Georgi Valchev - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack



14 years ago
3 days ago
Original Image:

Attached file is my attempt to make a cut out.

I found better image after a made the request:
And my try to make a cut out from it:
18 years ago
7 hours ago
@t.marinov, have a look at this thread for an overall guide of what we're looking for in terms of cuts.

A handful of comments based on your cuts so far:
a) When the source is big enough, cuts should be in 250x250.
b) Avoid leaving a large gap between the bottom of the chin and the bottom of the cut - the focus should be the face and we don't really need to see his Adam's apple
c) Same goes for the area between the top of the head and the top of the hair. 2-3 pixels is enough, even for the above
d) There is a little bit of snow on the hair, not much but it's there.

That said, in terms of cutting, they're quite good for a starter, but if you keep all the above in mind, they'll be much better. Can I ask what program and technique(s) you're using?
14 years ago
3 days ago
I used to remove the background and then Photoshop to crop and resize.

I'm not sure about the quality of the source and if it allows to make it 250x250
14 years ago
3 days ago
Can you look and see if it is better now (again 180x180)
18 years ago
7 hours ago
Can you look and see if it is better now (again 180x180)

This is what I got using with the original source:

As you can see, it's a bit sharper than your cut. Since it's a bigger source, the resulting cut will end up being better than one from a smaller source such as the one you cut that one from. The bigger and better the original source, the bigger and better the final cut Mine still needs a slight rotation anti-clockwise and cropping to remove the excess area above the hair and below the chin, but I'm at work and don't have access to Photoshop right now. I'll also need to move the collar up a little bit; keep in mind that all cuts must include a little bit of collar as well. Will do it at home later

Your quoted cut still left a little bit too much area between the top of the hair and the top of the cut, and also between the bottom of the chin and the bottom of the cut. It doesn't have to be exactly 2-3 pixels, but it's ideally less than the area that you left That said, it contains no snow, which is great

Do take the time to view the tutorial in the guide to cutting thread I linked to earlier and also the other spoilers for some more guidance on what we're looking for in terms of cuts
14 years ago
3 days ago
I couldn't make the part with the collar. There's a difference between the lights of the skin and I couldn't make the transition smoother. I watched the video in your thread, but may be my skills in Photoshop are too basic to do it.

I made some cuts for Bulgarian youngsters for myself. I'll attach them in mixed requests if some of them are good enough to be used in this megapack.

Thanks for your help and advises.


This image is part of a pack: Bulgarian Third League Mixpack 2
Pending by t.marinov on 16 Jan 2022 20:12:53
Completed by mons on 16 Jan 2022 20:35:59