Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive just under 490,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.

  • 490,238
  • 2025.04 - Released on 11 Mar 2025
Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

14 years ago
4 days ago
On the wish to speed up things with those mixpacks a little bit and make job easier for cuters I'll post full list of all undone collections as it was on the old forum.We have very large number of those packs so maybe we could concentrate on sorting out that problem.I was doing that before,and at the end all those packs was done.I'll post links of original mixpacks links but pay attention on comments since in those comments will be posted UID numbers of all images wich are done in the meanwhile,so delete them at start.Also I'll put attachment packs in comment so you can download them,some images will be changed with much better sources.I'll check all packs with most recent update.There is not obligation to do full mixpack,if something is hard to be done for some cuter.Just do what ever you can and post back undone images in comment with tag@ to Mons,krissmed,or me.In my opinion I think that missing images should be priority,since it's better to have something than nothing.

Missing Mixpacks:

FM20 missing mixpack 5 - 11 images
FM20 missing mixpack 6 - 11 images

Improvement Mixpacks:
FM20 improvement mixpack 1 - 9 images
FM20 improvement mixpack 3 - 10 images
FM20 improvement mixpack 4 - 9 images

14 years ago
4 days ago
In past two weeks or more I've checked all these mixpacks with 10.12 or 11.0 MP.

-all done images are marked or deleted
-all bad/poor/uncutable images are replaced with newer/much better/very cutable images
-all double request are removed/deleted with only one HQ best source left

At final we have more than 100 collection with 765 missing and 645 improvements.

P.S.s :In most of the mixpacks in comments you have missing/improvement attachments wich is only thing that have to be done,or we wrote wich images should be deleted from original pack/all images wich are done.

I just wanted to ask all cuters for help,without any obligation at first,this is just a small reminder.Sorry for disturb lads.Thank you for all cuts 'till now.

@mons @rekooner2 @geordie1981 @HRiddick @Belajariman @maxtod77 @Cut out 4 this @marrtac @Swedie @cksrl1000 @FM Bard @Giro @lele298 @arryst @Stoker96
14 years ago
4 days ago
@StaffMan if you are also interested feel free to help since I see some very good cuts from you recently
8 years ago
6 hours ago
@Baja no problem baja , i can help ,
17 years ago
10 hours ago
@Rowan what happened with making the missing mix packs? you were on such a great mission to get them out of the way..... but seriously I hope you will resume you work at getting these missing and improvement made because it would be a shame if all @Baja hard work goes to waste
17 years ago
2 months ago
I'm working through images I collected myself since playing FM...(see attached) and posting them individually in the requests, I will get back to them soon....although it felt a bit of a losing battle with only me doing them
14 years ago
4 days ago
On the wish to speed up things with those mixpacks a little bit and make job easier for cuters I'll post full list of all undone collections as it was on the old forum.We have very large number of those packs so maybe we could concentrate on sorting out that problem.I was doing that before,and at the end all those packs was done.I'll post links of original mixpacks links but pay attention on comments since in those comments will be posted UID numbers of all images wich are done in the meanwhile,so delete them at start.Also I'll put attachment packs in comment so you can download them,some images will be changed with much better sources.I'll check all packs with most recent update.There is not obligation to do full mixpack,if something is hard to be done for some cuter.Just do what ever you can and post back undone images in comment with tag@ to Mons,krissmed,or me.In my opinion I think that missing images should be priority,since it's better to have something than nothing.

Missing Mixpacks:
Missing 44 - 12 images
Missing 45 - 16 images
Missing 47 - 15 images
Missing 48 - 8 images
Missing 51 - 11 images
Missing 53 - 18 images
Missing 54 - 13 images
Missing 55 - 17 images
Missing 56 - 11 images
Missing 57 - 10 images
Missing 59 - 11 images
Missing 60 - 10 images
Missing 61 - 9 images
Missing 63 - 10 images
Missing 66 - 12 images
Missing 81 - 6 images
Missing 83 - 4 images
Missing 84 - 10 images
Missing 86 - 9 images
Missing 87 - 8 images

