6 years ago
3 years ago
The game is probably already done and ready to develop, but MAYBE, just MAYBE some of SI stuff is an active forum user and will read OUR wishes as loyal servants of the game and consider putting some ideas into patch. I'm really interested in what do you guys think should be changed/upgraded maybe some bug fixes? What is cool and what is bad?

My insights on the current state of the game (hope it's not too long and boring)

1. Artificial intelligence. Computer managers are often doing some stupid things, doesn't know how to rotate squad, making bad signings, not adjusting tactics after a loss strikes, overall most of them (especially lower league) is just bad at what they do which makes game easier (we don't like it easy).

2. Team meetings reactions/Season expectations/Private chat/Board requests. All of those interactions are really stupid, so many times my team reacted so badly on what i said, when it was simply truth. Made a treble? Next season expect to fight for Europa league because your players will not agree and that's it. You lost/drawn last 6 games in a row ? After you tell them on team meeting that you want them to keep your head's up they will tell you "This way you will not win much" and morale will just drop on the neck, when you want to fix them. Board. Dear board, which also seem to be a game exploit, after few winning seasons they let me to have tones of coaches scout's physios and all kind of fancy things when AI from point 1, still has same 6 coaches that he had at the beginning, it's so easy to be maxed out when you do it manually, but even using director of football seem to give advantage over computer. Also, a lot of time my board just dumped me, even tho i just qualified for Europa league group stage for the first time in club history, making for it few millions, they will say that they don't have money to build a better training grounds etc. At one point in my save i maxed out my current stadium by expanding it, and my board just never ever let me build or buy a new one, even when i was just focused on selling players and making money for them. Private chats, so dumb. Players are getting grumpy over truth, i don't know what they think when after a 6.4 rated game i tell them "you played bad" and they say "nope, i played good" and they start to worry of how i treated them, poor babies. They act to much like some kind of role models, every player has a Kanye West sized ego imo.

3. How on earth player is not able to play AMR when he is natural MR, or playing DM/AMC when he is MC. what is this bullpuke, in real life players are played "out of position" so much, left backs playing on right side, strikers playing on wings, it's normal thing!

4. Transfer's fees are also dumb, AI always wants 500% price for a player, but when it comes to you they offer you 60%, and your player of course will be like "hey bro not cool why you didn't accept" then you tell "money wasn't right" you set price on market value, no one ever comes back for him and he is still an angry baby for next month or two (then magically they don't want to leave anymore). AI tend to make last second transfer offers, day or two before window is finished just unsettling my players for no reason, i will not sell a first team regular on a last day, let's be realistic. Also players are loosing sense of ambitions sometimes, they prefer to be backup in PSG for 100k/week then key player for a competing team for 120k/week just because "they got better team", well since they have better team - you will not play, obvious for me, never for them.

5. Match engine bugs fixes, as we all now it has its flaws, we all saw some weird behavior, dubious passes, dumb headers, or just classic goalkeeper>defender pass that goes straight to the opposition striker. We've all been there.

6. Goal-line replays are never a goal, so why bother.

7. Referees abusing VAR, going there too often, sequence of animations really annoying after time.

8. Released players prefer to stay without contract and retire then play in lower league.

9. Some stuff that stays in the game without work has "im thinking about ending my career" for years making them unemployable, but they exist with all their stats and history.

10. I don't feel that opposition instructions do anything at all as well as some tactical instructions

11. Player traits should be developed automatically, by players and their way of playing, if a youngster played already houndred games as inside forward, he will develop a skill to cut inside by himself without petting him and giving him a hand. Regens are born with some traits, i doubt that traits suits them a lot of time.

12. Regens are overpowered. Brazilian 16 years old boys having all physical attributes over 15 ? What did his mom feed him with?


6 years ago
3 years ago
really talkative forum
18 years ago
2 days ago
Hi Mr Satan

Haven't really got time to comment on all that you have said but here's a few answers (my opinion of course)

1 & 2 - some good points here agree with you on a lot of them, the only thing I would say is be careful of players personalities when criticising them certain players won't like it. If you don't want over inflated egos, just don't sign any

3 - Yeah this bugs me too but to be honest the green familiarity thingy means nothing, all that matters is if their attributes fit the role

4 & 8 are symptoms of playing with database too large and/or too few leagues loaded

5 - Definate improvements to be made on this front but as has been said elsewhere its always a WIP

6 - Never seen them myself, play too low down the pyramid

7 - Never played in a league with VAR sorry but if you're correct and FM20 will have it implemented in the Premier League then it'll be cause for discussion on the forums

9 - not quite sure what you mean

10 - they do, for instance if I play with no pressing at all but decide to just target one player/position it really does work

11 sounds logical

bonus - again, not sure what you're getting at
6 years ago
1 year ago
Do you know why you have all of those issues which in what i saw i agree with?
They´re sloppy and lazy i´ve come to realize.
Frankly, they take no honor in what they do and it´s the buck that tells them what to do and hurry stuff up. Money and Sega.

