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You mean 19/20?
Would love Man Utd home Download
@bolid74 Hey the shorts and socks are available now Download
Manchester United 19/20 home Download
This kit it's so beautiful. Thanks for making it, Bolid Download
@bolid74 mate new Palace home kit https://www.footyheadlines.com/2019/05/crystal-palace-19-20-home-kit.html
@bolid74 any chance for INTER 3d kit?
Think the united kit looks a bit like a training shirt, could do more with a red t-shirt a few iron-on logos and some felt tip pens
@maxi9494 : Any chance for Romanian Liga 2 - 3D Kits ? I can provide all the resources needed.
Juventus home 19/20, updated with white underwear sleeves Download Juventus home 19/20, alternate with white shorts and socks Download
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Hajdučki sin
@bolid74 Hey the shorts and socks are available now
Indeed, I have no excuses anymore :-P
This kit it's so beautiful. Thanks for making it, Bolid
Unless you're a Man U. fan it's hardly "beautiful" as a design. Many other kits made by bolid are far more complex and beautiful !!
Hajdučki sin
Juventude 2019 h/a/t
Hajdučki sin
Thanks, but it's really not necessary to link me footyheadlines news, I visit it every day
Yes, when I see pictures of full kit. Socks are missing so far
Hajdučki sin
Nick Wiltshire
Hajdučki sin
Feyenoord away
Ajax home & away
Hajdučki sin
Ajax h/a 19/20
Feyenoord away 19/20
AZ home 19/20
Juventus home 19/20, alternate with white shorts and socks
Hajdučki sin
3d are already made
Nick Wiltshire
Fantastic! Thank you very much for this!!