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We have the the biggest collection of Football Manager Downloads available on the internet. Everything from Skins and Kits, to Gigantic Face, Logo and Background Megapacks and unbeatable Football Manager Tactics.
Football Manager skins completely change the look and feel of FM with a new "theme" FM Skins
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Liverpool 19/20 away Download
Just realised that I never posted the current USA Kit so here it is USA Home and third kits
MLS Atlanta United Home and away
Thank you for these and Chicago !!!!
Cheers! Don't worry, there are more to come
MLS Cincinnati Home and away
psg 2019 jordan kits DownloadDownload
Rotherham 3rd 19/20 Download
Hi, please make a 3d form shorts and socks any Download
sd compostela
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Nice one bolid74
Thank you so much sir !!!
Thank you for these and Chicago !!!!
Cheers! Don't worry, there are more to come
And looking forward to them also !!!!
Hajdučki sin
Excellent, thank you !!! this is the one i was hoping for.
Thank you for Colorado also.
Nice work, will you be making the home one soon please?
Mick the Miller
Mick the Miller
Marvellous! Much appreciated.
shorts and socks any
It helps to post information and other photos when making a request so someone making the kit doesn't have to search for hours
Rotor Volgograd 1997 kits (better images of the two shirts from your SS kit request)
I can only find this low-quality video of the away kit being worn, with white shorts with black detail (possibly this design, closeup of pattern), and the white socks in the second picture of the home kit.
hadi rahman
Spain Liga Santander
France Ligue One
also Germany Bundesliga
Javier planelles