6 years ago
4 years ago

I started a new save with your Data Update, the first season went smoothly without any error that I could see. But the season should have finished and the new season being loaded, if I'm not mistaken by 30th June, but I'm already at 7th July and the new season (19/20) haven't loaded. My schedule only have the friendlies I arranged and the Champions League Play-offs.

Here's some screenshots. I'm playing FC Porto in the Portuguese League and the only editor files present are the Data Update and the Real Names fix, both from you and that never gave me a problem before.


Note at the top right, I'm at July but the League Table only shows the previous season, with no option to move forward:

Is there anything I can do or is my save gone? Thanks in advance for your attention.
15 years ago
8 hours ago
can you state what version of game you are using (full details) are you a beta tester for SI too

I have run tests on all the top European leagues and everything is fine

try portugal next then all together

(use a custom start date to get to end on may 2019 then holiday )
15 years ago
8 hours ago
you are correct season update date is 30 june
15 years ago
8 hours ago

no issues for me league is resetting as normal

the files here do not edit nation rules thats where issues like this happen
6 years ago
4 years ago
can you state what version of game you are using (full details) are you a beta tester for SI too

Hi @kingrobbo

Do you think it might be this version? I'm beta tester yes, and I'm not sure 19.3.6 is already public or just beta --- tho SI said it was just a small fix. Quoting Neil Brock: «The 19.3.6 update contains one specific crash fix for an issue affecting some custom editor data saves which were running the MLS. There are no further updates planned for FM19»

Thank you.
15 years ago
8 hours ago
go back to steam/SI get them to remove you from beta testing and then try

thats why I asked if you were a beta tester seen issues like this before
15 years ago
8 hours ago
as said I have tested for you and no issues using just our files

so as long as you are not running any other files(and in OP you say just ours) then issue has to be beta testing
11 years ago
2 months ago

also have the same error as jugar with which official update 16.3.0? Is there a problem with the actual fixtures here on the blog?
15 years ago
8 hours ago
also have the same error as jugar with which official update 16.3.0? Is there a problem with the actual fixtures here on the blog?

no idea what any of this means mate



Fixtures on blog?
Andre Coelho
12 years ago
4 months ago
I have had the same problem - but is it compatible with the real names fix available in this site?
18 years ago
2 hours ago
I have had the same problem - but is it compatible with the real names fix available in this site?

I can't speak for the data update, but the real names fix (if installed correctly, naturally) does not affect anything but (award, city, club, competition and stadium) name changes. These changes only affect how names display and do not affect the way the game works, so they should not conflict with any other files at all.
Andre Coelho
12 years ago
4 months ago
Andre Coelho
12 years ago
4 months ago
I asked, because the only thing I had, besides the data update, is that file.
6 years ago
4 years ago
as said I have tested for you and no issues using just our files

so as long as you are not running any other files(and in OP you say just ours) then issue has to be beta testing

Sadly, same thing occurs without the beta. Like @Andre Coelho said, I only have your files (Data Update + Name fix). By removing the Data Update and keeping the Name fix, everything works ok. I'm sorry but there is some problem with your DU. I ended up opening the pre-game editor and making the updates myself on the league I want to play in (Portugal) it was a couple hours of work but it's working fine.
Andre Coelho
12 years ago
4 months ago
I'm guessing the problem is the real name fix´
18 years ago
2 hours ago
I'm guessing the problem is the real name fix´

You're guessing wrongly and I don't take kindly to the work I do on the real name fix file being dismissed so flippantly, only a couple of hours after I explained why it could not be the issue and a single post after the original poster indicated it was not the source of the issue.
Andre Coelho
12 years ago
4 months ago
Ok, so @NinetyNine must have some other stuff installed, because, in fact, mine is working already
15 years ago
8 hours ago
I'm guessing the problem is the real name fix´

how the hell can it be that file?? there are thousand of people using it with no issues ??

these issues come about when nation rules have been edited and that isnt done in our files

Andre Coelho
12 years ago
4 months ago

What about the fact that 3 teams are relegated and only 2 are promoted?
15 years ago
8 hours ago
you need to raise that issue in the thread re promotions/ relegations that is a separate issue

and once again the file is only swapping teams it is not doing anything within nation rules as far as I am aware as I did not create it(but only the person creating can confirm this for you thus the need to ask there )

so the issue would be one with SI via their bug forums as this should not be happening with general changes

If the issue is with the promotion file a workaround would be to save it in the editor in the original DB as issues are coming to light(they do every year) when SI release the last patch it usually has some changes to the league structure and causes issues with files started in the original DB...this causes issues year after year like this, its not fair as many hours of editing can become useless

I will run a test later but I am up to my nuts sorting out many other issues here with other files so report in the thread as suggested I have looked at the promotion thread and as I stated no nation rules have been changed it is just general changes so IF the issue is down to this the editor once again is totally buggered
15 years ago
8 hours ago
I am posting in there 2 as also found errors in sweden and running file causes crash dump

any issues like this users post in linked thread so it can be addressed hopefully its something creator of the file has missed and can be fixed if it is a buggy editor again then that will be one for SI and wont be fixed now
6 years ago
4 years ago
Ok, so @NinetyNine must have some other stuff installed, because, in fact, mine is working already

In fact I have another file in the editor folder, Japanese players from the Brazillian research team. Dunno if it can be that, but I'll test again without it as soon as I have time.

@mons I know you weren't answering me, but if any of my posts looks like a disrespect to you or any other's work, it was unintentional. I brought the Premium here not only because I was any impatient with downloading files, but because I value everything you all do here and that make FM a much better game.
7 years ago
2 months ago
I know what the problem is and I hope it can be fixed. There's a club in Portugal that got up to the first division on court, its called Gil Vicente, and they dont go up in this database do it has a problem due to the fact that the league has an insufficient amount of teams. Hope I helped, and hope you can help me too, thanks @mons
15 years ago
8 hours ago
dont think any work is being done on these fm19 files now

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