FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 26 Apr 2024
  • 9,252 Changes
  • 137 Contributors
  • FM24.3

You are viewing changes for an older version of Football Manager (Version 15.3) which is no longer supported by our data update.

This page is here as a historical reference only.

View Latest Version (24.3)

5 years ago
4 months ago
Lionel Messi set to leave Barcelona next year
Gooner 87
11 years ago
1 week ago
6 years ago
2 years ago
12 years ago
6 days ago
Just wondering since I don't see any mention about it here, am I the only one who has Messi with a big wage decreased?

Messi used to get around 3,900,000 euros/month in the previous database, and earns "only" 1,700,000 euros/month now. I thought maybe you put the net wage, even though it should stay gross (we can see the before/after tax on the contract page), but Ronaldo is still paid 2,930,000 euros/month.

The same with Neymar, around 2,500,000 euros/month at Barcelona in the initial database, now 1,900,000 euros/month at PSG in your update, when he should be the highest earner (30M euros/year NET, which is around 45M/year gross..Meaning he's earning ALMOST the same as Pogba: 1,490,000 euros/month which didn't change between the original database and your update.

The same with Dani Alves with a wage of 311,000 euros/month in your database making him as one of the lowest earner at PSG, when he signed for 12M/year in real life??? And his wage was around 700,000 euros/month at Juve in the original database.

Again, the same with Thiago Motta with 284,000 euros/month gross in your database, when it was around 750,000 gross in the original database, reflecting more the reality (almost 800,000 euros/months).

And the list goes on, I've seen so many wage change on players which don' reflect the truth.

Thanks to highlight me if this is a mistake, or how can I fix this myself when your update is in XML document format, and not in FMF (so I can't open it with the editor). Thank you
11 years ago
2 years ago
@cola bear that's something that gets you banned
11 years ago
8 months ago
9 years ago
5 hours ago
Cola bear! Are you stupid??
cola bear
8 years ago
9 months ago
Lionel Messi to Manchester City: Club tell Barcelona they will fork out a record £100million to reunite superstar with Pep Guardiola
8 years ago
5 months ago
sorry didn't mean too couldn't get out without submitting anything. I apologize
8 years ago
5 months ago
sorry didn't mean too couldn't get out without submitting anything. I apologize
17 years ago
3 weeks ago
He's VC not Captain
14 years ago
27 minutes ago

also note it looks like barca have a list of 3 v.c.'s Leo Messi, Sergio Busquets and Javier Mascherano

with messi being first on that list

unable to submit vice captain in data field option not there
11 years ago
7 months ago
Sorry, couldn't figure out how to get back into this without submitting anything. Please accept apologies.
Lionel MessiLionel Messi is now on loan to LeedsLeeds until 30th June 2016 paying 100% of wages.
Submitted by MarkC1984 09 Jun 2015 15:17:11 (MarkC1984 Submissions)