Believe me i have played this game for over 2 decades so it isn´t some half arsed opinion here but what i consider as one spot on.
A commercial trailer only for instance for FM 2020 now and it tells me to stop buying this series, about time now or i´m being a sucker.

Edit: "Franklin comes out as being gay"?
Never seen that, quite ridiculous just that. They should try to concentrate on stuff that matters instead.
Be gay all you want, i don´t care.
18 years ago
4 minutes ago
Do you know why you have all of those issues which in what i saw i agree with?
They´re sloppy and lazy i´ve come to realize.
Frankly, they take no honor in what they do and it´s the buck that tells them what to do and hurry stuff up. Money and Sega.

Believe me i have played this game for over 2 decades so it isn´t some half arsed opinion here but what i consider as one spot on.
A commercial trailer only for instance for FM 2020 now and it tells me to stop buying this series, about time now or i´m being a sucker.

Edit: "Franklin comes out as being gay"?
Never seen that, quite ridiculous just that. They should try to concentrate on stuff that matters instead.
Be gay all you want, i don´t care.

What are you on about?

For the last 3/4 years, at this time of year SI release a trailer and make pre-ordering available. Features are drip-fed throughout the following months in various formats. Don't see anything particularly amiss in that.

As for them taking no honour in what they do, I'd say that's completely ridiculous. And as for your point about gay players (which btw was added in FM18), what possible impact could it have on your enjoyment of the game? Unless you're homophobic that is, in which case you deserve all the irritation you get
6 years ago
1 year ago
What are you on about?

For the last 3/4 years, at this time of year SI release a trailer and make pre-ordering available. Features are drip-fed throughout the following months in various formats. Don't see anything particularly amiss in that.

As for them taking no honour in what they do, I'd say that's completely ridiculous. And as for your point about gay players (which btw was added in FM18), what possible impact could it have on your enjoyment of the game? Unless you're homophobic that is, in which case you deserve all the irritation you get

Obviously i have played this game for much longer than you in every possible way with thousands of hours, perhaps all in all around 5 k, and as i said, over 2 decades of game play.
I don´t care to explain my points and beef with this game series for some fanboy who have just skimmed on top of a product and scratched a bit on it´s surface.

I said not that including some player coming out as gay is something wrong to include but they better make sure to fix what´s broken first in this game, that always have been broken and which they MUST know about by now and haven´t fixed. Rather then focusing on stupid little pointless things like gay players etc.

If this reply upsets you so be it, i am as pee´d off at the FM community for lacking any deeper knowledge about all what is not so good and flawed, flawed and even broken code that needs fixing and attention. Do i have to mention again my time put into this series?
I wont go into detail about all of the sloppy coding in this game. Their job to fix, if i point them out for fan people i just waste my time.

Edit: Btw, the Swedish translation in it was horrible really. Spelling errors and gramma that looked like it was translated in a hurry and not done so somebody looked perhaps for those before putting it into the game.
That´s just not the way to make a product look solid, when the language looks like it´s typed by somebody still in elementary school.
Yes,. i´m a Swede. So if my English here doesn´t look solid then this comment was at least for free. My treat and enjoy.
Good day
18 years ago
4 minutes ago
Obviously i have played this game for much longer than you in every possible way with thousands of hours, perhaps all in all around 5 k, and as i said, over 2 decades of game play.
I don´t care to explain my points and beef with this game series for some fanboy who have just skimmed on top of a product and scratched a bit on it´s surface.

I said not that including some player coming out as gay is something wrong to include but they better make sure to fix what´s broken first in this game, that always have been broken and which they MUST know about by now and haven´t fixed. Rather then focusing on stupid little pointless things like gay players etc.

If this reply upsets you so be it, i am as pee´d off at the FM community for lacking any deeper knowledge about all what is not so good and flawed, flawed and even broken code that needs fixing and attention. Do i have to mention again my time put into this series?
I wont go into detail about all of the sloppy coding in this game. Their job to fix, if i point them out for fan people i just waste my time.

Good day

Ah yes, the oft-spotted I'm-better-and-more-experienced-than-you-so-I-don't-have-to-explain-my-deeply-flawed-and-illogical-reasoning shtick, also known as the refuge of somebody who can't put forward a cogent argument. I could pick holes enough in your argument to drive an aeroplane through, but I'll copy your enlightened approach and simply bid you good day.
6 years ago
1 year ago
Listen now. Just that you don´t realize the time and effort i have to put in to point all of them out goes to show your lack of WANTING to understand others in the first place.
I could just stay quite like all the others buying this game and not give my criticism a voice.
I don´t type here for fun, you´re not fun and i don´t really care to get DRAGGED into some dispute.
You like the game, i don´t. This is how it is and you respect others and i will respect that you don´t agree with me.
I won´t try to force my opinions at least upon somebody else.