Improvement Mixpacks:
Improvements 6 - 9 images
Improvements 8 - 6 images
Improvements 9 - 10 images
Improvements 10 - 11 images
Improvements 11 - 10 images
Improvements 12 - 8 images
Improvements 13 - 12 images
Improvements 15 - 12 images
Improvements 16 - 8 images
Improvements 17 - 10 images
Improvements 22 - 11 images
Improvements 23 - 11 images
Improvements 24 - 8 images
Improvements 25 - 9 images
Improvements 26 - 6 images
Improvements 27 - 7 images
Improvements 28 - 11 images
Improvements 29 - 8 images
Improvements 30 - 9 images
Improvements 31 - 12 images
Improvements 32 - 5 images
Improvements 41 - 14 images
Improvements 42 - 10 images
Improvements 43 - 17 images
Improvements 44 - 11 images
Improvements 45 - 10 images
Improvements 46 - 7 images
Improvements 48 - 10 images
Improvements 49 - 9 images
Improvements 50 - 12 images
Improvements 51 - 12 images
Improvements 52 - 17 images
Improvements 53 - 9 images
Improvements 54 - 10 images
Improvements 55 - 9 images
Improvements 56 - 8 images
Improvements 57 - 12 images
Improvements 59 - 4 images
Improvements 60 - 4 images
Improvements 61 - 7 images
Improvements 62 - 8 images
Improvements 63 - 10 images
Improvements 64 - 9 images
Improvements 65 - 8 images
Improvements 66 - 5 images
Improvements 67 - 9 images
Improvements 68 - 5 images
Improvements 69 - 7 images
Improvements 70 - 6 images
Improvements 71 - 8 images
Improvements 72 - 7 images
Improvements 73 - 8 images
Improvements 74 - 10 images
Improvements 75 - 8 images
Improvements 76 - 11 images
Improvements 78 - 12 images
Improvements 79 - 9 images
Improvements 80 - 8 images
Improvements 81 - 9 images
Improvements 83 - 9 images

All packs are re-checked with 11.07 update and re-uploaded in the comments of the original mixpacks,also in some of them are added better sources.Many tnx to all!
15 years ago
6 months ago
I'll hopefully get rid of all of the missing ones, but the improvements seems nearly impossible alone
18 years ago
31 minutes ago
I'll hopefully get rid of all of the missing ones, but the improvements seems nearly impossible alone

I'll be happy with whatever you manage to do

Some of the improvement packs are quite small in size, so anybody who wants to help out is much appreciated
12 years ago
2 months ago
Hi Mons, i did some cutting a few years ago but got sucked into other projects and games. Looking to help out a bit when i have some spare time. I've had a go at the Improvement pack 80. I've attached the file of the cuts i did. Happy to do more if they are up to scratch
18 years ago
31 minutes ago
Hi Mons, i did some cutting a few years ago but got sucked into other projects and games. Looking to help out a bit when i have some spare time. I've had a go at the Improvement pack 80. I've attached the file of the cuts i did. Happy to do more if they are up to scratch

I'll have a better look on Photoshop when I have the time (probably tomorrow evening) but at a first glance they all appear perfectly fine as they used to do when you used to cut before Just keep in mind that cuts should be either 250x250 in case of good sources and 180x180 in case of smaller ones, but there's very little else for me to say other than that, so crack on
18 years ago
31 minutes ago
@Baja, I admit I was skeptical when you started this thread, but thanks to our cutters and to your work in filtering the respective packs, it seems we are now very close to ensuring that ALL the individual requests since the request forum was started almost 3 years ago have been cut. Kudos to all
14 years ago
4 days ago
@Baja, I admit I was skeptical when you started this thread, but thanks to our cutters and to your work in filtering the respective packs, it seems we are now very close to ensuring that ALL the individual requests since the request forum was started almost 3 years ago have been cut. Kudos to all

I was also really skeptical,especially after second re-check of all packs...But now everything have a point,tnx to all guys wich helped during this time.I'm really don't have enough words to show my appreciation to all,great work!
14 years ago
4 days ago
@mons post mixpacks missing and improvement on first post since I've seen few collections,and it would be easier to track them
18 years ago
31 minutes ago
@mons post mixpacks missing and improvement on first post since I've seen few collections,and it would be easier to track them

I've been really busy lately, so if anyone else could do this, it'd be great. I hope to find the time to do so this weekend, when I'll possibly add some other collections.
14 years ago
4 days ago
I've been really busy lately, so if anyone else could do this, it'd be great. I hope to find the time to do so this weekend, when I'll possibly add some other collections.

I'll do it mate...finally my wedding day is Sunday so after that I'll get some free time at job,and have more free time for everything including help with cuts
18 years ago
31 minutes ago
I'll do it mate...finally my wedding day is Sunday so after that I'll get some free time at job,and have more free time for everything including help with cuts


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