Nation of Yugoslavia (renamed Serbia) whith the 6 tier league system

The ex nations have no clubs but are still present in the euro qualifiers and world qualifiers.

I have tested it for 5 seasons and had no problems. Try it and report any bugs if you spot any. I will make a database where all the Yugo players are back home.

For the leagues I picked the teams by their rep. The first 2 levels are unified and the third level is made of three divisions (yugoslav regions), West - Croatia and Slovenia, East - Serbia and Bosnia, South - Macedonia and Montenegro. The rest of the levels are national leagues.

Yugoslav cup - teams from all playable leagues (all 6 levels) are playing in the comp, 512 of them where teams from the top levels join from second round.

The file is in xml format for now
14 years ago
15 hours ago
Many thanks to SRKI for allowing me to share here.
4 years ago
3 years ago

I wanted to make some changes in the editor using this xml, but gives me errors when I test the competitions.
So I can not use the save in the game.

errors like Yugo sixt youth league does not have enough clubs ect..

Do you know what is the solution?

Hvala unapred
9 years ago
1 month ago
yeah, here also. and i'm trying to import it to fm19, thought that was the problem
Dinko Arslanovic
4 years ago
2 years ago

is this compatible with fm22, and will there be a rerelease?  I like the introduction of the conference league.

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