It´s the dilemma in this world now isn´t it? We all are not on the same level and will always have shit where we disagree. We don´t necessarily need to argue about it though.
Sorry for not going into detail about the bugs, i just say i won´t. Go find them yourselves. I have elsewhere seen it be mentioned and also done it myself but then all of a sudden SI go blind though they´re there to read about them on their own forums.
They want to SELL their game, not get feedback on all of the stuff that needs fixing.....since they´re lazy.
18 years ago
2 days ago
Well that escalated quickly

Gotta say though, 5k hours on something you don't like, that's commitment right there! All that anger and I'm betting you'll still buy FM20

Well, I'm rather enjoying the game, just got my first promotion after 10 seasons, back to where I started as I got relegated the second season in, had some proper punch the air moments. Thoroughly enjoying myself, hoping to get maybe one more promotion before FM20.
11 years ago
1 day ago
Well this thread has certainly turned sour. I'll try get things back on track

For me I just want to enjoy the game, for one reason or another I just couldn't get on with 18 and 19 gave me not 1, not 2 but 3 game breaking bugs on all 3 of my saves I committed to, and that sapped the enjoyment out of it for me, and as such I went back to 17 and still love every minute of 17. The match engine in 19 wasn't all that better than 17's, the tutoring system didn't seem to do anything for me, and I know the advances in technology mean things will be slower but 19 just seemed to plod along whereas 17 I could play 7 months in game and not realise, but 19 I'd be thinking man I've been at this game for over 2 hours and literally only done 4 weeks in game time in those 2 hours. Also it may just be me, but when I'm on 19 and click a player or staff or whatever, the game seems to take a second or so longer than it did in 17 to open that screen up, same with match day screens but that probably goes back to the technology being more advanced. Anyway, I'll be sticking to 17 until the third patch from 20 which won't be until April next year, but the demo will be getting downloaded and if it's better, or at least more enjoyable for me than 19 I may buy earlier.

Also, just to put my own experience into this conversation, I too have played for 20 years, first game being CM 99/00 and played every edition since.
6 years ago
1 year ago
Well that escalated quickly

Gotta say though, 5k hours on something you don't like, that's commitment right there! All that anger and I'm betting you'll still buy FM20

Well, I'm rather enjoying the game, just got my first promotion after 10 seasons, back to where I started as I got relegated the second season in, had some proper punch the air moments. Thoroughly enjoying myself, hoping to get maybe one more promotion before FM20.

Well, i felt that my opinion about this game series was questioned in a rather aggressive way in itself. And though i can understand that somebody feel the need for me to point all of my issues out and put it all down in words to have a strong case i just feel like, "What´s the point?".

SI makes the game with little to no improvements each year and i know already what it means to come with constructive criticism against this game already.
It just becomes a little world war 3 and i rather avoid it then.
If i will buy FM 2020 i doubt. Then i must be really stupid, bored or lost in a dream about it ever improving to a point where i will HAVE to say:
"Congrats. and thanks SI for a splendid football management game!"

Well this thread has certainly turned sour. I'll try get things back on track

For me I just want to enjoy the game, for one reason or another I just couldn't get on with 18 and 19 gave me not 1, not 2 but 3 game breaking bugs on all 3 of my saves I committed to, and that sapped the enjoyment out of it for me, and as such I went back to 17 and still love every minute of 17. The match engine in 19 wasn't all that better than 17's, the tutoring system didn't seem to do anything for me, and I know the advances in technology mean things will be slower but 19 just seemed to plod along whereas 17 I could play 7 months in game and not realise, but 19 I'd be thinking man I've been at this game for over 2 hours and literally only done 4 weeks in game time in those 2 hours. Also it may just be me, but when I'm on 19 and click a player or staff or whatever, the game seems to take a second or so longer than it did in 17 to open that screen up, same with match day screens but that probably goes back to the technology being more advanced. Anyway, I'll be sticking to 17 until the third patch from 20 which won't be until April next year, but the demo will be getting downloaded and if it's better, or at least more enjoyable for me than 19 I may buy earlier.

Also, just to put my own experience into this conversation, I too have played for 20 years, first game being CM 99/00 and played every edition since.

Thanks and cheers for your input then. We all should be able to say, think and feel the need to have a negative opinion about it if we have one. In a good and decent way of course.
We just have to at some point agree to disagree like adults or adults wannabe´s at least.
10 years ago
1 hour ago
I’d like to see a ‘loan manager’ staff role added.

It is becoming more frequent than clubs have a dedicated staff member who deals wholly with Loan players.

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