Nation of Yugoslavia (renamed Serbia) whith the 6 tier league system

The ex nations have no clubs but are still present in the euro qualifiers and world qualifiers.

I have tested it for 5 seasons and had no problems. Try it and report any bugs if you spot any. I will make a database where all the Yugo players are back home.

For the leagues I picked the teams by their rep. The first 2 levels are unified and the third level is made of three divisions (yugoslav regions), West - Croatia and Slovenia, East - Serbia and Bosnia, South - Macedonia and Montenegro. The rest of the levels are national leagues.

Yugoslav cup - teams from all playable leagues (all 6 levels) are playing in the comp, 512 of them where teams from the top levels join from second round.

The file is in xml format for now
14 years ago
3 hours ago
Many thanks to SRKI for allowing me to share here.
4 years ago
3 years ago

I wanted to make some changes in the editor using this xml, but gives me errors when I test the competitions.
So I can not use the save in the game.

errors like Yugo sixt youth league does not have enough clubs ect..

Do you know what is the solution?

Hvala unapred
9 years ago
1 month ago
yeah, here also. and i'm trying to import it to fm19, thought that was the problem
Dinko Arslanovic
4 years ago
2 years ago

is this compatible with fm22, and will there be a rerelease?  I like the introduction of the conference league.

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