There are 152 teams qualify for AFC Champions league from 47 Asian countries:
4 teams from top nations (S.Korea, Japan, China, Iran, Qatar, UAE, S. Arabia, Australia, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Iraq);
3 teams from other nations.
Group Stage:
12 domestic top league champions (S.Korea, Japan, China, Iran, Qatar, UAE, S. Arabia, Australia, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Indian Super League).
3rd qual. round:
35 domestic top league champions (Kuwait, Syria and other lower nation);
Indian I-league champion;
8 domestic top league runner-ups (Iran, Qatar, UAE, S. Arabia, Australia, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Iraq);
44 teams from 2nd qual. round.
1st and 2nd qual. round:
2 teams from all nations in Asia (ex. India have 1, S.Korea, Japan, China have 3 teams in this stage).
Note: priority is given to FA Cups and FA League Cups (if required), so if winner already qualify, then 3rd or 4th team from top league
qualify (priority list: FA Cup winner, then FA League Cup winner, then 3rd placed team, then 4th placed team).
For Australia: Grand Final winner qualify for Group Stage, loser qualify for 3rd qualif. round, then priority (2 teams):
FA Cup winner...
Reg.Season (1st...2nd...3rd...4th).
For India: Indian Super League winner qualify for Group Stage, I-league winner qualify for 3rd qualif. round, then priority (1 team):
Federation Cup winner...
Durand Cup winner...
Indian Super League runner-up.
For Palestina: West Bank Premier League winner qualify for 3rd qualif. round, West Bank Premier League runner-up and Gaza Strip Premier League winner
qualify for 1/2 qualif. round.
- 3 qualifying rounds, 96 begin from 1st and 2nd rounds and 44 teams begin in 2nd round;
- 44 teams enter the Group Stage + 12 teams from high-ranked countries;
- The Group Stage contains 56 teams (7 teams in 8 groups);
- 6 games at Group Stage;
- 4 top teams progress to the Knock-Out Rounds;
- teams placed 5th and 6th qualify to AFC Cup First Knock-Out Round;
- teams placed 7th qualify to AFC President's Cup First Knock-Out Round;
- two-legged knock-out rounds and final.
- 52 losing teams from LC 1st and 2nd rounds enter Qual.Stage (1st round - 8 teams; 2nd round - 4+44; 3rd round - 24 teams), 12 teams enter Group Stage;
- 44 losing teams from LC 3rd round enter Group Stage + 12 teams from Qual.Stage;
- The Group Stage contains 56 teams (7 teams in 8 groups);
- 6 games at Group Stage;
- 4 top teams progress to the Knock-Out Rounds;
- teams placed 5th and 6th qualify to AFC President's Cup First Knock-Out Round;
- two-legged knock-out rounds and final.
- 40 losing teams from AFC Cup 1st, 2nd and 3rd rounds enter Group Stage;
- The Group Stage contains 40 teams (5 teams in 8 groups);
- 4 games at Group Stage;
- 1 top teams progress to the Knock-Out Rounds;
- teams placed 7th in AFC LC Group stage and teams placed 5th and 6th in AFC Cup Group stage qualify for Knock-Out Rounds;
- two-legged knock-out rounds and final.
Match rules: maximum 5 foreign players in match squad.
VERY realistic prize money added (much more money in League Champions, less in AFC Cup and more less in President's Cup)
Warning! Unpack all files from archive, i have edited national files from Riddler's MEGAPACK, so
AFC file works properly ONLY with this files! Make sure you will use this nation files in your editor data folder!
Used materials from Riddler's and @Timo@'s works (credits for their amazing packs).
Credits to rbirdy17 for participation in creation of this work.
Report me in comments or in messages if you find bugs or something going wrong.
LINK http://www.mediafire.com/file/l3sske0k02bvx3d/AFC_ClubComps_FM_19.zip
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I am in 2020 and the 2018 final has yet to be played. Just shows the 2 semi final winners won and no final date shown....
thx for report, i'll try to fix this with updated database editor ( my version is 19.1.1).
I actually found the cause. In the semi final stage 5 under the circumstances of where the winning team goes to, you had it at 5 still instead of 6, which the final stage is 6.
for ex. after 8-9 mathdays in Australia it takes best 4 teams after these matches.
don't even know how make it work yet.
Ahhhh ok, hmmm might have to change the whole Aussie database so that the top 4 winners from the playoff competition, make the champs league the following year, so like aleague final in 2018, and those team make the 2019 ACL. So maybe under required teams, have the leagues that are autumn/winter/spring/summer make them "use for next season? " maybe?
hmmm yep it works, the game chooses teams from this list from up to down
so it will take some time to do all correctly, but it WORKS
Wow, that seems complicated to me haha, I dont know to much with the editor. So looks like you got the FFA cup winner, aleague champs and runner ups, and 3rd place team in regular season?? Now to get the leagues that are autumn/winter/spring hahah, i can help ya out with that if u like?
Australia , Bahrain , Brunei , Guam , Hong Kong , Indian super league and indian I-league , Iran , Iraq , Jordan , North Korea , Kuwait , Lebanon , Oman , Nepal , Palestine , Pakistan , Qatar , Saudi Arabia , Sri Lanka , Syria , UAE , Yemen.
Hope that helps!
But for other nations it's easy to make it
Ah ok, ya I would think it is easier since most leagues dont have the playoffs like the aussie aleague. Are you still going to keep the same amount of teams going to ACL and AFC cup in each nation ??
this is how the game will take teams properly without crashing the competition. And if champion will win FA cup too, game will take the next team in team pool.
Maaan, it took A LOT of test saves
made Wellington in editor last position 4 in A League and made first two teams ( winner and runner up of Grand final) be finalists of FFA cup and also be 1st and 2nd teams in Regulae Season,
so game took last team correctly.
Nice! What was the " get teams from team pool ? " tab at ? that makes it so the top 4 teams , 8-9 matches in dont go to ACL? And are you going to do that for all the leagues? And release a new update?
just have finished new updated file ( all working correctly), will update thread soon.
try now, man, is it works for you?
I will check soon mate. I actually redownloaded it and it worked but after editing prize money that's when it stopped functioning for me. I'll give it a check in a bit.
Man, that files worked wrong for competitions that runs "autumn - spring/summer" system, games took teams that at the top just before ACL setup, but now all working great! Even FA Cups,
League Cups winners and back-ups qualify correctly.
Started a new save as Nepal NT and club, and it works like a charm!! well done mate !