Mario Balotelli - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
04 Dec 2024 08:53:49
already requested
Already requested and pack in mixpack.
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Media not found #193402
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@mons I forgot to erase the white gap in his earrings, please rest.
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OGC Nice [Old Request Response]
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OGC Nice [Old Request]
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Italy [Old Request]
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Italy [Old Request Response]
Media not found #209352
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@mons I've re-done it with all tiny hair details,jewellery and final cut is much more shaprened with better skin colour.So,just take it for next update

@mons I've re-done it with all tiny hair details,jewellery and final cut is much more shaprened with better skin colour.So,just take it for next update
Will do

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No improvement IMHO
The current megapack cut is quite recent and of a very good quality, while that source image is really no different especially since he is slightly hunched.
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Brescia [Old Request Response]
This image is part of a pack:
Brescia [Old Request]