get saved as jpgs instead of pngs for whatever reason. When I open them in a separate tab, they're fine - but something like that might easily pass me by if I'm busy or multi-tasking.


Any recommendations? That image hosting site is the only one I could find that doesn't require registration, and that also retains the file name.

Though, I suspect it has to be some weird setting on your browser or something. Have you tried drag'n'dropping it to your computer? That's how I always grab images off the internet - save a lot of clicking around.
17 years ago
2 months ago
By O | Permalink | On 19 January 2013 - 12:08 PM

Any recommendations? That image hosting site is the only one I could find that doesn't require registration, and that also retains the file name.

Though, I suspect it has to be some weird setting on your browser or something. Have you tried drag'n'dropping it to your computer? That's how I always grab images off the internet - save a lot of clicking around. is my fave by far. You should register to grant yourself a bigger "album" and to make sure they don't delete the image after a certain period of time, but it's free to register and people downloading the image can do so without registering, also they provide quick links to the img code for simple copy & pasting. And yes, they do retain the UID as filename
15 years ago
3 hours ago

1 Juan Viedma ID 2928
2 Shutlan Axwijk ID 856044
3 Francesco Luciani ID 43075230
4 Baptiste Aloé ID 85063110
14 years ago
4 days ago
By Hasjasja | Permalink | On 19 January 2013 - 13:42 PM
4 Baptiste Aloé ID 85063110

Mate you've posted many times in missing thread,guys that not really missing,so please check your MP,'cause this guy is not missing,and not even improvement
18 years ago
37 minutes ago
BajaHater, I really wish you'd try to post in a more careful manner in the future.

I understand that English is not your first language and that you want to ensure that the threads are better organised and streamlined but by posting in this manner you risk scaring off cutters and requesters alike. Your posts generally come off as being overly critical of somebody who makes a mistake and I personally think this is not always warranted as sometimes mistakes are genuine. I'm 100% sure this is not intentional from your end - but unfortunately that is the impression which is given. God knows we need all the contributors we can get, so scaring them off will get us nowhere.

For example, in Hasjasja's recent post, you could gently point out that the cut-out in question is already in the MP and suggest that he ensures he has downloaded the latest updates. As to whether it's an improvement or not, I'll be the judge of that - that's what I'm here for, after all It might well be, after all (and having checked, you're right, the current MP image is superior to it), but I've included images into the MP before which you told the cutters would not be improvements.

Please don't be offended as you're doing a great job in finding posts/requests which are not correct, but please consider moderating your posting style as we have a friendly, all-inclusive community here which I'd really like to maintain
14 years ago
4 days ago
By mons | Permalink | On 19 January 2013 - 14:22 PM

Sometimes I know to be harsh,but this time I really wasn't,that's 1000000% sure.Hasjasja is here long enough,and done some great work,so I don't see the reason why I would say anything on bad way to him...I believe that all of us are adult,so I don't understand how can I scare somebody... One smart man told one time "I'm only responsible for what I say,but not for what people understand." .So,from now I won't comment anything...
Side Splitting Pass
15 years ago
3 years ago
One request from me today.

91105660 Dzenan Catic

Edit. Pic now cut by bakizp, many thanks.
16 years ago
4 years ago
Player Name: Amaral
Player ID: 19153818
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 19153818

Done. Thanks.
16 years ago
4 years ago
Player Name: Nixon
Player ID: 19124581
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 19124581

Done. Thanks.
14 years ago
4 days ago
By squallzinn | Permalink | On 19 January 2013 - 17:07 PM
Player Name: Amaral
Player ID: 19153818
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 19153818
12 years ago
1 week ago
Hi, this is my first cut player.
12 years ago
1 week ago
By Side Splitting Pass | Permalink | On 19 January 2013 - 14:43 PM
One request from me today.
91105660 Dzenan Catic
15 years ago
3 hours ago
By BajaHater | Permalink | On 19 January 2013 - 13:38 PM
Sometimes I know to be harsh,but this time I really wasn't,that's 1000000% sure.Hasjasja is here long enough,and done some great work,so I don't see the reason why I would say anything on bad way to him...I believe that all of us are adult,so I don't understand how can I scare somebody... One smart man told one time "I'm only responsible for what I say,but not for what people understand." .So,from now I won't comment anything...

I'm not offended. It's just that Aloé is yet another player who has a Config-entry, but no pic in my MP. Curious. And I didn't miss an update.

I didn't mind cutting him though.
18 years ago
37 minutes ago
By BajaHater | Permalink | On 19 January 2013 - 14:38 PM
Sometimes I know to be harsh,but this time I really wasn't,that's 1000000% sure.Hasjasja is here long enough,and done some great work,so I don't see the reason why I would say anything on bad way to him...I believe that all of us are adult,so I don't understand how can I scare somebody... One smart man told one time "I'm only responsible for what I say,but not for what people understand." .So,from now I won't comment anything...

I was afraid I'd be misunderstood Like I said, I don't think you intended to be harsh in this case, but that's the impression that I got. Hasjasja has been around to know you meant no harm but some of your replies to less-regular users can mean that they get put off from posting again. Nobody knows more than me how frustrating it is to repeat the same thing over and over again and I fully appreciate that you only comment for the good of the community.

However smart that man might have been, however, what people understand is directly related to what you say and how you say it Wherever warranted, please don't feel like you can't comment but I'd really prefer it if your comments in general are slightly less harsh than before, especially towards newer users
14 years ago
2 months ago
By mons | Permalink | On 19 January 2013 - 13:22 PM
BajaHater, I really wish you'd try to post in a more careful manner in the future.

I understand that English is not your first language and that you want to ensure that the threads are better organised and streamlined but by posting in this manner you risk scaring off cutters and requesters alike. Your posts generally come off as being overly critical of somebody who makes a mistake and I personally think this is not always warranted as sometimes mistakes are genuine. I'm 100% sure this is not intentional from your end - but unfortunately that is the impression which is given. God knows we need all the contributors we can get, so scaring them off will get us nowhere.

For example, in Hasjasja's recent post, you could gently point out that the cut-out in question is already in the MP and suggest that he ensures he has downloaded the latest updates. As to whether it's an improvement or not, I'll be the judge of that - that's what I'm here for, after all It might well be, after all (and having checked, you're right, the current MP image is superior to it), but I've included images into the MP before which you told the cutters would not be improvements.

Please don't be offended as you're doing a great job in finding posts/requests which are not correct, but please consider moderating your posting style as we have a friendly, all-inclusive community here which I'd really like to maintain

I totally agree !
14 years ago
4 days ago
Ivica Brzic 62026472
16 years ago
4 hours ago
Player Name: Jean-Claude Wekouri
Player ID: 43008736
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 43008736
13 years ago
10 months ago
sorry, looks like i'm missing the 4.04 update!
18 years ago
6 hours ago
By Side Splitting Pass | Permalink | On 19 January 2013 - 15:43 PM
91105660 Dzenan Catic 2013/91105660_zps133ac4b2.png

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